Chapter 171
Chapter 171
Flying and whirling, the snow is light, Yan Ran sends You Long startled, Xiao Liu is weak behind her hands, and clouds are born when she slantly drags her skirt.Yan'e was a little overwhelmed, her wind sleeves were lowered as if she was affectionate...


At this time, I saw Concubine Xuan slowly falling down, kneeling on the jade plate, her body curled up like a newborn baby, which shocked people's hearts.

The queen on the seat was only holding the wine glass with both hands, and there was a chill in her eyes, but in order to maintain the queen's demeanor, she forced a smile and said a word of praise from time to time.

Concubine Xu Xian sighed softly from the bottom of her heart, she was fading and loved, how could she compare to the young and beautiful Concubine Xuan, the women in the palace, their fate is like this, everything depends on the emperor's preferences, let's say that the good concubine has always been a beautiful concubine. Known for her character, the emperor also respected her a lot, but in the end she was left to live in the cold palace.

Fortunately, she has her Ye'er here, Ye'er is courageous and knowledgeable in martial arts and martial arts, and is deeply trusted and trusted by the emperor, she thought, and looked at Feng Ye who was seated—

But tonight, Ye'er seemed to be a little absent-minded, with misty eyes, and her mind was not on Concubine Xuan's dance at all.

She was startled, what happened to him?Do you have something on your mind?She thought about today's incident of her Ye'er anxiously chasing the prime minister's daughter Lian Siyue, and some thoughts came to her mind.

Connected Daughter...

She couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue——


On the jade plate, Concubine Xuan's dance gradually entered the state of high court. I saw that she stood up, twirled her sleeves like a fairy, and then let her body slowly lean forward. Everyone was surprised, really thought that she would ride the wind After returning home, Emperor Cheng even leaned forward with a nervous look on his face.

When the crowd did not dare to breathe, she retracted her movements freely, and Emperor Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

When people were intoxicated by Concubine Xuan's graceful and magical dancing posture, Lian Siyue was always watching with cold eyes. Only she could clearly see who the concubine Xuan was looking at on the stage——

From the beginning to the end, the direction of her dance was clearly facing Feng Qianyue, and the person she was looking at with her tender eyes was not the aloof Emperor Zhou Cheng, but Prince Yue Feng Qianyue!

And what about Feng Qianyue?
Lian Siyue's condensed gaze looked at him leisurely through the blazing bonfire, only to see that he held a wine glass in his hand and drank gently, like everyone else, he seemed to be admiring the extraordinary beauty of Concubine Xuan. His dancing posture, but she could tell, his eyes were clearly... wandering.

Hehe, thinking of what Feng Qianyue was thinking at this moment, Lian Siyue felt overwhelmed and felt a deep sense of discomfort.

Feng Qianyue felt a familiar sharp gaze looking at him, he paused the hand holding the wine glass, looked up, and saw Lian Siyue's meaningful gaze.

This time, Lian Siyue didn't look away immediately, but looked straight at him, but there was clearly deep disgust and disgust in that gaze.

He was startled, panic flashed in his eyes, and he quickly glanced in the direction of Concubine Xuan——

Could it be that Lian Siyue saw something?Why?Why does she act like she knows him well every time.

Thinking of the repeated setbacks in recent deployments, Feng Qianyue began to suspect that someone had firmly grasped his plan behind the scenes, and this person was Lian Siyue who had a weird attitude towards him!

As for Concubine Xuan, did she also see through it?
But how is this possible?

No, not possible!
He denied this idea again, even his father didn't notice anything, her half-old child had never even been to the palace, let alone seen Concubine Xuan, how could he see through the plan he had deployed ten years ago .

That year, Uncle Zou Ninghai was in charge of building the emperor's palace in Ruyang. He could do a lot of things in the palace, so he asked the emperor to have fun with him, and the emperor agreed.

One day, while sitting in the sedan chair, he accidentally saw the seven-year-old Youxuan selling her body to bury her father on the streets of Ruyang. He saw her sad and pitiful appearance from a distance. Although she was young, she could already see her future beauty in her eyes. posture.

Seeing her kowtow on the ground begging for help, a gloomy look gradually appeared on the corner of his lips, and a plan was born in his heart.

He bought Youxuan and built a house in the suburbs of Ruyang in the name of a housekeeper. He also bought a maid and a nanny to serve her. Who is she.

It took a whole three years like this until Youxuan was ten years old and when he first took on the form of a woman, he officially appeared in front of her as a benefactor, and at the same time brought the best dancers, musicians, painters, etc., Train her and cultivate her according to the most beautiful female form in men's minds.

He told her that he wanted her to do something that only she could do for him. Youxuan had long been in love with Feng Qianyue, who had never masked her face. Shen Shen went all out for Feng Qianyue's demands.

After another three years, when he felt that Youxuan was good enough for his task, he quietly sent her into Ruyang Palace, waiting for the arrival of the emperor.

He waited for a whole year, and when Youxuan was 14 years old, his father finally visited Ruyang.

In the Ruyang Palace, he saw Youxuan, who was dancing with extraordinary posture. Feng Qianyue's painstaking efforts were not in vain. Emperor Cheng fell in love with her at first sight, and favored her that night. Chengdi's favorite concubine, was promoted all the way to first-rank concubine, and then according to his plan, he successfully defeated the emperor's most respected concubine, and got rid of the nine kings by the way.

Concubine Xuan's plan was completed in Ruyang, and the whole plan was carried out seamlessly, and the housekeeper, maid, mother-in-law, dancer, musician, and luthier were all killed at the same time. Finally, it was found out that he was related to Concubine Xuan. Just the two of them.

According to his investigation, the farthest place Lian Siyue has ever been to is Yaocheng, so it is impossible for her to know about Concubine Xuan, so she is playing tricks again, yes, that's it!

Feng Qianyue was relieved, a stone fell from his heart, and he also stared straight back at Lian Siyue, with a trace of provocation in his gaze——

He is Feng Qianyue, he vowed to win the throne, trampled under his feet all those who looked down on him and those who tortured him, how could his emotions be overwhelmed by a mere grown-up child? left and right.


His eyes were slightly gathered, and he looked directly at Lian Siyue, and the two evenly matched forces secretly competed.

When the song was over, Concubine Xuan fell down from the jade plate like a flying swallow, crawled on the ground, led the craftsmen and musicians to put their foreheads on the ground, and said loudly, "My concubine wishes the emperor great blessings, and the queen! The empress is auspicious and peaceful."

"I wish the emperor great blessings and the heavens, and the empress and empress auspiciousness and peace!" Everyone knelt down one after another and shouted after Concubine Xuan.

"Good! Aifei's dancing skills have improved a lot, and she always cares about the common people. It's really rare. Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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