First-class daughter

Chapter 1609 Suicide

Chapter 1609 Suicide
Chapter 1609 Suicide
Capital city, tea house.

"If there is no fate in the previous life, wait for the reunion, and make a wish in the next life."

The woman stood by the window, listening to the songs sung by the children below, her hands trembled slightly, the tip of her nose was sore, and she suppressed her tears.

After a while, the tearful eyes became more and more gloomy, and his face gradually turned cold.

"Xue Renfu, how dare you fall in love with Feng Cong'an, how dare you betray my sister!" When the woman mentioned the word "Feng Cong'an", she almost gritted her teeth and her face was ferocious.

Yes, she is the younger sister of Xue Renfu's first wife Nanli, Nanying.

"I have endured humiliation for so many years, and I have been looking forward to meeting you. You and I should cooperate with each other and kill Feng Cong'an, a bitch, to avenge my sister and my Nan family! Now, I have finally come to this point, but you, unexpectedly wrote Come out with this kind of poetry! I will not forgive you, and I will never infuriate you!"

"Mother..." The man at the side saw Nan Ying suddenly going berserk, walked over quickly and closed the window.

"My aunt has been away for more than ten years, why is my mother still entangled in these past events." The man frowned, still puzzled by his mother.

Hearing this, Nan Ying suddenly laughed, "What do you know!"

"Feng Cong'an harmed our Nan family. She killed my sister. She doesn't deserve Xue Renfu's love. Oh no, she is not allowed to get Xue Renfu's love! Feng Cong'an should spend her whole life alone. How can she still get love!" Nan Ying's eyes became more and more sinister, full of poison.

All these years, the man only knew that Nanying hated Princess An, Feng Cong'an, but he never knew that this hatred had reached such a degree.

"Mother, after all, it's my aunt's blessings. It's been so many years, why are you still obsessed with this? You are no match for Princess An at all." The man comforted.

Hearing this, Nan Ying's eyes were a little dazed, and she chuckled softly, "Fei'er, there are some things you don't know. Mother never told you. I was originally my sister's twin sister. My sister married Xue Renfu. Xue Renfu is a big sister." They are talented, but they don't want to be restrained by power, so they don't cling to the housekeeper, but enjoy living a happy and healthy life with their sisters. I often visit them. Although they are poor, they are like gods and couples."

As Nan Ying spoke, an illusory smile appeared on her face.

"My sister told me that the greatest happiness in her life was meeting Xue Renfu. Although she didn't understand his poetry or his ambitions, she admired him and was willing to dedicate herself to him. My sister said that At that moment, there was a radiance in my eyes, which I will never forget in my life."

"Auntie doesn't understand Uncle, but how did they get together?" The man asked puzzled.

"Although your uncle is talented, he is very confused and doesn't know how to take care of his life. After he separated from his parents, he lived alone and couldn't afford a school boy, so he often made a mess of his life. One day, my sister happened to Passing by his house, I saw thick smoke coming out of his house. My sister thought his house was on fire, but a weak woman ran in desperately to save him.

It turned out that the house wasn't on fire, but the smoke from Xue Renfu's cooking.

My sister couldn't laugh or cry, and since then, she often prepared meals secretly and sent them to Xue Renfu's home.

At the beginning, Xue Renfu didn't know that his sister cooked the meals, so he left a little silver every time, but his sister never asked for money, but just took care of him with all her heart, so that he would have no worries and let him display his talents. "

Having said this, Nanying sighed softly.

"My silly sister!"

"Later, how did my uncle find out that my aunt cooked for him?" the man asked.

"Because the cook never took the cash, Xue Renfu pretended to go out one day, but actually hid in the dark and peeked. Then when your aunt appeared, he would know who was taking care of him. He was very grateful to her, It is really a pity that she is a girl who has not left the cabinet, but secretly takes care of her.

Later, his sister continued to take care of him. Xue Renfu developed feelings for his sister and came to propose marriage, and the two got married.

After marriage, the two raised their eyebrows together, respected each other as guests, and loved each other, which became a good story at that time.

They could have been so happy forever!

However, that predatory woman appeared!She is arrogant, as long as it is what she likes, she will use all means to get it!
Feng Cong'an, this ruthless woman who did not hesitate to kill her husband in order to help her brother ascend to the throne, fell in love with Xue Renfu. She said she admired his talent and invited him to the mansion for a banquet.

Xue Renfu didn't want to cling to the rich and powerful at first, but he couldn't stand her using power to suppress others, so he had no choice but to obey and went to her princess mansion!
This is the beginning of all tragedies!
She exhausted all means and finally made Xue Renfu succumb.

My sister was disheartened and committed suicide! "

Speaking of this, Nanying's voice trembled, full of deep hatred.

"That year, after my sister committed suicide, Xue Renfu became Feng Cong'an's man.

I was sadly taking care of my sister's funeral, but I didn't want to be hunted down on the way to the funeral. "

that day.

Facing the killer who came suddenly, Nan Ying was in a panic. She really didn't expect that she, a little girl, would be hunted down even if she offended a big Buddha.

"Who are you and why did you kill me?"

While avoiding the killer's attack, Nan Ying asked where the killer came from.

But she is a weak woman, how can she be a match for these professional killers, finally she hid by a mountain stream, and never retreated.

"go to hell!"

The killer in front of him swung his knife.

Nanying's lower abdomen was cut, and at the same time, her body fell backwards and fell into the mountain stream. Her body was washed all the way downstream by the rushing water.

"That's the sea below, this woman is dead!" On the shore, the killer withdrew his knife, looked at Nanying who was washed away, and then quickly and completely stayed where he was.

Fortunately, Nan Ying went fishing with her father many times since she was a child, so the water quality is excellent. After the killer on the shore left, she immediately climbed ashore, endured the huge pain in her abdomen, and walked home quickly.

After a long time, when she returned to the door of Nan's house, she saw many people surrounded by the door.

"Oh, it's hopeless, such a big fire has been burned to ashes!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for the Nan's family, they have held funerals one after another..."

Nan Ying stood among the crowd, looking at the Nan family that was burned to ashes by the fire, she could only stand among the crowd, weeping silently.

After a while, a strong hatred flashed across Nanying's eyes.

Princess An, it must be her!
Their Nan family is just ordinary people, they usually keep their own law and order, but they suddenly suffered such catastrophe, who else could it be?

Princess An robbed her sister Nanli's husband and forced her own sister to death. Now even she and her parents are unwilling to let her go. She is really cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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