First-class daughter

Chapter 1601 Persuasion

Chapter 1601 Persuasion
Chapter 1601 Persuasion
Hearing that Lin Zhiran defended the current emperor so much, the woman smiled and shook her head.

"Isn't it?" Lin Zhiran looked at her displeasedly and said.

"Miss Lin, you only know one thing, not the other." The man at the side said for the woman.

"Mystery, playing tricks, it doesn't matter if you don't listen to what you say, Qiufeng, let's go." Lin Zhiran got up and was about to leave. It was about talking about the emperor's affairs behind his back, so she had to be more cautious.

"What if Princess An's mansion and Prince Heng's mansion are enemies?" the woman said suddenly.

Lin Zhiran paused and turned around suddenly, "What did you say?"

The woman picked up two teacups casually, and pointed to one of them, "Now, the emperor is surrounded by two forces. One is Princess Anguo's Mansion. Princess Anguo assisted the former emperor to ascend the throne and supported the new emperor's enthronement. Her status is honorable. I intend to restrain my edge, but the forces behind the entire An Guo Princess Mansion cannot be underestimated."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the other one, "And the other force is Prince Heng's Mansion. Prince Heng Feng Yunzheng has a beautiful chest and a mystery in his sleeves, and Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue is another legendary woman. It is indestructible, and in addition, the empress dowager is also Feng Yunzheng's biological mother, Prince Heng's mansion is comparable to the princess' mansion."

"And these two forces are not only loyal to the emperor, but more importantly, they are all the queen's backstage. With them, the queen's position is unshakable."

Mentioning this, Lin Zhiran showed sarcasm, and said, "I know all of this, why do you want to tell me?"

"If..." The woman bumped the two teacups heavily, making a crisp sound, and then saw a crack appear in the two teacups.

"You said, if one day they become enemies, what will happen?"

After the woman finished speaking, she looked up at Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran was startled, looked at the cracks on the two cups, digested what the woman said, and was stunned.


What would happen if Princess An's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion were enemies?

How had it never occurred to her?

"Go on!" Lin Zhiran showed joy, and sat down again unable to hide his excitement.

The woman saw through Lin Zhiran's inner thoughts, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and continued, "If these two forces become enemies, not only will the harmony of the court be broken, but on the Queen's side, one is her adoptive mother and the other is her mother-in-law. Dear sister, when the adoptive mother and her own sister are enemies, the empress is about to face a difficult moment in her life. No matter which side she chooses to stand on, it will be bad for her. provoke."

"From now on, the empress will be attacked from both sides, and there will be no more days of peace." The man on the side said.

"And at this time, Miss Ruolin, have you been appreciated by Princess An?"

After Lin Zhiran heard these words, her heart was pounding violently, and she fell into a burst of ecstasy. The haze brought to her by Lingyue these days seemed to disappear at this moment.

"If Princess An and Concubine Heng are enemies, and the queen chooses to side with her sister, then Princess An will definitely find someone who is more obedient than the queen to replace the queen and send her to the emperor to compete for favor. It's your words..." The woman looked closely at Lin Zhiran and said firmly, "This is your only chance, Miss Lin."

Lin Zhiran held hands tightly, trembling all over because of what the woman said.

That's right, it was because that bitch Lian Yue was not only the adoptive daughter of Princess An, but also the younger sister of Princess Heng, that made her look short everywhere.

Also because of these two forces, even if Lian Yue dominates the harem alone, the courtiers dare not say anything. So many royal relatives and noble daughters who want to enter the palace as concubines but have not been betrothed to others can only look at the harem. position, resentment, but there is no way to do anything to the queen.

As the woman said, if these two forces are enemies, the court will definitely be turned upside down. Once Lian Yue has no An Sheng life, her good life will come soon!

"You're so right!" Lin Zhiran's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he couldn't wait to come up with a solution right away.


"Why do you help me like this? What do you want from me? I don't believe you have no purpose." Lin Zhiran regained consciousness a little, still looking at the woman vigilantly.

This woman has such a thorough analysis of the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, she must not be an ordinary person. Why did she find herself saying this?
Or is there some kind of conspiracy...

Even if she agrees with this person again, she must keep a sober mind.

After thinking about it, Lin Zhiran really felt that the woman in front of her was weird, she couldn't help furrowing her eyebrows, and asked again, "After all this, you have never revealed your identity, how can you make me believe you?"

The woman in front of me was mysterious when we met before, and I don't know if she really has some skills, or if she is a crazy woman herself, talking crazy things.

The woman smiled slightly and said, "Miss Lin's vigilance is so high, it makes me feel that I have found the wrong person, but the method is wrong, you are too anxious. Who am I, to Miss Lin, it doesn't matter at all. It's important, as long as I can help you achieve your wish, isn't it?"

"Then why do you want to help me achieve my wish?" Lin Zhiran asked again, "There is no random fate in this world, and all coincidences are a conspiracy. If you have a purpose, you might as well just say it."

The woman heard the words, the smile on her lips widened a bit, and she winked mysteriously at Lin Zhiran, "Because I enjoy the process of growing from weak to strong, I like to help the weak, and I like to watch them turn defeat into victory step by step , get everything they want. Miss Lin, don’t you find this exciting? "

"You are simply a lunatic!" Lin Zhiran raised her voice and said.

After calming down, Lin Zhiran asked again, "What do you want to gain by helping Miss Ben like this? You said, I'll give it to you, you didn't help Miss Ben in vain, did you? The pie in the sky, Ben The lady never believed it."

"Miss Lin still thinks too complicated about me. As for the reward, I just hope that when Miss Lin enters the harem and becomes the emperor's favorite concubine, she will not forget me." The woman's eyes showed some deep meaning, There was nothing showing on the face.

When it comes to the harem and the favorite concubine, it is impossible for Lin Zhiran not to be tempted.

But this woman's background is really weird, before she gets any benefits, who knows if that bitch Lian Yue sent her here to harm her!

"There is nothing to be courteous to, adultery or stealing. Miss Ben needs to think again about your proposed cooperation." Lin Zhiran maintained her usual pride, raised her chin, and looked at the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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