First-class daughter

Chapter 1605 Regret

Chapter 1605 Regret
Chapter 1605 Regret
"Aunt Xueli..." Xue Renfu looked shy and his ears were red.

"Mr. Xue, in the past, you were a son-in-law, and I was the maidservant of the princess. Even if you saw many things in your eyes, it was inconvenient to say them. But now, you can speak freely. Mr. Xue's current situation is all caused by you. As the princess's personal maid, I feel happy seeing Mr. Xue like this!" Xueli said as if she had avenged the princess.

"..." Xue Renfu remained silent, but felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

"At the beginning, the princess treated you with all her sincerity, and she treated everyone in the Xue family with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. But what about you? You lived a good life when the princess gave you fine clothes and fine food, but you groaned without illness every day, and missed you. That dead wife of yours is wearing away the princess' sincerity towards you bit by bit! Xue Renfu, you really don't know what to do!" Xue Li said what she wanted to say back then but didn't say in one breath.

Xue Renfu closed his eyes deeply, showing a painful expression, and muttered in his mouth, but Xueli couldn't hear what he said.

"Before you tried so hard to leave the princess. You felt that you were being controlled by the princess every day when you were in the princess mansion. You thought the princess was a bad person who harmed your beloved woman. Now it's all right, and you left as you wished. Princess, but look at what kind of life you have lived? You have to blame yourself for what you have today!"

Xueli's words pierced Xue Renfu's heart like the tip of a needle.

Xue Renfu lowered his head in embarrassment. At this moment, he couldn't even utter a word to refute himself.

Shirley was right, he asked for all of this.

After all, he has failed Cong'an's friendship.

Now whether An Guo is good or bad, what does it matter to him?

What right does he have to ask?

"Aunt Xueli, I took the calligraphy and painting back. Thank you for what you said to me today. I will keep it in my heart." Xue Renfu bowed to Xueli and said.

"Wait!" Xueli stopped Xue Renfu and said, "Keep the calligraphy and paintings, but take the money away."

"But..." Xue Renfu hesitated.

"Princess, I've bought all the paintings." Outside the city, Princess An Guo's soft sedan was parked by the side of the road. After Xueli bought the paintings, she handed them to Anguo.

An Guo sat in the sedan chair without even glancing at it, and said coldly, "It's all burned."

Shirley was taken aback.

It turns out that the princess bought his painting because she wanted to burn it?
"Yes." Xueli handed the calligraphy and paintings to the people beside her, and ordered, "Burn them all, don't keep the ashes."


Xue Renfu dragged his tired body, and returned to Xue's house in a dispirited state. He sat slumped on a chair, unable to raise his spirits.

What Xueli said just now was like an echo, constantly echoing in his ears.

In his mind, he remembered every bit of the Princess Mansion,

Thinking about it, a look of shame flashed across Xue Renfu's face.

"Cough cough cough..."

After sitting for a while, Xue Renfu coughed violently. When he coughed, the wound on his stomach was involved. Xue Renfu clutched his stomach, and his complexion gradually turned pale.

Unable to stop coughing for a long time, Xue Renfu got up and ran to the small kitchen.

On the small stove in the kitchen, there was still a bowl of medicine stewed, but the fire of the stove had been extinguished long ago. Xue Renfu picked up the medicine bowl and drank the medicine juice in one gulp. The cold medicine juice slipped down his throat. There was a bitter coldness, and there was a touch of bitterness on the tip of the tongue.

Xue Renfu drank the medicine, and his cough eased a little. He walked to the stove and opened the lid. There was only a small plate of leftover vegetables from yesterday.

Xue Renfu suddenly smiled wryly. When did the entire Xue family decline to such an extent?

There isn't even a single person in the mansion who can cook medicine and hot dishes for him?
Xue Renfu walked back to the room, and when he was about to sit down, his eyes suddenly fell on the direction of the head of the bed, then he walked over slowly, and found a white jade hairpin inlaid with beads and emeralds under the pillow.

Xue Renfu's expression suddenly became gentle, and he gently stroked the emerald jade hairpin with his fingertips.

After a while, after realizing what he was doing, Xue Renfu was in a daze.

I don't know when, when he was alone, he no longer looked at Nanli's portrait.

In his heart, in his mind, it was completely replaced by another person, the owner of this emerald jade hairpin.

That brutal and cold-blooded woman who is below one person and above ten thousand people.

From An, from An...

Xue Renfu silently read Princess An's boudoir name.

After meeting An Guo Princess today, he finally confirmed a fact in his heart that he never wanted to admit or face.

It's just that he was too obsessed with the past at the beginning, and he always hated An Guo in his heart, so now, after he lost everything, he discovered his sincerity.

But, it's too late.

Everything is too late.

After all, he owed everything.

Thinking of those past memories, Xue Renfu could only feel blood rushing up all over his body, sweetness welling up in his throat, and finally he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.


Xue Renfu was ill, and had to get out of bed for several days, eating simple porridge for three meals a day.

"Uncle..." A clear voice came, and Xue Renfu raised his eyes, only to see his nephew Xue Yi, whom he hadn't seen for a while, walking in with several medicine bags in his hand.

"Yi'er." Seeing Xue Yi coming, Xue Renfu smiled and was about to sit up on the bed.

Xue Yi quickly put down the medicine bag, helped Xue Renfu to sit up, and put a pillow on Xue Renfu's back.

"I heard that my uncle has been seriously ill recently, and he has lost a lot of weight." Xue Yi looked at Xue Renfu who was quite haggard, and let out a burst of emotion.

Xue Renfu smiled and didn't want to mention these things, "Yi'er, what have you been doing lately?"

"My nephew has been staying at home every day recently, and has written many good poems, which I plan to dedicate to Princess An. Uncle, do you know that when I went to Princess An's mansion in the past, the princess never saw me, but today, the princess let me in?" house." Speaking of this, the expression on Xue Yi's face was a little flustered.

On the bed, Xue Renfu's complexion changed. After a moment of stalemate, he reached out and grabbed Xue Yi's shoulder with a slightly excited tone, "You went to see the princess? Did you see her?"

"Yes, uncle. Today I met Princess An, and I can finally say what I have always wanted to say in front of Princess An. I told Princess An that I like her. I have liked her since a long time ago. !"

"The princess is in my heart, and she is the best woman in the world. I am willing to devote everything to the princess!"

When Xue Yi mentioned Princess An, his expression softened, and his eyes were filled with a different look.

Xue Renfu stared blankly at Xue Yi, and it took him a while to realize what Xue Yi said just now, so he said dumbly, "But you are more than ten years younger than her, you are still young, and sooner or later you will marry a wife and have children .”

"No! If my nephew can't wait for the princess, he won't marry a wife and have children. My nephew likes the princess and wants to be by her side forever." Xue Yi said firmly.

"Xue Yi!" Xue Renfu suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting Xue Yi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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