First-class daughter

Chapter 1612 Visiting Brother-in-law

Chapter 1612 Visiting Brother-in-law
Chapter 1612 Visiting Brother-in-law
"No, don't come tomorrow, don't come the day after tomorrow, and don't come in the future!" Xue Renfu closed his eyes and refused.

"No way, uncle, as a junior, I must take care of you. The other brothers and sisters don't care. I can't ignore you." Xue Yi paused, turned to look at Xue Renfu, and insisted.

Xue Renfu's face was pale, "You are here to anger me, and if you are mad at me, no one will stop you from admiring Cong'an."

After Xue Yi heard this, his face turned red, and he said angrily, "Uncle, although I love the princess, I, Xue Yi, am not such a scheming person. Even if I am dissatisfied with my uncle's attitude towards the princess, I still want to take care of my uncle with all my heart, but my uncle Such slander against my will, I... I am angry!"

Xue Yi walked away in a huff.

After Xue Yi left, Xue Renfu on the bed opened his eyes, his eyes filled with endless sadness, and the words Xue Yi just said appeared in his ears again.

"Until now, it's no use for my uncle to say more. It's been rumored outside that my uncle is a seed of infatuation, but it's been so many days, and Princess An has never even paid a visit to you, which shows that the princess has completely given up on her uncle."

Xue Renfu's eyes became more desperate and remorseful, and he called the princess's name over and over in his heart: Cong'an, Cong'an...

At this time, the door was pushed open again.

"Didn't I let you go! Why did you come back?" Xue Renfu raised his voice, his tone full of anger towards Xue Yi.

"Brother-in-law, it's me..." A delicate voice came, choked with sobs.

Hearing this voice, Xue Renfu was taken aback for a moment, and turned his eyes to the direction of the door. When he saw the person standing at the door, his eyes revealed a touch of surprise, but then, he showed an expression of disbelief.

"Nan, Nanying?" Xue Renfu thought he had misread, and blinked vigorously, and finally slowly remembered the person in front of him.
Seeing that Xue Renfu recognized her, Nanying happily walked over quickly, with a sad smile on her face, standing in front of his bed, unable to hold back the tears in her eyes, "Yes, brother-in-law , I'm Nanying, I really didn't expect that more than ten years later, you can still recognize me."

Xue Renfu propped himself up and wanted to sit up, Cheng Mufei immediately stepped forward and helped him to sit up.

"This junior is..." Xue Renfu glanced at Cheng Mufei and asked.

"It's my son." Nan Ying said, "Mu Fei, quickly call Uncle."

"Uncle." Cheng Mufei nodded respectfully and said.

"Your children are already so old..." Xue Renfu said in surprise.

"Yeah, time flies so fast, the child grows up, and so do I." Nan Ying had a sad look on her face.

Xue Renfu asked Nan Ying to sit down, and then asked, "Nan Ying, where have you been all these years? I thought that the fire at Nan's house took away everyone, including you."

Seeing Nanying, Xue Renfu's mood, which had been gloomy for a while, finally cleared up.

Nan Ying heard this, smiled and shook her head, "Let's not talk about the past, but luckily we can meet again today, brother-in-law, it's been 15 years since we left, this time I went back to the old place in the capital and thought about it, Finding out that there is only brother-in-law in this capital, I feel even more desolate, and now I finally see him."

Xue Renfu looked at Nanying, feeling deeply moved in his heart.

It turned out that without knowing it, 15 years had passed...

"Yeah, the Nan family back then...cough cough..." Recalling the past, Xue Renfu couldn't help coughing a few times.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Nanying asked.

Cheng Mufei stepped forward and patted Xue Renfu's back lightly, Xue Renfu gradually felt better.

When Nan Ying's eyes touched the blood on Xue Renfu's quilt, she exclaimed, "Brother-in-law, why are you so seriously ill? Has the doctor come to see you?"

"It's okay, don't bother the doctor." Xue Renfu waved his hand, signaling Nanying to sit down first.

Nanying sat back on the chair, glanced around the room, and smiled sadly, "Brother-in-law, when I was in Rongzhou, I heard all kinds of things about you around Princess An, and I still had resentment towards you in my heart. Now it seems , I was wrong. I didn’t expect that my brother-in-law would give up the life of rich clothes and good food in order to keep his relationship with his sister, and he would not hesitate to reconcile with Princess An, and would rather live such a desolate life.”

After Nanying finished speaking, she looked at Xue Renfu's eyes with a hint of relief.

Xue Renfu froze slightly, looked at Nan Ying, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but found that no words could come out of his throat.

"Brother-in-law, the two of us have endured humiliation for so many years in order to avenge my sister. Now we finally have a chance, brother-in-law, are you happy?"

Nan Ying laughed, a deep smile bloomed in her eyes, but that deep smile was filled with hatred.

15 years!

A full 15 years!
When she closes her eyes every night, all she sees is the fire in Nan's house!
That fire burned everyone in their Nan family, and caused her to be displaced from now on, living a life that is not as good as a pig or a dog!

Feng Cong'an, it's all thanks to you!
"Nan Ying..." Xue Renfu looked at Nan Ying's ferocious face, and parted his thin lips lightly.

Nanying looked at Xue Renfu, still with a hateful smile on her face, "Brother-in-law, you are also very happy, aren't you? You must have been enslaved by this vicious woman all these years, and you are in great pain, right? It's okay, soon , Our hard days are coming to an end, and you can vent your anger."

Seeing Nan Ying like this, Xue Renfu hesitated to speak for several times.

Nan Ying grabbed Xue Renfu's hand and said, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, do you know? I have suffered a lot these years. I have been a prostitute who is as good as I can be, and a concubine who was trampled underfoot. I also killed people..."

"Nanying..." Xue Renfu showed a complex expression on his face, "I never thought that you would suffer so much."

"It's okay! I'm not the only one suffering, brother-in-law is also suffering! Both of us are suffering!" Nanying wiped away her tears and said, "Brother-in-law, I came back this time for only one purpose, for my sister, for you, for To revenge the Nan family, I will try my best to kill Feng Cong'an, no, she can't die so easily, she has to be tortured and die to relieve my hatred!"

"Nanying!" Xue Renfu's face changed, "You misunderstood, and I misunderstood too. Cong'an is not the kind of person you think. What happened back then has other secrets. Cong'an is... a good woman. I'm sorry. she."

"What did you say, brother-in-law?" Hearing this, Nan Ying sneered, and slowly put away the smile on her face, I heard you right, are you speaking for Feng Cong'an, are you accusing me?She is not someone else, she is Feng Cong'an, Feng Cong'an who killed your wife and husband's family! "

(End of this chapter)

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