Chapter 1604
Chapter 1604
"Scholar, what are you talking about? I can't understand your sour words. If you sell calligraphy and paintings here, you have to pay the land fee to me."

"The sky is bright and the sun is bright, the heavens and the earth are clear, at the foot of the emperor, at the root of the imperial city, you and other local ruffians dare to openly do such illegal things. In your eyes, do you still have the law of the king?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the ear, and Princess An in the sedan chair paused her fingers, and slowly opened her eyes, with a trace of unknown meaning flashing across her eyes.

"Wang Fa? In this territory, I am Wang Fa! If you don't pay protection fees, I won't be afraid to go to the government."

"Since the new emperor ascended the throne, revitalized the court, eliminated traitors, suppressed corrupt officials, strictly enforced laws and regulations, the court is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment, I never thought there would be a ruffian like you running rampant here and destroying discipline. Since I met you today, I won't stand by and watch!"

"What do you want if you don't stand by?"

Princess An lifted up a curtain and looked at the source of the voice. After looking for a while, her cold eyes gradually narrowed and her lips pursed slightly.

Outside, on the street.

Xue Renfu stood at the calligraphy and painting booth, with the paintings scattered all over the floor at his feet. They were done by the reckless man who wanted to collect protection fees. The reckless man had a fierce look on his face and his hands on his hips.

However, Xue Renfu's expression did not loosen at all, and he still stared at the big man in front of him with a sullen face.

"Hmph." Xue Renfu snorted coldly, bent down to put away the paintings on the ground.

"You sour talent, dare to challenge the uncle, let's see if the uncle beats you today!"

After the big man finished speaking, he kicked Xue Renfu hard on the shoulder.

Xue Renfu was kicked to the ground, and immediately lay on the ground, clutching his stomach, frowning in pain, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the hooligan in front of him fiercely.

There was a coldness in those eyes, and the two hooligans wanted to beat him up again, but they were startled by his eyes.

He is obviously a scholar, but the coldness in his eyes makes people retreat a bit.

"You, you...why are you so stubborn?"

"Cough, cough cough... because of being open and frank, standing between the heaven and the earth, all kinds of ghosts and snakes are not afraid, so why are you afraid of local ruffians like you?" Xue Renfu coughed twice and was about to stand up.

At this time, a sedan chair suddenly appeared in front of him. Almost immediately, Xue Renfu's eyes fell on the sedan chair.

A corner of the car curtain was lifted, and he saw a figure. Although it was not real, the gaze behind the car curtain was cold and familiar.

Xue Renfu was stunned for a while, then stood up, took two steps forward, and looked at the pair of eyes behind the gap.

"Cong'an..." He murmured, his voice trembling, as if there was a knife in his heart.

It's been a long time since we met, and when I thought of seeing you again, she was still aloof, but he was already in such a mess.

He hurriedly broke free from the grip of the two big men, and picked up the calligraphy and paintings on the ground.

"Let's go." The car curtain was lowered, and behind the curtain, I faintly remembered that cool voice.

"Yes!" Xueli breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly signaled the bearers to leave quickly.

Looking at Xue Renfu again, Xue Renfu hesitated to speak, but he could only see the sedan chair go away.

The two hooligans saw that they couldn't get any advantage from Xue Renfu, and more and more people gathered, so they left in despair.

Xue Renfu picked up the calligraphy and paintings one by one, rearranged them, and wiped off the dust on his body, as if nothing happened.

However, the faint look behind the curtain just now always appeared in his mind.

Cong'an, Cong'an.

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes.

Princess An's sedan chair is far away.

"What's going on?" Princess An asked.

"Ever since my son-in-law, Mr. Xue left the Princess Mansion, life has not been satisfactory. The members of the Xue family used to rely on the support of the princess to live a happy life. Now they suddenly returned to the original life. Everyone blames Xue. Mr. was divorced by the princess. Mr. Xue now relies on painting and selling paintings to subsidize the family's expenses."

After hearing these words, Princess An Guo said, "Of course Xue Renfu has Xue Renfu's debts to pay, but what are those people from the Xue family? The person I fell in love with back then was also Xue Renfu, but it has nothing to do with them. The princess raised them generously back then, but now she still counts on idleness."

"That is, those members of the Xue family, instead of being grateful, complained suddenly. Now, the entire Xue family is like a mess. Everyone hates Mr. Xue for offending the princess and reconciling with the princess. Everyone's life is ruined." I'm sorry." Shirley said with a frown.

"After all, this matter can be regarded as my princess' fault. If my princess hadn't been confused by Xue Renfu, she would not have come to this point. He was also a talented man whose statement resounded throughout the capital." An Guo Princess said.

"But the princess has treated them with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. When she reconciled with Xue Renfu back then, she also gave a lot of money as a gift." Xueli said.

When Princess An heard this, there was no expression on her face from the beginning to the end, but the coldness emanating from her whole body made Xueli feel that Princess An was depressed at this time.

The soft sedan left the city gate, and when she was still some distance away from Yunmengzhai, Princess An opened her lips slightly, "Xueli."

"Princess." Xueli stepped forward and bowed.

"Go and do something for me." Princess An ordered.


At noon, Xue Renfu began to close the stall after few paintings had been sold.

Xue Renfu walked on the road with a bunch of paintings in his arms, looking a little lonely.

"Mr. Xue." When approaching the door of the house, a clear and beautiful voice came from behind.

Hearing this voice, Xue Renfu was taken aback. After turning around and seeing the person behind him, he quickly patted the dust off his body, and smiled stiffly, "So it's Aunt Xueli."

Seeing Xue Renfu's dilapidated appearance, Xueli couldn't help shaking her head. How could she still have such a handsome and elegant appearance when she was in the Princess Mansion.

"How much is the painting in Mr.'s hand? I want it all." Xueli suppressed her emotions, took out a purse, and asked.

Xue Renfu was slightly startled, and opened his mouth, "This, is this what she means? She asked you to buy my words?"

"Why is she not her? How can Mr. Xue call the majestic Princess Anguo disrespectful? Give me all the paintings." Xueli urged after finishing speaking.

Xue Renfu didn't go to get the purse, but pursed his lips, and asked cautiously, "Princess, how are you doing?"

Seeing Xue Renfu mentioning Princess Anguo repeatedly, Xueli frowned slightly, took back her purse, and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Xue, why bother to be hypocritical here now."

(End of this chapter)

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