First-class daughter

Chapter 1611 Taking Care Is Hard

Chapter 1611 Taking Care Is Hard
Chapter 1611 Taking Care Is Hard
At the same time, Nan Ying kept in mind the lesson of blood, and never relaxed for a moment. While doing business, she also invited three gentlemen to teach her son to read, and she was strict with her son.

Let her son become a useful person and become her right-hand man for revenge in the future.

The son finally lived up to her expectations.


Recalling these past events, Nanying felt a pang of pain in her heart.

These are all the most painful memories in her life, but now they are constantly being dug out.

She was originally a simple person, and she never thought that one day she would be like this.

Feng Cong'an, it's all Feng Cong'an!

If it wasn't for Feng Cong'an, perhaps at that time she would have found a man who loved each other and lived a life of husband and son.

Instead of wandering for half a lifetime with so much blood on his hands

Now, it's her turn to return these to Feng Cong'an!

"Feng Cong'an, you should have a taste of the pain. I will never let you go. I will tear your body into pieces!" Nanying said viciously, with a cold light in her eyes.

Lin House.

Lin Fu was sitting on the swing in the garden, holding a piece of paper in his hand, looking back and forth, muttering words.

After a while, he sighed, "I didn't expect Xue Renfu to live up to his reputation as a talented scholar. He wrote such good poems, and he is still a lover. He is just as miserable as this lady, and cannot be with the person he likes."

Lin Zhiran lowered her eyes, and the words that the woman had said in the teahouse rang in her ears——

"From the outside, Princess An and Xue Ren are both talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven. But who can know the powerful relationship between them." The woman sighed, holding the teacup tightly in her hand.

Lin Zhiran was puzzled, and looked at the woman, "You seem to be very hostile to Princess An? Why?"

"Do you know that before Xue Renfu became a son-in-law, did Xue Renfu ever have a wife? It was Princess An who fell in love with him first. I didn't give Princess An a little love, I would rather become poor and poor than pretend that I love An Guo."

After the woman finished speaking, she suddenly laughed.

Listening to the woman's piercing laughter, Lin Zhiran frowned, not knowing that there was such an inside story.


"Miss, last time you heard from that woman that about the matter between Xue Renfu and Princess An, Princess An liked Xue Renfu more, but Xue Renfu ignored Princess An. Why did you write about it now?" It’s a love poem.” Qiu Feng on the side frowned slightly, not quite understanding.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiran let out a soft snort and snorted coldly, "In the end, this Xue Renfu is a bitch, following Princess An, even if he doesn't love her, it's such a beauty. I am so impoverished that I wrote this kind of sour love poem to bring back Princess An."

"Yeah, it's okay to not cherish when we're together, but think of Princess An when we're apart. It's okay to abandon such a man." Qiu Feng echoed.

"However..." Lin Zhiran narrowed her eyes and squeezed the paper in her hand, "This is a chance for Miss Ben."

Qiufeng looked at Lin Zhiran puzzled.

"The woman said that before Xue Renfu married Princess An, he had a first wife. After Xue Renfu became a son-in-law, his first wife also committed suicide. It would make the dignified Princess An not hesitate to compete with other women for a man. It shows that An Guo Princess attaches great importance to this man."

"The two seem to be in harmony with each other for many years. With Princess An's character, Xue Renfu can finally leave the princess mansion alive. This is already the biggest concession she has ever made."

Qiu Feng nodded half-understood, "What is the chance that the young lady said?"

"Xue Renfu's poems have spread all over the streets, and nine out of ten have also reached the ears of Princess An. Princess An may be soft-hearted because of this, but she may not put down her body and take the initiative to see Xue Renfu."

"Then if Miss Ben can find a way to bring Xue Renfu to meet Princess An, and the two of them talk about it, maybe the two will reconcile as soon as they get excited. At that time, Princess An will think highly of Miss Ben? That's it. As long as this lady puts a little more thought into it, she will be able to get close to Princess An smoothly, and thus gain Princess An's trust and reuse."

After Lin Zhiran finished speaking, she couldn't hide her excitement, as if she had already won the battle.

As long as she gets the respect of Princess An, she can have what Lian Yue can have!
"Miss, this method is very good, but how can Princess An come to see Xue Renfu?" Qiu Feng was a little puzzled.

Lin Zhiran frowned slightly, "Don't worry, Miss Rong Ben think about it carefully."

Xue House.

"Uncle, you have failed Princess An. Even if your poems spread throughout the capital, Princess An will not change her mind." Xue Yi stood beside Xue Renfu's bed, looking at Xue Renfu with a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

"Cough cough..."

On the bed, Xue Renfu couldn't hold back when he heard this, and coughed violently.

"You, are you here to take care of me, or are you here to anger me?" Xue Renfu let out a sigh of relief, his chest was heaving violently, and he felt a little sweetness rushing up from his throat at this moment.

"Naturally, my nephew came to take care of my uncle. Didn't my uncle drink the medicine my nephew made just now?" Xue Yi finished speaking, and glanced at the empty medicine bowl beside him.

Xue Renfu straightened his expression, "It's not that I passed on the poem by accident."

"Until now, it's no use for my uncle to say more. It's been rumored outside that my uncle is a seed of infatuation, but it's been so many days, and Princess An has never even paid a visit to you, which shows that the princess has completely given up on her uncle." Xue While fiddling with the medicine in his hand, Yi said thoughtfully.


"Cough cough..."

Xue Renfu tried his best to suppress his emotions before, but after Xue Yi finished speaking, he finally couldn't bear it.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and all the blood was sprinkled on the thin quilt, like little red plums, which was shocking.

"Uncle, uncle, what's the matter with you?" Xue Yi quickly ran to Xue Renfu with a worried expression on his face.

But before Xue Renfu could touch Xue Renfu, Xue Renfu slapped him away. Xue Renfu shouted in a low voice, "Go, you go!"

"Uncle..." Xue Yi hesitated.

"Don't come to my place again, I think you want to piss me off!" Xue Renfu panted heavily, feeling that the pain in his chest was about to burst.

Xue Yi curled his lips, not knowing what words he said made his uncle so angry.

But since his uncle is angry at the moment, he should go first.

"Then, uncle, Yi'er is leaving first, and I will come to see you tomorrow." Xue Yi said, bowed to Xue Renfu, and then turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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