Chapter 172
Chapter 172
The emperor's face was very joyful, Concubine Xuan obviously wanted to win the dragon's heart by dancing, but she said that praying was originally a melodious sound, singing and dancing, but she said it was a sacred and inviolable prayer, even the empress could not say that she What, as expected of a person trained by Feng Qianyue.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." Concubine Xuan happily knelt down again to thank her, and returned to her seat contentedly. She pretended to casually look over to Feng Qianyue, hoping to win his approval, but——

Her eyes dimmed because there was no one in his place.

Her heart froze slightly, this dance was the result of several months of research for him, and she just wanted to take this opportunity to show him. When she was dancing just now, she realized that he didn't look at her at all, but that... ... even like the moon.

And now, where did people go?
Also, she glanced at Lian Siyue's direction again, and she was gone!
She suddenly felt a tension and concern that she had never felt before.

The truth is cruel, and those who know the truth are suffering even more. Lian Siyue endured watching Concubine Xuan's jade plate dance, and while everyone was drinking to cheer, she quietly left the banquet and walked outside the hunting ground. Let's go, to dissipate the suffocation in her chest, she is really afraid that if she continues to watch, she will not be able to help but spit out a mouthful of old blood

She was sitting on a horizontal tree trunk, looking up at the stars in the sky, her feet were naturally hanging down, shaking slightly, at this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind her——

She was about to turn around happily, but she realized that the footsteps were not as brisk as Jue'er's at all. The smile on her face gradually faded, and she said coldly:

"Your Highness is not enjoying such a beautiful dance inside, what are you doing out there?"

"You were scared by the horse today, is there anything else?" Feng Qianyue stood behind her and asked, as if caring for her, but her tone was very blunt and deliberate, "There is no second time today The reason why I chased after you into the woods is because..."

"What exactly does the Fourth Highness want to say?" Lian Siyue interrupted him coldly, jumped lightly from the tree trunk, jumped down, looked at him like a monster, what did he mean?As if she cared if he came to see her.

"In yesterday's situation, the matter will definitely reach Father's ears. After thinking about it carefully, it would be better if I don't catch up at that time. Besides, the eighth and ninth brothers have already caught up with the tricks. Come to think of it. You won't be in any danger." There seemed to be a trace of apology in Feng Qianyue's eyes.

Lian Siyue's brows frowned even tighter, and said, "I've never paid attention to what the Fourth Highness said, so naturally His Highness doesn't need to care, my business has nothing to do with you."

"Really?" He twitched his eyebrows lightly, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips. I have to say that he is a good-looking man, but his body is too dark, which always gives people a sense of sinisterness.

"Besides, as a prince, tactics and strategies are essential, but as a man, it's better to be frank." Lian Siyue couldn't help but sigh, how blind was her eyes in the previous life, It's because my heart is covered with lard that I fall in love with a man like him who never shows his sincerity.

If she picks on him like this, in the past, he would have become angry from embarrassment, but——

The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall. Feng Qianyue is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He seems to have not minded her sarcasm, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips, and said, "Who is this king? Didn't you Do you know? That’s right, this king is such a person, what you said is very correct, you just get used to it as soon as possible.”

"Why should I get used to someone who has nothing to do with me?" Lian Siyue frowned, where did he get his confidence, she needs to get used to him?
"Lian Siyue, you have to listen to every word I say. I put my words here, no matter the ends of the world or the hell, I will always chase you. No matter how you escape, you can't escape me. Remember Live, a lifetime is long, and you will eventually belong to me." He spoke slowly, but every word, every sentence was full of suffocating dominance and possessiveness.

Even Siyue's heart trembled, her brows furrowed deeper, and the gloom in her eyes deepened, her voice was as indifferent as Satan——

"Feng Qianyue, who are you, why do you say such things to me, have I allowed it? Don't pretend to be affectionate, I feel sick when I look at it! I know exactly what is going on in your heart, you said to my father You want to propose marriage to me, just to take me under your command so that you can control me! Then, listen carefully, I will also put my words here, what I want, the world, the world, and the underworld hand, if I don't want it, I will die together."

Feng Qianyue was not angry, looked at her closely with deep eyes, and said, "Very well, even Siyue, it was you who said that you would not hesitate to die with me, I will remember, so, you must Don't go to other people to perish together, remember to come to me, Eighth Emperor Brother, Ninth Emperor Brother, they are not worthy of your viciousness.


A confident smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said, "I won't let you die with me, I will eventually lead you to share the glory, just wait."

Sharing prosperity?

"I'm pooh! I'm pooh!" Lian Siyue couldn't hold back her rude spitting when she heard him say such words, she really wanted to pooh the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, she didn't even want the demeanor that a lady should have , "Feng Qianyue, can you be more funny and share the glory? Please, find someone else. I don't have this life, and I don't care about it."

With his nature, whoever shares the prosperity with him will be unlucky.

"..." But Feng Qianyue was not angry, and just looked at her with a half-smile.

This kind of solitude, even Siyue couldn't stand it anymore, she said, "Get out of the way, I'm leaving!" If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that she would not be able to resist beating him.

"Okay." Feng Qianyue raised her hands, took a step back consciously, and opened a way, Lian Siyue walked past him with a cold face.

Seeing Lian Siyue walking over, a figure flashed past immediately, and hid behind the haystack, a deep sadness flashed across that young and beautiful face.

"Miss, are you okay?" Leng Mei has been standing not far from her, watching Feng Qianyue's every move, with her ability, hiding here, even Feng Qianyue can't find it immediately.

"It's okay, Luzhi, let's go." Lian Siyue looked at the side of the haystack, a fleeting smile flashed in her eyes, and she seemed to smell a bit of blood.

Tomorrow will be a very difficult day.

When she returned to her seat, the banquet had come to an end, everyone was already drinking, there was no one on either side of her, Liu Yanyu had already walked to Princess An's side, and Liu Xiren drank two more glasses , and left with the help of a maidservant. Da Zhou's folk customs are relatively open, and it is not uncommon for women to drink in public.

Lian Siyue picked up the wine glass and slowly poured a glass of wine into her mouth. She looked up at the sky, the starry sky was twinkling, and the banquet hall was singing and laughing, was never peaceful!
(End of this chapter)

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