First-class daughter

Chapter 1625 Ghosts

Chapter 1625 Ghosts
Chapter 1625 Ghosts
Hearing Cheng Mufei's words, the tears on Nanying's face slowly stopped, and there was only a trace of sadness on her face, "Let it go, Feier, is it so easy to let go of the piercing hatred you thought? I was killed by Feng Cong'an Yes, how much you have suffered! Can you feel my pain?"

"Mother..." Cheng Mufei showed a helpless expression.

Since he was a child, his mother often told him in his ear how difficult it was for her to give birth to him, and he knew that his mother had indeed suffered a lot.

Therefore, no matter what mother does, he will stand by her side without hesitation and protect her well.

It's just that now, he has a new idea about this matter.
"Okay! Xue Renfu, since you want to be a heartless man who betrayed my sister, even if you die, you should be buried with her. After so many years, he should go to Huangquan to confess to my sister!" Nan Ying There was cold poison in his eyes.

Cheng Mufei looked at this scene and sighed, "Mother, I remember you said that the fact that my aunt committed suicide at the beginning was out of anger because she knew that my uncle had never loved him, and after seeing my uncle take the initiative to An Guogong, she did not hesitate to commit suicide , I deliberately wanted to make my uncle feel guilty, so he couldn't be with Princess Gong'an. The so-called character determines fate, my aunt is a bit extreme, or else..."

"Bastard!" Nanying heard this, stood up abruptly, raised her hand, and slapped Cheng Mufei hard on the face.

"Mother..." Cheng Mufei took two steps back, covered his face, and looked at his mother in surprise.

"That's your aunt. You actually helped an outsider. Do you know that if it weren't for your aunt, who didn't dislike me, a concubine-born sister, how sad would my life be in the Nan family? Your aunt treated me So good, how can I forget how kind she is to me, I, I..." Nan Ying became more and more excited as she spoke, as if she was about to lose her breath.

"Mother, it's the baby that's wrong, don't be angry, the baby will stay with the mother well..." Cheng Mufei said hurriedly when he saw this.

"Fei'er..." Nanying raised her hand to caress Cheng Mufei's face, "We will leave the capital when we get revenge, and when the time comes, you marry a wife and we start a new life, okay?"

"Okay, mother, I will listen to you." Cheng Mufei nodded.

A smile appeared on Nan Ying's face, and she said, "Feng Cong'an escaped from the fire, it will be more difficult to get close to her in the future, and it will be even more difficult to get rid of her. I have to think of other ways."

Nanying wiped away her tears and cheered up again.

"Mother, my son thinks it's not appropriate to act now, then Princess An will definitely be suspicious, maybe she is laying a net, waiting for us to go in." Cheng Mufei said.

Nanying nodded, and said in agreement, "You are right, Feng Cong'an is a treacherous woman, not easy to deal with, so let's not do it ourselves for now. However, we have another 'helper' , Now, she is also riding a tiger, and I have such a big opportunity to assassinate the princess in my hands, and I will definitely use it in the future."


Lin House.

"What did you say? An Guo Princess was almost killed by a firecracker, and Xue Renfu blocked it for An Guo Princess?" Lin Zhiran was shocked when he heard the news from Qiu Feng. He staggered and slumped on a chair.

Qiu Feng frowned, nodded, and whispered, "That's right, according to the spies, not only Princess An was almost killed by a bomb last night, but also a group of killers appeared, who almost killed everyone around Princess An, or Princess An's hidden guard arrived in time to avoid a bloody disaster."

"Why, how could this be..." Lin Zhiran's face was full of astonishment, his pupils constricted, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Qiu Feng shook his head, expressing his puzzlement, "The servant girl is also very strange. But fortunately, Wang Quan was fine and did not accept interrogation, and he was released from Yunmengzhai together with those who served Princess An at that time, which shows that An Guo The princess has not yet suspected him, and the lady is safe for the time being."

"Ms. Ben clearly only ordered that kid Wang Quan to pretend to set a fire and make a fuss to achieve his goal. How could there be killers and firecrackers? No, there must be other hidden secrets in it." Lin Zhiran continued Stupid, and also smelled the tricks in this matter.

Perhaps, she was being used by someone.

"Miss, what should we do next? With Princess An's power, it is a matter of how long it will take to find out about this matter. If we are found out..." Qiu Feng was terrified, not daring to Go on.

"Wang Quan can't stay, we must get rid of him quickly to avoid future troubles." Lin Zhiran's eyes flashed coldly.

"Miss is right, but how to get rid of Wang Quan?" Qiu Feng asked nervously.

"Medicine!" Lin Zhiran clenched her fists tightly, "I have to find a way to poison Wang Quan as soon as possible, but I have to do it without anyone noticing."

"Second Miss, then, what should we do?" Qiu Feng asked.

Lin Zhiran frowned nervously, thought for a moment, and said, "He comes to the pharmacy every month to buy medicinal materials, let's start from here."

"Yes, Second Miss, servant girl, servant girl to make arrangements. However, we must not be noticed, that is Princess An, and servant girl is worried..."

Lin Zhiran didn't know the stakes involved, her heart was beating up and down, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore, "No, I'm going to find that woman!"

"Yes, servant girl will go with Miss!"

After dark, Qiufeng supported Lin Zhiran, and the two hurried out of the hole at the back door of Lin's mansion, and went to the teahouse in the city.

This place was originally just a dog's hole, but Lin Zhiran ordered Qiufeng to dig the hole bigger for the convenience of going out.

"Second Miss, we will pass by Xue Renfu's residence later, do you want to make a detour?" Qiu Feng asked, although Xue Renfu did not die directly in their hands, but it is still related to him, if he passed by there again, he would feel terrified. Besides, it's dark now, which is even more terrifying.

"There are fewer people walking over there, and the road is closer. It's not easy to be noticed, so let's go over there." Lin Zhiran wants to prevent her father from knowing her whereabouts, so she wants to be more secretive.

"Yes." Qiufeng trembled.

The sedan chair was walking forward in the dark night, leaving behind a sound of footsteps on the street, somehow bewitched by it, when passing Xue Renfu's former house, Lin Zhiran couldn't help reaching out to lift up the sedan chair curtain, and looked over there past.

When he looked at it, he happened to find a figure passing by, and then floated into Xue Renfu's house. Lin Zhiran's heart jumped up suddenly.

She, is she the devil?
(End of this chapter)

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