Chapter 173
Chapter 173
Everyone here has their own ulterior motives and secrets, and she, like a sober judge, watches everything that happens here with cold eyes!
Throughout the bonfire banquet, there was one person who always seemed a little absent-minded. He always liked to be lively, and he didn't drink with other princes. He just drank one cup after another with a cold face.

From the distance of the bonfire, Xiao Rou kept her eyes on him. Under the light of the fire, there was a faint luster flowing on his handsome face.

His Royal Highness is in a bad mood!
Xiao Rou read that there was something on his mind hidden in his eyes, she bit her lower lip lightly, and signaled to Xiao Shan who was sitting behind Feng Ye, she, a female guest, walked to the side of a prince by herself under the eyes of everyone It will definitely attract gossip, but it will be different if there is an older brother.

Xiao Shan understood, got up and took Xiao Rou to walk in front of Feng Ye, Xiao Rou smelled the strong aroma of wine on Feng Ye's body, and suddenly felt a little swaying in her heart.

Xiao Shan picked up the wine glass and said, "His Royal Highness, let us brothers and sisters have a drink with you."

"His Royal Highness, Rou'er will have a drink with you."

Feng Ye was depressed, when he suddenly heard a pretentiously charming voice, he felt annoyed, turned his head, and found that it was the two brothers and sisters of the Xiao family.

He suppressed the impatience in his heart, picked up the wine glass, and said perfunctorily, "This king has done it, you can do whatever you want."

"...Your Highness, don't drink any more..." Seeing that he was about to drink down another glass of wine, Xiao Rou hurriedly leaned over to cover the mouth of the glass with her hands, and her shoulders involuntarily approached his arms, " Drinking like this will hurt your body."

Concubine Xu Xian over there frowned when she saw Feng Ye's situation, feeling displeased, and asked, "Is Ye'er beside General Xiao Zhenhai's daughter Xiao Rou?"

"It's exactly what your mother said." Nanny Gong bent over and replied.

Concubine Xu Xian frowned even tighter. Although she was the daughter of the prosperous General Xiao Zhenhai, Concubine Xian was very cautious. She had been in the palace for decades, and she had reached the position of fourth concubine. She knew very well that she must survive in the palace. The character must be calm, and it should not be too ostentatious, especially if it is not a husband and wife to be so active, it is even more taboo!

This carelessness will bring disaster to Ye'er.

"General Xiao's literary and military strategy, and his three sons are all outstanding. This daughter seems to be a bit spoiled." She said in a cold tone.

Sensing the approach of a strange woman, Feng Ye stretched out the hand holding the wine glass to block it, separated a certain distance, and said indifferently, "This king has his own sense of proportion and doesn't like to control her. Miss Xiao is too worried!"

Xiao Rou was blocked by him so secretly, and her body was bounced far away as soon as she got close to her. She had a look of embarrassment on her face, she bit her lower lip, her eyes were misty, as Xiao Zhenhai's favorite She didn't even bat an eye when she didn't want anything, so many noble men were waiting for her to marry her when she was young, but the Eighth Highness had always been lukewarm to her.

She said a little aggrieved, "Sorry, Your Highness, it was Rou'er who was talking too much. Rou'er just saw that His Highness was in a bad mood and wanted to care about you."

"Thank you, this king just thinks the wine is mellow, so I want to drink a few more glasses. I'm not in a bad mood, and I have nothing on my mind." A false smile appeared on Feng Ye's face, which was so fake that he didn't even bother to hide it. .


"Rou'er..." Seeing this, Xiao Shan hurriedly held down Xiao Rou, shook his head at her, then bowed to Feng Ye, and said, "Your Highness, we brothers and sisters are bothering you, please take your time."

Only then did Xiao Shan pull away the unwilling Xiao Rou.

He could see that his sister had a deep affection for the Eighth Highness, but the Eighth Highness obviously had no interest in her. If Rou'er kept taking the initiative, it would seem that she was too entangled.

Arriving at a place with few people, Xiao Rou shook off Xiao Shan's hand and said angrily, "Brother, why did you drag me away? I still haven't finished my sentence."

Xiao Shan sighed, and said, "Little sister, you have to know that if the younger sister is interested and the husband is ruthless, a marriage cannot be made. If you are so reluctant, it will only make the man stay away from you. Besides, this Eighth Prince has always been rebellious and unruly. Famously, what he doesn’t want to do, unless the emperor gives an imperial decree, no one can force him.”

Xiao Rou was hit hard after hearing what her elder brother said, her heart was broken into pieces, she couldn't help shedding tears, and said with a sob, "But, I don't like others, I only like His Highness the Eighth Highness, I must Get him! When father comes back, let him ask the emperor to order a marriage!"

Xiao Shan sighed, and said, "Little sister, a twisted melon is not sweet, and you will not be happy if you force it."

"I don't care! I want it, I want it!" Xiao Rou stomped her foot, she didn't participate in the banquet, and ran back to her tent angrily.

Xiao Shan looked at her back and shook his head helplessly.

Once back in the tent, the more Xiao Rou thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, as if she had gone mad, she tore the handkerchief in her hand vigorously, cursing viciously:
"It's because the little bitch Lian Siyue seduced His Highness the Eighth Highness. During the day, the Eighth Highness went to rescue her, and at night, the Eighth Highness always looked at her! What's so good about her? She can't compare to me in terms of beauty!"

Seeing her like this, the servant girl turned pale with fright, and hurriedly reminded, "Miss, this is a hunting ground, so don't say anything, your wife told you before you left."

"What are you afraid of!" Xiao Rou blushed, and said angrily, "So what if Lian Siyue is the prime minister's daughter, Lian Siyue is a person who looks forward and backward, covets life and fears death, he is not as brave and decisive as his father, just watch, Lian Jia It will soon decline, and from now on, my Xiao family will be the most powerful in Kyoto."

She was cursing like venting, but the curtain of the tent was suddenly thrown open——

"Whoever doesn't have eyes, just come in to Miss Ben's place!" She got angry and got up from the low couch to have a look, but found that the person who came in was the person next to Concubine Xuan—Nurse Xu, so she hurriedly said He choked and said——

"Mommy, I thought..."

Nanny Xu didn't speak, she moved her body away, Xiao Rou was surprised to see Concubine Xuan who had just shined at the banquet came in, she was so beautiful, she was like a cloud when she walked in, no wonder the emperor would If she likes her so much, she will be amazed when she sees it.

"Miss Xiao..." Madam Xu called out.

Xiao Rou came back to her senses, quickly bowed and said, "Rou'er didn't know your mother was coming, please forgive me."

Concubine Xuan sat down on the chair in front of her, and glanced at the maid beside her. Xiao Rou understood, and immediately pushed the maid down, and asked again:

"I don't know why the empress came here?"

Concubine Xuan raised her eyes, without any concealment, she stared straight at Xiao Rou, as if she wanted to pull out her soul and torture her!
(End of this chapter)

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