Chapter 1607

Chapter 1607

"Mr. Xue won't believe me?" Lin Zhiran asked.

Xue Renfu closed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

Although he is no longer in the Princess Mansion, he understands the state of affairs in the court, and most of them want to use people in high positions in Cong'an.Especially since she has no children.

"Let's go, I'm tired." Xue Renfu said.

Lin Zhiran frowned imperceptibly, suppressed the anger in his heart, and took out a bulging purse from his sleeve.

"Mr. Xue, these are Zhiran's wishes, please accept them." Lin Zhiran put a large bag of money beside Xue Renfu's pillow.

Although she didn't find out anything about Xue Renfu today, she got closer to Xue Renfu anyway. She gave her help in a timely manner, and there would always be a day when Xue Renfu let go.

After putting away the money, before Xue Renfu could say anything, Lin Zhiran left in a hurry with Qiu Feng.

Firstly, he was afraid that Xue Renfu would refuse, and secondly, he was afraid of bumping into Xue Yi.

After Lin Zhiran left, Xue Renfu's expression gradually became painful, and a mist gradually formed in front of his eyes.


He got up from the bed, walked to the desk, picked up the pen and ink, picked up the pen, but didn't know what to write for a long time, as long as the ink fell on the paper drop by drop, smudged, like the ripples in his heart.

Xue Yi came to boil medicine for Xue Renfu on time every day, but Xue Renfu's illness never improved, and instead became more and more serious.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

What Xue Yi heard most every day was the sound of Xue Renfu coughing.

"Yi'er, I want to write poetry, you help me up." Xue Renfu said while lying on the bed.

"But, uncle, your body..." Xue Yi hesitated.

"I'm fine, help me up." Xue Yi paused, nodded, and walked out.

Xue Yi supported Xue Renfu and walked carefully step by step to the desk, rubbed the ink, and picked up the pen.

With trembling hands, he wrote a poem on the paper, and every time he wrote a sentence, he felt a pain in his heart.

When a poem is finished, the whole person leans on the chair with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Xue Yi read sentence by sentence, "Uncle, the meaning of your poem is,

After the parting, the painful lovesickness is as deep and endless as the sea, which makes me suffer a lot. The beautiful past is like the clouds in the sky, far out of reach.Wanting to grasp this and other moments, I have shed thousands of tears, but I can't keep the lover who traveled far away, which makes me sad.

I want to see my lover but I can't see each other, I want to end this love but I can't give up after all.If you and I have no fate in the previous life, then wait for the next life and then get married.

This is what my uncle wrote to the princess. " Xue Yi said.

But Xue Renfu didn't comment, closed his eyes, and muttered in his mouth.

Xue Yi sighed, shook his head, and said, "Flowers can be broken when they bloom. Don't wait for no flowers to be broken. Otherwise, give me this poem by uncle. Every time you wrote a poem, it was spread all over the place. In the streets and alleys, there has been little production in the past few years, and now if there is a good work, it will definitely be surrounded by crowds."

Xue Renfu didn't say anything, and Xue Yi finally took the poem away. .

A few days later, a ballad suddenly spread on the streets of the capital. It is said that Xue Renfu, the former son-in-law of Princess An's mansion, wrote a poem to Princess An on his sick bed.

Since Xue Renfu reconciled with Princess An, the people in the capital had not heard of the name Xue Renfu for a long time.

It's been a long time, if it wasn't for the poem addressed to Princess An that came out this time, many people would have forgotten that there used to be such a famous talent in the capital.

Speaking of Xue Ren Fu, everyone knows that he can write good poems. His poems are catchy and profound.

Until this poem written for An Guo Princess was eulogized, his name as a talented scholar was mentioned again, and this poem was also circulated by some literati in the form of singing...


Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue was sitting in the garden, Le Yan and Chengjun Wanjun were playing together, Lian Siyue looked at them with soft eyes.

Qing Dai came in from the outside, humming a little tune unconsciously, approached Lian Siyue, and put the snacks from the kitchen on the table.

"Qingdai, what ditty were you humming just now?" Lian Siyue was rarely interested in hearing this novel ditty.

"Reporting to the princess, it's a popular ballad in the streets and alleys nowadays, it is said that it was adapted from a poem." Qing Dai replied.

Lian Siyue nodded, "Listening to the words you hummed just now, it seems to be a poem about men and women."

"Yes, my lord, it is said that this poem was written by Concubine Xue from Princess An's mansion. The servants heard that Concubine Xue was dying of illness, so they wrote such a poem on the sickbed. Confession and confession!" Qingdai told Lian Siyue what she heard outside.

After Lian Siyue listened, a meaningful expression appeared on his face, and he lowered his eyes and said, "Xue Renfu doesn't deserve any sympathy at all. Everything he has done now is nothing but his own fault."

"But now many people outside are spreading rumors, saying that Consort Xue is very affectionate." Qing Dai said.

"Oh, affectionate? He has been with Aunt Huang for more than ten years, and he has never given Aunt Huang a moment of warmth, but now he talks about affection? This poem must be his idea. He has no face to face Aunt Huang now. , so I wrote such a poem, and wanted to spread it to Aunt Huang's ears through the mouths of everyone, so that Aunt Huang would change her mind about him."

Lian Siyue really didn't have a good impression of Xue Renfu, even though she heard the news that he was dying, she couldn't sympathize with him.

Qing Dai seemed to understand but half understood, and said, "The servant girl will stop humming this ditty in the future."


Xue Renfu's poems were passed on to ten, ten to hundreds, and even Lingyue, who lived in Changchun Palace, heard Xue Renfu's poems written by Xue Renfu to Princess An from the mouths of several sweeping maids.

Lingyue was sitting on a chair with a hand-warming Mrs. Tang in her hand. She was quite moved by the current Princess An and Xue Renfu.

From the time she was still the Eleventh Princess, she knew that her adoptive mother liked Xue Renfu very much, so much that she not only gave Xue Renfu the status of supreme honor, but also did her best for the entire Xue family, so that the Xue family In the entire capital, he jumped into the ranks of nobles.

And later, she heard that Consort Xue didn't like his adoptive mother. He often looked at the portrait of his deceased wife in the princess mansion and thought about others. However, his adoptive mother saw everything in his eyes, but never said anything. .

Every fifteenth day, the foster mother sent people to sacrifice to the tomb of Xue Renfu's dead wife. What kind of affection was it that made the lofty and mighty Princess An humble to such an extent for a man.

(End of this chapter)

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