First-class daughter

Chapter 1602 one step further

Chapter 1602 Further

Chapter 1602 Further

Seeing that Lin Zhiran was already moved, but still wanted to talk, the woman didn't care about it, "I have given all my sincerity to this point. As for the final choice, it is Miss Lin's choice." Something happened."

After finishing speaking, the woman stood up, glanced at Lin Zhiran, and stepped out of the private room.

The man who had been silent all this time followed behind the woman, and when he passed by Lin Zhiran, his footsteps paused, "Miss Lin, since my master has chosen you, he will definitely help you to the end. If you meet Trouble, you can come to this teahouse to look for it at any time in the future. However, Miss Lin, don't have any bad thoughts, otherwise you will only suffer from it yourself. "

After the man finished speaking, he walked out of the private room and closed the door.

After Lin Zhiran sat alone in the private room for a while, she also walked out of the teahouse.

"Miss." Out of the private room, Qiu Feng, who had been guarding the door, greeted her.

"Where did those two people go after leaving the teahouse?" Lin Zhiran lowered his voice and glanced at Qiufeng.

"They are also here to do business, so they should go back to their own shop." Qiufeng said.

"Forget it, let's go back to the mansion first." Lin Zhiran looked around, and then walked downstairs.

On the sedan chair on the way back, Lin Zhiran kept hearing what the woman said just now, every word and every word was a great temptation to her.

Thinking about it, Lin Zhiran raised her hand, looked at the scar that still existed on her arm, her eyes became darker and darker.

The scars here clearly told her Lian Yue's methods and how she suffered under Lian Yue's hands that day.

Therefore, it is not feasible for her alone to fight Lianyue.

Lin Zhiran thought for a while, only to feel a headache, and couldn't help reaching out to lift the curtains of the sedan chair, trying to get some air.

"Stop, stop, all step aside!"

Suddenly there was a noise in front.

Immediately Lin Zhiran's sedan chair stopped, only to hear Qiu Feng say outside, "Miss, Princess An's sedan chair is here."

Hearing Princess An's name, Lin Zhiran was startled, and quickly said, "Help me out!"

"Yes, ma'am."

When Lin Zhiran got out of the sedan chair, all the people on the road outside had kneeled obediently to both sides of the road, and not far in front of her, the sedan chair of Princess An's Mansion was slowly walking forward.

Seeing this, Lin Zhiran hurried to the side, bent and knelt down.

Looking at the people kneeling in two rows in front of him, and at the battle-packed scene in front of him, Lin Zhiran's eyes revealed a hint of hope.

A woman like Princess An, may I ask, is there any woman in the Great Zhou Dynasty who doesn't envy her?
Princess Anguo not only has power in the court, but also plays an important role in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and she herself lives as she pleases. There are many men around her, and she doesn't care about the feelings of outsiders. Now that she is in her mid-mature, there are still young talents who love her. Love, write lyrics and poems for her, cry for her.

How great it would be if she could become such a woman one day?
At that time, she will be able to sit safely in the sedan chair like Princess An, accepting everyone's kneeling and enjoying the supreme honor.

Lin Zhiran thought about it, as if she had already seen her own future, she raised her head and stared at Princess An's face that was still as delicate as a young woman but represented the desire for power.

How fascinating.

At this time, Princess An's cold gaze slowly swept over, and it happened to fall on Lin Zhiran's face. Lin Zhiran was stunned, and hurriedly lowered her head, her heart suddenly jumped up.

"Miss, get on the sedan chair and go home quickly." After regaining her senses, Princess An's sedan chair had gone far away, and Qiu Feng helped Lin Zhiran who was on the ground, and said.

Lin Zhiran sat back in the sedan chair, but her thoughts were still stuck on the scene just now.

Thinking in my mind, Lian Siyue is Lian Yue's biological sister, and Princess An is Lian Yue's step-mother, her own sister and step-mother, two equally powerful women, but in Lian Yue's mind, she must be her own sister Higher than the mother-in-law.

Therefore, the only person Lin Zhiran could choose was Princess An.

However, Princess An has been immersed in power for many years, how can ordinary people win her trust?Especially when her relationship with the queen and Prince Heng's mansion has not yet broken down.

She thought about it, but couldn't do it.

"Stop!" she yelled suddenly.

"Miss, what's the matter?" Qiu Feng hurried over and asked.

"Go back!" Lin Zhiran clenched his fists in his sleeves and said.

"Go back?" Qiufeng didn't react for a while.

"Go to the teahouse just now, you go ask that woman out." Lin Zhiran made up his mind and said.

"Yes, Second Miss." Qiu Feng went forward and said something to the bearer, and asked them to fold the sedan chair back.


The woman looked at Lin Zhiran in front of her with a smile, and said, "Second Miss Lin has gone and returned, must have already figured it out?"

"I can promise you that once I enter the harem and become the emperor's concubine, no, empress, I will remember your advice today, and naturally I will not treat you badly. But if you want to use me and play tricks on me, then Miss Ben will never let you go, if necessary, I will drag you to hell with me!" Lin Zhiran said solemnly.

"Miss Lin Er's boldness is what I admire. You and I are in the same boat, and I will naturally go forward with you. Whoever leaves the boat will capsize," the woman said.

"Okay! It's a deal!" Lin Zhiran said, her voice trembling slightly because of excitement, "Then tell me, if I want to get into the eyes of Princess An, what should I do? Like my case."

"In this world, there is no long-term liking, and there is no long-term dislike. As long as you can win her favor, dislike will become like." The woman said firmly.

"I would like to hear the details." Lin Zhiran said.

"Do you still remember Princess An's former son-in-law?" the woman asked.

"The former son-in-law?" Lin Zhiran blinked and said, "The princess and the son-in-law have always been in love, but later they reconciled. I heard that it was because the princess began to dislike the son-in-law who was getting old and couldn't satisfy her...requirements in all aspects. Besides, there is a younger man beside her who will please her, so the princess abandoned Xue Renfu."

"That's a rumor from the outside world, but in fact, it's not true," the woman said.

"Isn't that so?" Lin Zhiran was puzzled.

"In fact, Princess An is the one who loves her more deeply. Xue Renfu, the son-in-law, has never loved her. It was she who used her power and status to force the son-in-law to divorce her first wife, and her first wife to death. The son-in-law recruited into the princess mansion, and the son-in-law never looked at her directly. But, for the sake of face, she created an illusion of affection to the outside world. Even if this woman was rejected by the son-in-law in the end, she said to the outside world that she hated the son-in-law. "Woman said the man.

(End of this chapter)

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