First-class daughter

Chapter 169 The Emperor Arrives

Chapter 169 The Emperor Arrives
Chapter 169 The Emperor Arrives
Seeing her serious and meaningless appearance, Lian Siyue shook her head lightly and said, "The princess can do whatever she wants, no one can stop her."

The Eleventh Princess looked at Lian Siyue, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes without warning, and she murmured, "How can I do whatever I want, and no one will accompany me to do what I want to do."

"Princess, do you have something on your mind?" Lian Siyue caught the disappointment in her eyes and asked.

For some reason, these eleven princesses seem unruly, unreasonable, and do their own way, but Lian Siyue doesn't really hate her in his heart, and even has a little sympathy for her——

Is it because she knew in advance that she died young, and even the royal ancestral hall did not have her life ending?No, she was born again, with hatred, viciousness, and schemes in her body, but she didn't bring this overflowing sympathy!
When Eleventh Princess heard Lian Siyue's question, she quickly hid the dimness in her eyes, regained her energetic appearance, and said clearly, "No, what can I have on my mind, I'm just thinking about your brother If you want to plead guilty to me, how should I humiliate him! I must humiliate him severely, who told him to wrong me and not trust me, and no one has ever dared to do this to me!"

"Princess, please be merciful." Lian Siyue begged for Lian Jue, and said.

"It depends on his performance at that time!" Princess Eleven blinked, and there was a gleam of brilliance in those watery eyes.

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say, I should go!" Princess Eleven stood up, walked out of the tent, walked a few steps, turned around again, and explained solemnly:

"Lian Siyue, remember not to tell him that I came to look for you, you want him to feel that I didn't know he would come to plead guilty, you know?"

"Okay, I promise the princess." Lian Siyue nodded.

"Then I'm really leaving!" Princess Eleven didn't stay any longer, opened the tent and walked out.

The bonfire banquet at night began. This banquet was regarded as a blessing for the hunting competition the next day, praying for the prosperity of the world and the safety of everyone.

In the night, a circle of bonfires surrounded the hunting ground, and the whole sky was set in a fiery red, and people were singing and laughing.

The banquet site is divided into three areas, the front of the center is the seat of the emperor, empress and concubines, and the left and right sides are respectively the male guest area and the female guest area.

Even when Siyue arrived, everyone knew that she was the person who was startled by the horse today, and several His Royal Highnesses went to look for her one after another. There was a commotion at the scene, and everyone looked at her with probing eyes, wanting to see What does the heroine of the event look like——

Lian Siyue knew that such a situation would arise, but she didn't show any discomfort, but calmly walked to her seat and sat down. She didn't want to be the focus, and it was best for everyone Everyone ignores her.

There was only one purpose for her rebirth, but she never thought of becoming a dragon and becoming a phoenix, and she was not interested in any prince.

She was wearing a creamy white and peach-red wide shirt with a cross-neck collar, and a small moon-white embroidered cloak. Her earrings were made of white pearls. She only had a jade butterfly hairpin on her head. She was low-key and calm, and did not want to attract attention. , unwilling to show off the limelight, but the natural cool and noble temperament exudes from the bones, giving people a sense of alienation that can only be seen from a distance.

"Lian Siyue." As soon as she sat down, she heard a voice, and when she looked up, it was her——

"Miss Liu."

Liu Xiren was wearing a silver-purple fur coat embroidered with lotus flowers and a honey-colored pleated skirt. The steps on his head swayed gently as he spoke, making him look very beautiful.

This time, she didn't have the previous hostility towards Lian Siyue. She looked around and said, "You have finally improved. This time I didn't see your third younger sister who took the lead. I think the scenery in my eyes is much better."

Lian Siyue secretly laughed in her heart, dare to love Liu Xiren, the person she hated in the previous life was not her, but Lian Shiya, it was she who rushed forward to protect Lian Shiya, and ended up becoming an "old enemy" with Liu Xiren .

She said, "Third sister is sick, this kind of occasion is not with her, my grandmother won't let her come."

Liu Xiren pursed his lips and grinned, "I knew about it a long time ago. I heard it's a ghost."

"Miss Liu, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, or it will damage the reputation of my Xiangfu." Lian Siyue sat upright and said.

"Hee hee..." Liu Xiren smiled and said, "Okay, I understand, I won't talk nonsense, don't worry."

While the two were chatting, the seats gradually filled up, and the seats opposite, the Fourth Highness, the Sixth Highness, the Eighth Highness, and the Ninth Highness also appeared one by one.

When several princes appeared, there was another commotion in the female guest area, and many famous ladies were discussing in whispers which prince is the most handsome, which prince has the best jade hairpin, and which prince is taking the princess soon? .

As for the men's area, some people were thinking in their minds, which His Royal Highness is most likely to inherit the position of crown prince, and since the crown prince was abolished, the emperor has not yet decided on a candidate for the crown prince. Before giving up completely, the crown prince is very likely to be established again. In this case, it is also possible for the Ninth Prince to rise again.

In short, the situation between the DPRK and China is still complicated and confusing, and everyone is walking on thin ice, trembling.

Feng Yunzheng's faint eyes seemed to pass by Lian Siyue inadvertently. She was pure and beautiful like an ice lotus, and she looked very noble and proud among the many Yingying Yanyans who worked hard to make up. A gratified smile.

Lian Siyue felt this staring gaze, her gaze swept over lightly, and briefly touched him.

"Miss Lian." At this moment, a soft and tender voice sounded beside her, she turned her head to look and greeted, "Miss Liu."

It turned out that the person sitting next to her was Liu Yanyu, the granddaughter of Liu Guogong, and her appearance really lived up to her name - Yan Ruyu.

Liu Yanyu showed her a gentle smile and said:

"I've heard Princess An mention Miss Lian many times, and I've also heard about your wonderful performance at the princess's chrysanthemum banquet. It's a pity that I happened to be unwell that day and couldn't make it. It's a coincidence that I will sit with you today. in one place."

Liu Yanyu seems to be gentle and harmless, kind and pleasant, and has no offensive power.

Lian Siyue said, "Princess loves you so much, Ms. Liu has won the prize."

"The emperor is here, and the empress is here!"

While talking, they heard the eunuch's high-pitched and shrill voice, and everyone immediately knelt down and shouted——

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

Lian Siyue raised her head and looked at the man who was ascending to a high position——

Emperor Cheng of Zhou, aged four or five, was wearing Yisa (the fourth sound of yi and the third sound of sa), with cross-collared right lapel, narrow sleeves, and a belt of gold, jade and precious stones around his waist. Embroidered with dragon and cloud patterns, wearing a hat on the head, the top of the hat is made of gold, jade and gemstones, and black boots on the feet.

(End of this chapter)

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