Chapter 1606
Chapter 1606
Xue Renfu had a cold face, with a trace of anger on his face, "You are not allowed, you are not allowed to like the princess! She is not a woman you can get close to, she, she..."

In the past, he would definitely say a lot about how cruel and perverted Princess An was, but today, he can't say a word.

"Uncle." Xue Yi's expression also sank, "You are no longer qualified to stop my nephew from admiring the princess. You are already a person who was abandoned by the princess. For so many years, since the first time my nephew saw the princess when he was a child, The nephew put the princess on the top of his heart. The nephew had never seen such a bright and flamboyant woman as the princess. The nephew yearned for her and only hoped that he would grow up soon.

But princess, from when I was a child to now, the princess has never looked at my nephew.As for you, you have so many women that men want so easily, but you don't even cherish them for a moment. Uncle, uncle, you really lost a treasure. "

Xue Renfu was speechless at Xue Yi's words, and smiled wryly.

Yeah, he is the least qualified person to stop others from loving Cong An.

"Now, is the princess still ruthless to you?" Xue Renfu said slowly, looking at Xue Yi.

On Xue Yi's face, however, he regained his previous expression, and said with a smile, "Not this time, the princess said, it is good to be filial. So, I want to listen to the princess, but now the Xue family members, go Let's go, let's go, and only my uncle will be left, and my nephew will take care of my uncle."

Xue Renfu on the bed heard this, and the scene of Xueli coming to buy paintings that day appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help clenching his fists slightly.

Is Cong An still caring about him?
The next second, Xue Renfu felt that he was overthinking again, and sighed silently.

"If you can treat her sincerely, that's fine, make her happy."

"Naturally, I will do my best to make the princess happy. I am willing to dedicate my life to her." Xue Yiyi did not hesitate.

Xue Renfu felt at this moment that he was actually envious of this nephew, with such distinctions between love and hatred.

But he has been in chaos for so many years.

Lin House.

Although the woman told Lin Zhiran all the secrets about Princess An and the former son-in-law.

However, Lin Zhiran didn't dare to believe it completely, she decided to find out the truth by herself.

Therefore, in the past few days, Qiufeng has been instructing Qiufeng to inquire about Princess An's affairs, but Princess An's preferences and secrets are not easy for others to inquire about.

Just when Lin Zhiran was about to give up, after a few days of autumn wind outside Princess An's mansion, she finally waited for Xue Yi who came to visit her.

"That's right, Miss, that man called himself Xue Yi. Later, the servants went to inquire about him and found out that he was the nephew of the son-in-law Xue. As for the son-in-law Xue Renfu, since he reconciled with Princess An, he is now living a happy life. He is very down and out, and earns his living by selling paintings every day, and I heard that he fell ill recently, it seems to be very serious, and he is bedridden all day." Qiu Feng truthfully told Lin Zhiran the news he had inquired about.

After Lin Zhiran finished listening, she chuckled, "It really pays off."

"This Xue Renfu has been with Princess An for more than ten years, so he has a clear understanding of Princess An's preferences and habits. It seems that God is helping me this time."

Qiu Feng smiled agreeably, "Miss is getting closer and closer to the road to success."

"Qiufeng, go and prepare some ginseng and caterpillar fungus. Miss Ben will visit Xue Renfu in person later." Lin Zhiran said.

Qiufeng nodded.


After Xue Renfu finished taking the medicine, Xue Yi looked at the empty medicine jar, then left Xue's house and went to the pharmacy in the city.

Xue Yi left, and Lin Zhiran stepped off the sedan chair and walked in towards Xue's house.

"Knock knock knock..."

On the bed, Xue Renfu, who was taking a nap with his eyes closed, heard the knock on the door, thought it was Xue Yi who had returned, and said, "Come in."

After the words fell, the door was gently pushed open.

A beautiful figure walked in, with a delicate and sweet voice, "Mr. Xue."

Hearing the sudden female voice, Xue Renfu suddenly opened his eyes, and after seeing Lin Zhiran beside the bed, he was slightly taken aback, "Who are you?"

Lin Zhiran glanced at Qiufeng.

Qiu Feng stepped forward, "Mr. Xue, my lady is the second lady of the Household Minister Lin's House."

Tobe Minister...

Surprise flashed in Xue Renfu's eyes, and he said calmly, "I don't know if Miss Lin came here suddenly, what advice can I give you?"

Lin Zhiran had already observed the surroundings and Xue Renfu while Qiufeng and Xue Renfu were talking.

In her impression, Xue Renfu was the handsome and elegant man who followed Princess An, and looking at the sickly and emaciated man in front of her, it was really hard to relate.

"It's like this. Zhiran has always admired Princess Anguo very much these years, and she was helped by Princess An in the early years, so she always remembers the princess's kindness in her heart. These years, the princess has no children under her knees. A few years ago, she recognized her now. Zhiran is very happy for the princess, thinking that finally someone can accompany the princess by her side."

"But ever since the empress entered the palace, Zhiran has been worried about the princess in her heart, thinking that she must be very lonely now that no one is with her."

Lin Zhiran put on a very distressed look, and looked at Xue Renfu, "Mr. Xue, Zhiran is here today. I don't want anything else. I just want to ask Mr. Xue to answer a few questions for Zhiran, so that Zhiran can think of a way." , how can I be by the princess' side."

Listening to Lin Zhiran's words, Xue Renfu narrowed his eyes slightly, "In this world, there are many people who want to get close to Princess An, but almost everyone has ulterior motives. You want to find out from me so that you can cater to her."

Lin Zhiran's face changed slightly, and he thought to himself, this Xue Renfu is not a fool, he is not easy to deceive.


"Mr. Xue, where are you thinking? I only have admiration for the princess."

"No reception, you go!" Xue Renfu ordered to evict the guest in a cold voice.

"Mr. Xue, Mr. Xue, you really misunderstood." Lin Zhiran quickly explained, "I just want to know where Princess An likes to go the most on weekdays? What does she like to eat? What kind of clothes does she like to wear? What color rouge powder do you use?"

Lin Zhiran asked four questions in a row.

But Xue Renfu on the bed was stunned, his mouth was open, and he couldn't say a word.

These four questions are all common questions.

However, he couldn't even answer one.

Xue Renfu had a bitter look on his face, yes, for more than ten years, he hadn't tried to understand her at all.

"Mr. Xue, Mr. Xue!" Seeing that Xue Renfu was lost in thought, Lin Zhiran shouted a few times.

Xue Renfu came back to his senses and coughed a few more times, "I won't answer your question, you can go."

(End of this chapter)

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