First-class daughter

Chapter 1603 The Princess' Anxiety

Chapter 1603 The Princess' Anxiety

Chapter 1603 The Princess' Anxiety

"Is this the truth? Even a woman as powerful as Princess An would fall in love with her?" Lin Zhiran was greatly surprised by this.

"God is fair. This woman has lived in the desire for power all her life, but no man has truly loved her all her life. They surrendered to her and bowed to her, but they didn't give her their sincerity. So much so that she has no children at her knees. She has no daughter, so she had to take the empress as a foster daughter, but now that the empress enters the palace, she has no one around her, so she must be lonely and lonely in her heart." The woman said, her eyes showed a hint of joy that she felt because of this. .

"So, if Miss Ben can replace Lian Yue, accompany Princess An and become her caring person, and then have Princess An's support, then what should Miss Ben worry about?" Lin Zhiran said.

The woman smiled, "Miss Lin is really a smart person."

"But..." Lin Zhiran felt worried again, "Princess An Guo and the Queen have a strong relationship, how can we make them have a rift?"

"It must make Princess An feel that the queen is unreliable," the woman said.

There was a gleam of brilliance in Lin Zhiran's eyes, "That's right! Princess An felt that Lian Yue was unreliable, so she had to find someone else to replace her, and I was this person."

"I came to you to tell you this," the woman said.

"However, how can I easily separate the relationship between the two?" This is the question that bothers Lin Zhiran the most.

"As long as people start to suspect each other, all trust will be vulnerable." The woman said.

"Suspicion?" A thought flashed in Lin Zhiran's eyes.


"Miss, have you solved your problem?" When Lin Zhiran came out, Qiufeng couldn't help asking when she saw her in high spirits.

"That's right, back then Lian Yue was able to be loved by Princess An, so why couldn't Miss Ben?" Lin Zhiran said as he walked to his carriage.

"Miss, have you figured out how to win over Princess An?" Qiu Feng asked.

"That's Princess An, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run." Lin Zhiran smiled and did not speak.

All the way back to Lin Mansion.

When Lin Zhiran returned to the room, Qiufeng poured him a glass of water. Lin Zhiran picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. The scene of Princess An's trip kept flashing before her eyes, and the woman's words kept ringing in her ears.

The two scenes overlapped, and Lin Zhiran suddenly had an answer in his heart.

She decided to take a gamble.

Bet yourself a bright future.

If she wins, she will be the most honorable woman in the Great Zhou Dynasty from now on.

If she loses, then she will admit defeat!
"Autumn wind." Lin Zhiran called out to Qiu Feng.

Qiu Feng looked at Lin Zhiran, "What are your orders, miss?"

"Go and find out what Princess An's daily hobbies are, remember to ask more." Lin Zhiran said.

Qiu Feng nodded, "Yes, Miss."

"Be smart and do it secretly, so that no one will find out."

The autumn wind should fall.


Princess Mansion, sleeping quarters.

Princess An frowned slightly, leaning against the head of the bed.

Xue Li and Nanny Ji walked in, seeing her like this, they looked at each other with worried expressions.

Xueli approached and asked softly, "Princess, have you suffered from headache again?"

Princess An has suffered from a headache recently. For three to five hours a day, her head hurts badly. After taking medicine, the root does not appear to be cured.

"..." Princess An nodded.

"It's better to let the imperial physician come again. In order to take care of the princess, the imperial physician is arranged in the princess's mansion, and the servant girl will go and give orders." Ji Nanny said.

"No need." Princess An opened her eyes and said.

"Princess..." The two bowed at the same time.

Princess An stretched out a hand, Xueli hurried forward and put on a forehead for her to protect her forehead from the wind, and Nanny Ji helped her get off the bed.

"I'm getting old, I have to obey my old age." Princess An Guo stretched out her hand to support her forehead and said.

At night, in front of those close to her, she could not help showing a little tiredness.

"The princess is in full bloom, but she just has a headache recently." Xueli said.

Princess An Guo sat down on the red sandalwood chair, and Nanny Ji brought tea and handed it to her.

After taking a sip, she pursed her lips and said, "This tea is not bad."

"It was sent by the empress. Even if the empress becomes an empress, she still misses the princess." Xueli said with a smile.

Princess An also had a smile on her face, "He has always been a good boy, and his temperament is different from others."

"It's not in vain that the princess adopted her as a righteous daughter in order to protect her." Nanny Ji said while holding the princess's head.

"Tomorrow, I will personally go to Yunmengzhai to stay for a period of time, and pray for the empress quietly, and pass down an order that I will not see any visitors within a month." Princess An ordered.

"Yes, princess."

On the second day, the weather was fine, and Princess An set off from the Princess Mansion for Yunmengzhai early in the morning.The purpose of this trip is to pray for blessings, so the princess and her party are more low-key than usual.

Sitting in the soft sedan chair, Princess An kept her eyes slightly closed and rubbed her temples slightly. She had another headache and felt a little inexplicably irritable.

This has never been done before.

what happened?
Nanny Ji said that she is in the prime of life, but in fact only she knows that her appearance is indeed quite beautiful, but her heart is really old.

Old enough to feel tired and lazy,
Recently, from morning till night, she watched the sunrise alone and the sunset alone...

He even thought that it would be good to give everything to others and start to live for the rest of his life.

However, she found that she had been great for most of her life, but at this age, she found that she had made the most mistakes.

In the past, she was decisive in killing and killing, even if she had no children, she didn't feel that there was anything that made her uncomfortable.

But now, she found that she hadn't cultivated a person she was satisfied with who could take over her mantle.

Could it be that this princess mansion will decline after a hundred years?

Thinking of this, Princess An felt that her headache was getting worse.

It's only strange that she loved Xue Renfu persistently at the beginning, and she only wanted to give birth to his child. As a result... she missed the best time, and now... there is no chance.

"Hey..." She sighed lightly.

"You stinky scholar, stop pretending. If you set up a stall on the uncle's site, you have to pay the protection fee to the uncle! Otherwise, the uncle will break your bones and make you a beggar!"

As the sedan chair was traveling on the road, there was a loud noise outside, which startled Princess An
She frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Princess, it's a scoundrel teaching a scholar, it's nothing serious, let's go quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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