Chapter 1626

Chapter 1626

"Send, send a wife?" Lin Zhiran was stunned.

What does it mean?
"Unfortunately, I can't get my brother-in-law's body, otherwise, I will definitely let my brother-in-law and sister be buried together, so that they will be together forever." Nan Ying smiled, and that smile looked a bit ferocious, "Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, you can leave at ease,
Feng Cong'an, I will continue to think of a way, don't worry, I will never let Feng Cong'an live in this world in peace, she killed my sister, killed you, she is my Nan Ying for the rest of my life My enemy, as long as I am here, I will kill Feng Cong'an at all costs and avenge all of us!Yes, you were killed by her! "

"you you……"

Lin Zhiran's face was full of astonishment, and he thought for a moment that there was something wrong with his ears.

After savoring Nanying's words carefully, Lin Zhiran became frightened, no wonder, no wonder that woman knew Princess An so well, she never thought she was Xue Renfu's ex-wife's younger sister!

"Are you using me to avenge you?"

Nanying smiled, facing Lin Zhiran's questioning, she didn't seem to take it seriously, and still burned paper money slowly, "Yes, I am Xue Renfu's ex-wife's younger sister, Nanying."

Seeing Nanying admitting her identity, Lin Zhiran was so furious that she wanted to kick over the charcoal basin in front of her, but she was afraid of hurting herself, so she could only pace back and forth angrily.

"Okay, Nan Ying, you bitch, how dare you play around with this lady! And you are so bold that you even intend to kill Princess An, this lady must go to Princess An to report you!" Lin Zhiran pointed at Nan Ying.

At this time, she thought again in her mind that this is the easiest opportunity to get close to Princess An, as long as she reports this Nanying in front of Princess An, Princess An will definitely credit her, that's great, that's great!
Lin Zhiran showed ecstasy, but the next second, Nan Ying's words were like a bucket of cold water splashed on her face.

Nanying stood up, looked straight at Lin Zhiran, and sneered, "If you want to expose me, you can try."

"Oh, Miss Ben is going to expose you right now, just wait!" After Lin Zhiran finished speaking, she hurriedly turned to leave.

Looking at Lin Zhiran's back, Nanying slowly spit out, "Miss Lin, you have to think clearly, you and I are now on the same boat, we are both prosperous and we are all damaged, if you expose me, you will not Good luck."

Lin Zhiran paused, and after hearing this, she felt flustered in her heart, and turned to look at Nanying.

Nanying stood where she was, with a smile on her face, "Don't forget, the fire in Yunmengzhai was arranged by you."

"What did you say, you..." Lin Zhiran was about to yell at Nanying, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly realized a fact.

She was used by Nanying severely, and she unknowingly got into Nanying's boat.

"Nanying, you bastard, I killed you!" Lin Zhiran had never been so angry, she said she was angry, rather she was afraid.

Nan Ying had clearly instigated her to light that fire, but now, it was entirely her responsibility.

Damn it, she really took the wrong medicine to believe this woman's nonsense.

Now that Nan Ying has such a big handle, she won't be able to do it if she doesn't listen to Nan Ying in the future.

Also, if Princess An finds out the source of the arson, not only her, but their Lin family will be destroyed in her hands.

There was a sudden pause in front of her eyes, "You arranged for the rogue who insulted me on the street, and the letter Xue Renfu wrote to my father was also you, and you wanted me to trust you and take refuge in you, didn't you? "

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Nanying's lips, "Miss Lin, how can you easily suspect me for something without evidence?"

"Who else is there besides you?" Lin Zhiran said excitedly.

At this time, Lin Zhiran regretted it.

"Okay, don't be angry, this is the end of the matter, as long as you listen to me well and we cooperate well, everything will be the same as before." Nan Ying stepped forward and patted Lin Zhiran's shoulder lightly.

Lin Zhiran patted Nan Ying's hand away, clenched her fist tightly, trying to vent the anger in her heart, but there was nowhere to vent it.

Now she can't wait to chop Nanying into meat sauce, but she still has to listen to Nanying's words, otherwise once it is revealed that she set fire to Yunmengzhai, everything will be over.

"The last plan failed, let's not be discouraged, there will always be a chance." Nanying said to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran tried to calm herself down, suppressed her anger, and looked around, "It's not safe here, go to the teahouse and tell me."

"it is good."


No one expected that Yunmengzhai and his party would be so unhappy this time. Although the burned houses were already being restored, there were some things that could never be undone.

"Princess, you sent the daylight away and they left. This servant is a little uneasy. Why don't we go back to the Princess Mansion? The Princess Mansion is heavily guarded. If you stay here, I am afraid that those people will not give up last time and make a comeback." Madam Ji bent over to look Looking at Princess An, her lips were worn out all morning.

Princess An Guo was sitting in front of a stone table at this time, with a chessboard in front of her, and one person moved the chess pieces at a leisurely pace.

"No." Princess An Guo rejected Nanny Ji's proposal, with a look of coldness in her eyes.

Seeing that she was rejected again, Nanny Ji showed worry, "But this place is really dangerous. So far, not even a single arsonist has been caught. How can the noble princess stay in such a hot place."

"The most dangerous place is the answer that this princess wants to get the most. This princess must find out before going back." Princess An Guo said, with a touch of sadness on her face.

Only when she got the answer, could she give him justice.

She can't ignore his death, she will definitely return him the truth to comfort his spirit in heaven.

Seeing that she couldn't speak to Princess An, Mother Ji sighed slightly, and exchanged glances with Xueli, unable to say anything more.

"Princess, the Empress ordered some of your favorite pastries to be delivered this morning. You can eat some." Xueli took out several plates of exquisite pastries from the basket, and poured another cup of hot tea for Princess An .

Looking at the pastry in front of her, Princess An's mood eased a little.

Seeing that the expression on Princess Anguo's face was soothed, Xueli and Nanny Ji also relaxed a little bit, Xueli said, "Although the Empress is in the palace, she has always cared about the Princess. It is said that the cake was made by the Empress herself. Princess eat some?"

Hearing this, Princess An nodded slightly, picked up a piece of white jade cake, and gently licked a corner.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Princess An put down the pastry, "Xue Li, send a letter to the queen for the princess, saying that the pastry made by the queen is delicious, and the princess likes it very much, but the queen's status is noble, so don't condescend to make it in the future These things are over, as long as this princess knows what she thinks."

"Yes, princess." Xueli nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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