First-class daughter

Chapter 1613 Analyzing the True Heart

Chapter 1613 Analyzing the True Heart
Chapter 1613 Analyzing the True Heart
Lin Zhiran stayed in the Lin Mansion for several days without going out.

Qiu Feng found out from the outside that Princess An Guo had been recuperating in Yunmeng Zhai outside the city for the past few days.

"No, Miss Ben can't sit still, Miss Ben has to find Xue Renfu again." Lin Zhiran couldn't wait any longer.

Qiu Feng was a little hesitant, "But last time we went, that Concubine Xue was very wary of us, and he refused to reveal half of Princess An's liking, so I'm afraid it will be the case this time..."

"How do you know if you don't try it? What's more, Xue Renfu is a scholar, and I will understand him with reason and affection. Unfortunately, his heart will be so hard." Lin Zhiran thought about it, and a successful smile appeared on his face. .

Qiufeng seemed to understand but didn't understand, so he had to follow Lin Zhiran and went to Xue's residence together.

"Mr. Xue." Lin Zhiran knocked on the door of Xue Renfu's room.

Xue Renfu was awake at the moment, sitting on the desk, tracing an outline. After hearing the knock on the door, he picked up a piece of white paper and covered the half-drawn outline on the desk in front of him.

"Please come in." Xue Renfu's voice was hoarse.

Lin Zhiran opened the door and came in, and when she saw Xue Renfu sitting at the desk, she showed a gentle smile.

"Mr. Xue, do you still remember me? I am Lin Zhiran from Lin Fu." Lin Zhiran looked at Xue Renfu with a dignified smile on his face.

Xue Renfu was expressionless, and glanced at Lin Zhiran, "If Miss Lin is still here to find out about the princess, please come back."

Seeing Xue Renfu's indifferent attitude, Lin Zhiran was not angry, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "Recently, Mr. Xue's poems have been spread all over the streets and alleys. Zhiran really understands Mr. Xue's repentance and love for Princess An. Love."

"However, Mr. Xue and one of them are writing poems and confessing here. They are sad and unbearable. Why don't you face up to your feelings bravely, why don't you go to see the princess in person and tell him your heart?"

Lin Zhiran looked at Xue Renfu and sighed softly.

"The princess has had feelings for Mr. Xue for more than ten years, but the princess has the pride of a princess and refuses to take that step easily. So at this time, as long as Mr. Xue takes a step forward, the princess will definitely change her mind."

Xue Renfu didn't seem to hear Lin Zhiran's words, but his hand holding the pen gradually tightened, and finally lowered his eyes slightly, without revealing his emotions, and said quietly, "Miss Lin, please leave."

Lin Zhiran was already prepared, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "The princess is now in Yunmengzhai outside the city. If Mr. Xue has figured it out, go to the princess as soon as possible. The princess was kind to Zhiran earlier, and Zhiran didn't want her The princess lives in pain."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhiran didn't stay any longer, and left with Qiu Feng.

Xue Renfu sat at the desk and removed the white paper in front of him. The half-drawn outline seemed to gradually become clear.

"No, Nan Ying, things are not what you think..." Xue Renfu said.

"It's not what I thought?" Nanying looked up to the sky and laughed, "Brother-in-law means, is it my mistake?"

"Nanying, it's always my fault. It has nothing to do with the princess. It's because my heart is not firm. It's me who gave the princess fantasy..."

"Don't talk about it! I just arrived in the capital a few days ago, and I heard a poem circulating in the streets and alleys. Those people said, this is a confession poem you wrote to Princess An. I didn't believe it at the time, I just thought it was The rumors are extremely ridiculous, so I came here to meet with you today, and I want to hear you explain it to me personally. Now that I am face to face with you, please tell me yourself, is this poem really written by you to Feng Cong'an? "

Listening to Nanying's questioning, Xue Renfu felt pain like a needle prick in his heart, and a look of decline flashed across his face. Finally, he nodded and said, "That's right, it's me, Nanying, I can't Stop deceiving yourself."

"What did you say..." Although she knew the truth a long time ago, Nan Ying still felt a thunderbolt when she heard Xue Renfu admit it with her own ears.

"I met your sister in the years when I didn't understand love, and married her into the house by mistake. When I met the princess, I was the first to be tempted. I shouldn't have looked at her more, otherwise, she would not You will put a piece of your heart on me by mistake, I deserve to die, a thousand cuts would not be a pity! Everything is my fault, it has nothing to do with the princess, don't blame her, blame me if you want to."

Nan Ying looked at Xue Renfu incredulously, "Devil, you are such a demon, I will kill you!"

As soon as Nan Ying pulled out the hairpin from her head, she was about to pierce Xue Renfu's body.

"Mother!" Seeing this, Concubine Cheng Mu quickly stepped forward to stop her, "This is the capital, if something happens, you and I won't be able to stay, mother, think twice!"

Nan Ying withdrew her hand resentfully, and said, "If it wasn't for the fear of scaring the snake, I would kill you heartless today and vent my anger on my sister!"

Xue Renfu slowly closed his eyes, with a painful expression on his face.

"Yes, I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I deserve to die."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of porcelain breaking came from the side.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Xue Renfu!" Nanying's face turned cold in an instant, a burst of anger slowly rose from the soles of her feet, and a look of viciousness condensed in her eyes, "I never dreamed that you would fall in love with your wife-killing enemy! "

On the bed, Xue Renfu didn't say a word.

Nanying smiled coldly, "My sister is dead, Xue Renfu, you can be a heartless person, you can fall in love with others, but you can fall in love with anyone, but you can't fall in love with Feng Cong'an! Feng Cong'an is a bitch, she kills Killed my sister, and ruined my Nan family! She doesn't deserve anyone's love, she doesn't deserve it!"

Nanying shouted hysterically, her eyes turned red for a moment.

"No! Nan Ying, you misunderstood, you misunderstood everything!" Xue Renfu looked at the crazy Nan Ying, and suddenly said.

Nan Ying looked at him and sneered, "What did I misunderstand? Did I misunderstand that you are really in love with Feng Cong'an?"

"Cong'an is not the kind of person you think. Nanli committed suicide back then, not the princess." Xue Renfu frowned slightly, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

"The fire in the Nan family back then was an accident, not the princess's fault. After the princess found out, she ordered people to repair the cemetery of all the Nan family members, and spent a lot of money to appease the families of the servants of the Nan family. , if it wasn't for the princess, your parents might still be lonely ghosts now, without even a place to be buried."

"Also, these years, without telling me, the princess has not only kept everything in Xue's family in order, but also ordered people to worship in front of Nanli's tomb on the fifteenth of every month. This has been done for 15 years. .”

When Xue Renfu said this, the details of the princess mansion appeared in front of his eyes, with deep sadness in his eyes, "We have always misunderstood her."

(End of this chapter)

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