First-class daughter

Chapter 170 Campfire Banquet

Chapter 170 Campfire Banquet
Chapter 170 Campfire Banquet
His eyes slowly swept across the audience, exuding the unique majesty of an emperor, even Siyue remembered that this Emperor Zhou Cheng had been in power for more than [-] years, and he had done nothing and had no faults.

Calculated according to the time, a certain decision he will make in the near future will shock the government and the public, and will surprise all the princes.

Empress Duanwen came holding hands with Emperor Cheng. The empress was wearing a red woven gold peony jacket with twigs and peony makeup. The buttons were made of pure gold. Dragon multicolored cloud patterns, black gauze pointed brown hat on the head, peach hearts inserted in the hoop, top hairpin, phoenix hairpin, gorgeous, dignified and beautiful.

After Feng Qianyue ascended the throne, he respected Empress Duanwen as the empress dowager and lived in Yongshou Palace, probably in order to cover up his killing of brothers and brothers in front of the world, and probably to save himself a little bit of sin. Be respectful.

She often visited Yongshou Palace, and the Empress Dowager loved their daughter Le Yan very much. Thinking about it, Duanwen's only son, Prince Fengming, was gone at that time. .

Following the empress are the accompanying concubines, princesses and others.

"Pingshen." The emperor's deep and majestic voice interrupted Lian Siyue's reverie, and when he looked up again, the empress and the empress had already taken their seats, and everyone below returned to their seats one by one.

"Let's get started." The emperor nodded to the ceremony officer and motioned.

As the fireworks flew into the sky, the bonfire banquet officially began——

In the middle, a cluster of tall fireworks is burning, and a whole sheep is being roasted, which has the meaning of auspiciousness. The maids and eunuchs filed in and put the food and wine on the tables of the masters one by one.

The music sounded, and the actors and dancers came on stage one by one. It was bustling and bustling. Everyone was talking and admiring the performance. Several princes came forward one by one to pay respects to the emperor.

First, the eighth prince, Feng Ye, and the sixth prince, Feng Yu, walked to the center, held wine glasses in their hands, knelt down on one knee, and said, "I wish my father, the dragon and the dragon, good health and peace in the world."

Then the fourth prince and the tenth prince Feng Rong also stepped forward and said congratulations, and then the other princes and princesses. The emperor looked at the many children. The princes were all handsome and heroic, and the princesses were all beautiful. With a satisfied look on his face.

And when the last one—Jiu Wang Feng Yunzheng greeted the emperor alone, the atmosphere on the scene became a little dignified and stiff.

In the past, he and the prince always went in and out together, but now they are alone.

The expression on the emperor's face was far less amiable than before, and his tone seemed very cold and alienated. He said: "I only hope that you will keep your duty in the mansion, study hard, and make up classics, which can be considered as a contribution to future generations."

It turned out that the emperor had ordered the Nine King Feng Yunzheng to organize the compilation of the book "Great Zhou Heng Lun".

Feng Yunzheng bowed his head and said respectfully, "Yes, I would like to follow my father's instruction."

"..." Lian Siyue suddenly heard the same sobbing sound next to her. She was taken aback, turned her head, and saw Liu Yanyu next to her was lowering her head and wiping her tears, and said, "Your Highness Ninth Prince is really pitiful, this is Fengshen Junyi , a person with extraordinary talent, but being burdened by a good concubine, has no enthusiasm for serving the court, so he can only stay in the mansion to do some things to kill time."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue couldn't help frowning slightly, reached out and took the wine pot, slowly poured it into the jade cup in front of Liu Yanyu, and said in a low voice:
"Miss Liu, your wine has spilled."

Liu Yanyu, who was immersed in sadness, was taken aback when she heard this voice without warmth, two teardrops were still hanging on her cheeks, she looked down again, and sure enough, the wine glass was filled up for her by Lian Siyue. The wine, full, spilled on the table—

There was a shiver in her mind, a chill rose up her spine, and she suddenly understood what Lian Siyue meant——

Now, it is the time when the Ninth Prince is being demoted, and although the matter of Princess An's intention to match her and the Ninth Prince has not been finalized, it is well known.She complained about the Ninth Prince's injustice on such an occasion. If someone with a heart listened to her and sued her in front of the emperor, the emperor would think that the Ninth King was dissatisfied with him.

Dissatisfaction with the emperor is a serious crime, and it will implicate the nine kings and be punished.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanyu quickly picked up the overflowing wine, toasted Lian Siyue hastily, and said, "Miss Yan Yu Xie Lian reminds me, don't dare to talk nonsense again."

Lian Siyue's face remained unchanged, and said calmly, "I didn't say anything, Miss Liu, the food is getting cold, eat quickly."

"Yes, let's eat." Liu Yanyu's heart was still pounding, if Princess An knew that she was here feeling sad for the Ninth Prince, she would definitely be angry!

At this time, the originally thick and exciting tune on the field stopped, and a melodious tune sounded slowly, like snow flying, ethereal like the sound of the sky.

People unknowingly stopped what they were doing and looked into the field.

I saw four people in white robes walking over holding a jade plate, the jade plate was only the size of a small table, crystal clear, engraved with five grains, implying a good harvest.

And what is amazing is that there is a person standing on one leg on the jade plate. She is wearing a purple dress of Yunfu, which is light and silky. She covers her face with a wide cloud sleeve, like a fairy Lingbo. Generally, it floats into the eyes of everyone.

who is thisEveryone was curious.

When her hands were slowly moved away from her face, and her sleeves were slowly rolled down, a face finally appeared in everyone's eyes——on that face, half-curved phoenix eyes hid amber, and vermilion lips were dotted with cherries.

It turned out that this person was Concubine Xuan.

She smiled slightly in the direction of Emperor Cheng, her winking eyes looked bright, and a satisfied smile appeared on Emperor Cheng's face.

As we all know, Concubine Xuan has excellent dancing skills. At the beginning, she conquered Emperor Cheng with a martial dance "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle", and then brought it back to Kyoto from Ruyang, and a dancer was directly canonized as a third-rank concubine.The next step is to rise to the top of the sky. In just two years, she has been promoted all the way, and she has been favored unabated. Until now, she is a first-rank concubine, which is really enviable.Everyone present today, it is Sansheng's fortune to see her dance.

I saw Concubine Xuan knelt down on the square-inch jade plate, and said, "Come on, the balls are mixed, big beads and small beads fall on the jade plate. The concubine has learned a new jade plate dance. I hope the emperor will invite the concubine to dance with you." This dance worships the heaven and the earth, and prays for the emperor and empress, may my dynasty last forever, and may the people live and work in peace and contentment."

"Jade Plate Dance? It's the first time I've heard of it. My concubine dances quickly. Let me and everyone feast their eyes on it." Emperor Cheng revealed an expression full of interest, and Longyan said joyfully.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

After finishing speaking, I saw Concubine Xuan standing up slowly, tiptoing one foot, slowly raising her hand to the top of her head, and spun around on the jade plate.

This small jade plate has become the dancing world of Concubine Xuan. She is as light as a swallow, and her dancing posture is amazing. It is really——

(End of this chapter)

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