First-class daughter

Chapter 1614 Chapter Recalling the First Time

Chapter 1614 Recalling the First Time

Chapter 1614 Recalling the First Time

All these years, Cong'an, who is aloof, has been wronging himself for him. He dared not face himself. It was obviously his fault, but he hurt her with a cold attitude.

If he did it all over again, when he saw her for the first time that day, he would not have smiled at her. That smile would have led her into the abyss of pain, causing the three of them to suffer for a lifetime.

It's just that it's too late to understand everything.

Looking at the affection in Xue Renfu's eyes, Nan Ying tightly clenched her fingers. The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She grabbed Xue Renfu's shoulder fiercely, shook it vigorously, and said loudly: "Xue Renfu, how can you Feeling sorry for this vicious woman, that is her hypocrisy, I forbid you to feel sorry for her, I forbid you to fall in love with him, I forbid! You are a well-known talent in the Great Zhou Dynasty, what about your integrity? Ann said that all you can give her is your body, and what she wants is just a walking dead?"

"She is not hypocritical!" Xue Renfu said excitedly, "I am the one who is hypocritical. I fell in love with her, but I didn't admit it. I clearly... obviously wanted to grow old with her, but... I hurt her in the end." Too deep, I'm hypocritical, I'm hypocritical."

"Hahaha, hahahaha..." Nan Ying looked up like she was going crazy, and laughed loudly, "My past ten years, after all, were in vain after all, you actually, you actually fell in love with your enemy, irony, irony what!"

"Nanying, don't say any more!" Xue Renfu didn't want to say any more.

"Okay! Xue Renfu, I will definitely make you regret it, and you will pay the price for your betrayal!" After Nan Ying finished speaking, she threw Xue Renfu away fiercely, and when she walked to the door, she slammed the door hard as if venting, There was a loud noise.

"Nanying, Nanying..." Xue Renfu shouted, but Nanying left in a hurry.

Cheng Mufei looked back at him, said, "Uncle, rest well", and then walked out quickly.

Xue Renfu closed his eyes, recalling the wedding night with Cong'an that day, when he unbuttoned her hijab, her face was flushed, and her eyes were full of smiles when she looked at him.

At that time, she was not a high-ranking princess, but a newly married woman with love and expectations for the future.

However, with a blank face and no emotion, he said, "The only thing you can get is my body, and my soul will never belong to you."

He saw with his own eyes that the smile froze on her face, and tears welled up in her eyes. With a broken expression, she asked in a trembling voice, "Did you really never love me? Could it be my illusion?"

He turned his face away, and said coldly, "I've never been in love, it's all an illusion."

"Okay, since you can't get your heart, then give me your body, or you and my child!" After being shocked and sad, Princess An immediately returned to her superior appearance.

Thinking about it now, when she spoke, her voice was choked, her eyes trembled, and there was an imperceptible sadness on her face.

It's just that he deliberately didn't see it at the time.

She threw herself on him, reached out and tore off the jade belt around his waist, took off his clothes, tore them vigorously and threw them on the ground.

Then, she took off her clothes and kissed his...

While kissing, she teased and said, "In this case, the princess will treat the son-in-law as those faces."

She sank, and a painful feeling hit her, and a pained and happy expression appeared on her face.

As for Xue Renfu, feeling the warm and tight feeling, he tightly held the bed sheet under his body with both hands...

Gradually, his feelings became hotter...


There was a murmur in the room.

She lay on his body, her skin turned pink, and she looked extremely coquettish against the red wedding dress.

She buried her head in the socket of his shoulder, opened her mouth and bit hard.

He was in pain all over his body, and he closed his eyes deeply, and soon felt wet in his shoulder socket.



She rolled over and got off the bed, wrapped in a bright red cloak, and ordered, "Xue Li, bring the medicine."

Xueli came in and was at a loss when she saw this scene, "Princess, what, what medicine?"

"Red soup." She said, her voice was cold and without any emotion, as if she was talking about something unimportant.

Even Xue Renfu behind the curtain suddenly opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Princess, Hong, the red soup is to prevent pregnancy. The princess is young, why at this time...if the emperor finds out." Xueli hesitated and said.

"Go get it, the princess is waiting." However, Princess An said coldly again.

There was no other way, so Xueli had to bring red soup.

Princess An brought it over, and Xue Renfu sat up on the bed suddenly.

Holding the bowl of medicine in her hand, Princess An Guo paused, looked at the person on the bed out of the corner of her eye, and finally, disappointed and determined, raised her head and drank the medicine!
"Crack!" She slammed the bowl on the ground, then stood up abruptly, walked outside, and ordered, "Put the water on, the princess wants to take a bath!"


Waking up from the memory, Xue Renfu's face flushed for a while, and he touched the hollow of his shoulder with his hand, there was still a mark here.

For so many years, not a single child.


On the way back to the mansion, Qiu Feng was walking outside the sedan chair, with a puzzled face, "Miss, why did you go to Prince Xue behind that woman's back, why didn't you completely listen to that woman? She seems to know Princess An better. .”

Lin Zhiran sneered, "What do you know? It's extremely strange that the woman's origin is unknown. How can I be so stupid as to listen to her. She and I are just using each other and taking what we need."

"Yes, it's what the lady said, it's the servants who are stupid." Qiu Feng was a little stunned.

"In the past few days, you have sent a few people to keep an eye on Xue Renfu's place. If he goes out of the city to Yunmengzhai, you should report to Miss Ben immediately." Lin Zhiran ordered Qiufeng.

Qiu Feng nodded, "Yes, the servant girl knows."

Lin Zhiran raised the corners of her lips, feeling inexplicably cheerful, "As long as Xue Renfu listens to what I say, he will definitely go out of the city to find Princess An. Once they reconcile, Xue Renfu will definitely remember my kindness, Princess An will also think of Miss Ben." After Lin Zhiran thought about it, the smile on his lips widened a bit.

After the last time, she understood that she was too eager, but now she is willing to take it step by step.

The sedan chair gradually moved away, Nan Ying and Cheng Mufei stood in the corner beside them, watching the sedan chair go away.

"Mother, you guessed it right, this Lin Zhiran didn't fully trust us, and even took the initiative to look for uncle." Cheng Mufei said.

(End of this chapter)

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