First-class daughter

Chapter 1608 Dim Sum

Chapter 1608 Dim Sum
Chapter 1608 Dim Sum
It's a pity that after more than ten years, in the end, it was a wrong payment.

Seeing Lingyue's sentimentality, Mother Tai sighed slightly, and thought to herself, this Xue Renfu is really nothing after all!
"In one's life, one must know how to take pity on the person in front of him. If he misses it, it will be too late," Ling Yue said with emotion.

The scene of seeing Lian Jue for the first time appeared in front of her eyes. Fortunately, they held each other's hands tightly. Although the current tide was turbulent, their hearts were tightly bound together.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor will come over to have dinner with you later, it's time for you to change." Nanny Tai reminded from the side.

"Change clothes for me." Lingyue stood up and moved behind the screen.

Several maids filed in to comb Ling Yue's hair and change her clothes.

"Mommy, send some of the adoptive mother's favorite snacks to Yunmengzhai later." Lingyue ordered.

"Yes, empress, the servants ordered the imperial dining room to send it over quickly." Mother Tai said.

When Ling Yue was getting a little sleepy from dressing, Feng Jue walked in from the outside.

Several servants saw him and were about to salute, but he stopped them, and they retreated one by one.

Drowsiness gradually came over, Lingyue supported her chin with her hand, she couldn't support it all of a sudden, her head fell down, Feng Jue's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, she stretched out her hand quickly, supporting her chin.

She didn't wake up, and fell asleep with a smiling face crooked in her palm.

Feng Jue shook his head, showing a helpless smile on his face, which was full of pampering affection.

He just held her face up like this, looked at her sleeping face carefully and intoxicated, raised his other hand, and touched her pink cheek, which was delicate and soft.

"Lian Jue, you are here." She closed her eyes and called out delicately.

Feng Jue bent down, picked her up and put her in his arms, "Yes."

"It's time for me to eat with you," she said.

"Don't worry, sleep for a while before eating." Feng Jue hugged her, walked to the bed, and lay down together with her clothes.

"Yeah." She fell asleep in his arms with peace of mind.

The so-called happiness is to sleep when you want and eat when you want in front of the one you love.


Princess An Guo had just finished chanting sutras when Xue Li walked in with a food box and said, "Princess, these are the cakes that the Empress ordered someone to deliver, and they are all the princess' favorite food on weekdays."

"The queen has a heart." Seeing those pastries, Princess An nodded slightly, showing a hint of a smile.

"The empress probably came to comfort the princess after knowing about Mr. Xue's poem. So, the empress has you in her heart." Xueli opened the food box, took out everything, and said, "Eat some, During these days of reciting scriptures and sending off Buddha, you don’t eat much, and you’ve lost weight.”

Originally, Princess Anguo had almost forgotten about Xue Renfu, but since she met at the gate of the city that day, the princess' mood has fluctuated.

Although outsiders can't see anything, she, who has served the princess for more than ten years, knows it.

Now, Xue Renfu has tossed out the moth of poetry again. Is this deliberately provocative?
"Since it was brought by the queen, let me eat something." Princess An said.

"Princess, you haven't eaten anything all morning. The imperial doctor said that the princess should eat on time so that she won't suffer from headaches so frequently. You should eat more." Xueli carefully reminded Princess An.

Princess An Guo rubbed her temples, waved her hand, and signaled Xueli to go out, "My princess knows how to eat, I'm a little tired now, you go out first."

"Yes, princess." After Xueli went out, Princess An ate some.

After an unknown amount of time, Princess An sat up, picked up a brush, and began to write word by word on a piece of clean white paper.

After a long time, halfway through writing, she suddenly stopped.

With a wry smile, "Xue Renfu, Xue Renfu, this princess has always had distinct loves and hates. She does her own way, but you can always control her own mood."

But what can we do?

During the ten years with you, this princess has exhausted all her enthusiasm and all her patience.

Everything, after all, can not go back.

Princess An thought about it, put down the brush, put the poem written in the middle of the night on the candlestick, and lightly lit it.

Just like her feelings for Xue Renfu, it was smashed into ashes bit by bit.

Lin House.

Lin Fu was sitting on the swing in the garden, holding a piece of paper in his hand, looking back and forth, muttering words.

After a long while, he sighed, "I didn't expect that Xue Renfu is still a lover. He is as miserable as Miss Ben, and can't be with the person he likes."

"Miss, about Xue Renfu and Princess An, the slaves have heard a little bit about it, but they all heard that Princess An liked Xue Renfu more, but Xue Renfu ignored Princess An. What's going on now? I started writing love poems instead." Qiu Feng frowned slightly, not quite understanding.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiran let out a soft snort and sneered coldly, "In the end, this Xue Renfu is a lowly person. What a sight it is to be with Princess An. Now that she is away from Princess An, life is poor. I wrote this kind of sour love poem again to bring back Princess An."

"Yeah, don't cherish when we are together, but think of Princess An when we are apart." Qiu Feng echoed.

"However..." Lin Zhiran narrowed her eyes and squeezed the paper in her hand, "This is a chance for Miss Ben."

Qiufeng looked at Lin Zhiran puzzled.

"My lady remembers that before Xue Renfu married Princess An, he had a wife. Later, after Xue Renfu became a son-in-law, his first wife also committed suicide. It shows that the dignified Princess An would not hesitate to rob a man from other women. Princess An thinks highly of this man."

"The two seem to be in harmony with each other for many years. With Princess An's character, Xue Renfu can finally leave the princess mansion alive. This is already the biggest concession she has ever made."

Qiu Feng nodded half-understood, "What is the chance that the young lady said?"

"Xue Renfu's poems have spread all over the streets, and nine out of ten have also reached the ears of Princess An. Princess An may be soft-hearted because of this, but she may not put down her body and take the initiative to see Xue Renfu."

"Then if Miss Ben can find a way to bring Xue Renfu to meet Princess An, and the two of them talk about it, maybe the two will reconcile as soon as they get excited. At that time, Princess An will think highly of Miss Ben? That's it. As long as this lady puts a little more thought into it, she will be able to get close to Princess An smoothly, and thus gain Princess An's trust and reuse."

After Lin Zhiran finished speaking, she couldn't hide her excitement, as if she had already won the victory.

(End of this chapter)

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