First-class daughter

Chapter 1624 Passing Out

Chapter 1624 Passing Out

Chapter 1624 Passing Out

Xueli sighed slightly and stood aside.

This time, no one expected that Xue Renfu would appear suddenly and sacrificed his life to save the princess. I'm afraid that the princess will never forget him in this lifetime. In this way, he will remain in the princess' heart forever.

I really don't know if it's luck or misfortune
Alas, good fortune tricks people.

In the room, Princess An was sitting on a chair, holding a blood-stained scroll in her hand.

On the scroll is her portrait. In the portrait, she has a calm smile on her face, looks warm and bright, and is herself she has never seen before.

On the left is Xue Renfu's money.

He painted her.

Princess An Guo slightly closed her eyes, and slightly tightened her hand holding the scroll.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was knocked again, this time it was Bai Tian's voice, "Princess, there is a man who claims to be Xue Yi asking to see you."

Since what happened last night, more than half of Yinjia Yinwei stayed around Yunmengzhai to wait for orders, and the other half were still hiding around, waiting to be called at any time.

"Understood, tell him to wait for this princess in the side hall." Princess An Guo rubbed her temples, got up and walked out of the room slowly.

Xue Li and Nanny Ji stood guard outside, seeing Princess Anguo leaving the room, they hurriedly greeted her, "Princess..."

"Wait for me to meet Xue Yi." Princess An hummed and walked into the yard.

"Yes." Xue Li and Nanny Ji followed behind and walked out together.

There was hot tea on the table, but Xue Yi didn't dare to sit down and stood and waited.

After hearing the news of Xue Renfu's death from the guards of Princess An's Mansion this morning, Xue Yi left in a hurry and rushed to Yunmengzhai.

He was very sad to hear that his uncle died and disappeared. He had seen his uncle the day before.

Although birth, old age, sickness and death are normal in life, only when it falls on his relatives can he deeply understand the pain.

"You're here." When Princess An entered the yard, she saw Xue Yi standing there in a daze.

Hearing Princess An's voice, Xue Yi was taken aback for a moment, then wiped the tears from his face, and stepped forward, "Xue Yi pays his respects to the princess."

"Get up and sit down." Princess An sat down on the wicker chair in the yard.

Xue Yi nodded and sat down beside him.

After sitting down, Xue Yi raised his eyelids and looked carefully at Princess An, trying to find some sadness from Princess An's face, but after looking at it for a long time, he looked calm, as if nothing had happened After seeing Princess An, Xue Yi was a little depressed.

"What do you want to see from this princess?" Princess An Guo said indifferently.

Hearing this, Xue Yi pursed his lips. Although he warned himself that he was a big man, especially not to cry in front of Princess An, Xue Yi couldn't help but blushed in the end.

"Over the past few years, the elders of the Xue family have gone and scattered. Xue Yi only gets closer to his uncle and father. I never thought that such an accident would happen to my uncle."

Princess An Guo looked at Xue Yi and said, "This matter, I need to investigate secretly, but he has no descendants, and there must be someone from the Xue family to take care of his funeral together, so I called you here , you don’t want to spread this matter.”

"Xue Yi understands, and he will keep his mouth shut." Xue Yi said, his eyes also became sad, "I saw my uncle dressed up yesterday and put on my favorite clothes, and I thought he was going to start a good life. After my guard reported the matter, I didn't believe it at the time, but the reality forced me to believe it. However, I never thought that my uncle would die for you."

Princess An's eyes showed a faint sadness.

Yes, but if it wasn't for him, she would be the one who died yesterday.

Xue Yi was startled, then lowered his eyes, and sighed, "Actually, Xue Yi has listened to the princess's words and respected the elders in the family for a while, so during this time, Xue Yi discovered that my uncle has already fallen in love with you. You."


Princess An's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a look of emotion flashed across her eyes.


Xue Renfu fell in love with herself...

However, it was too late, and the time of confession was also the time of farewell.

"Princess, the reason why Xue Yi told you this is to hope that you will let go of the grievances in your heart, so that you can live a more comfortable life and let your uncle go at ease. From now on, the princess must take good care of herself, eat and rest on time , okay?"

Xue Yi stared at Princess An, with a flash of affection in his eyes.

Although he likes Princess An, it is only now that he realizes that his love for the princess is too shallow compared to his uncle's.

So, from now on, he will stay aside, love the princess silently, and don't bother her.

Princess An Guo had mixed feelings in her heart at this moment, she only lamented that the world is impermanent and good fortune tricks people.

"If this princess could have known that he loves me earlier, maybe it would be a different situation now." Princess An Guo sighed, slightly closed her eyes, her whole body suddenly went limp, and she fell straight backwards


Xue Yi, Xueli and the others rushed over and helped Princess An onto the bed.

"The princess hasn't eaten for too long, she's been weak for too long, she's going to faint." The doctor rushed over and said to Princess An after taking her pulse.

So Xueli hurried to prepare hot water and hot meals.

When a person lasts too long, there will always be times of weakness.



"Bang bang..."

In a house in the suburbs of Beijing, Nan Ying angrily smashed the porcelain in the house to the ground.

"Mother!" Cheng Mufei rushed forward to support Nanying.

Nanying sat on the chair, clutching the back of the chair tightly with both hands, and said angrily, "Why? Why wasn't that bitch Feng Cong'an killed by the bomb? My plan was so perfect that Feng Cong'an could die there From Yunmengzhai!"

Nanying's eyes widened, and the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. After a while, she gritted her teeth and called out a name, "Xue Renfu! Damn Xue Renfu! You would rather die for Feng Cong'an. I never dreamed that you would do it for Feng Cong'an. She doesn't even want her own life!"

Nanying thought of this, and suddenly cried again, "Xue Renfu, when I knew that you and Feng Cong'an had reconciled, I hurried to the capital to reconcile with you, and wanted to get rid of Feng Cong'an with you, but you But let me down so much! Obviously as long as you are willing to help me, we will succeed, but how can you betray me and my sister like this!"

"Mother, my uncle has already given his life for this grievance. Why doesn't mother try to let herself go? What's more, my uncle said that Princess An didn't know about those things before. Why should mother let go of everything? From then on we Let the mother and son live a good life?" Cheng Mufei has been exhausted by the affairs of these elders, and he really doesn't want to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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