First-class daughter

Chapter 1627 Entering the Palace

Chapter 1627 Entering the Palace
Chapter 1627 Entering the Palace
"Princess, in this fire, evidence related to Prince Heng's mansion has been found one after another. Should we investigate secretly first?" Xueli asked after ordering the servants who returned to the palace to return.

"Of course." Princess An Guo narrowed her eyes slightly, "Of course, this princess will never let go of anything that is not good for her, but this princess can't be used for nothing, this matter must be done in secret, and Prince Heng must not be alarmed over there."

Xueli nodded, "Then, who will we send to investigate this matter?"

"Let Bai Tian go, he will do things safely, this princess can rest assured." Princess An Guo thought for a while and said.

"Yes, princess." Xueli replied.

Princess An Guo had been sitting for a long time, and she was very tired. When she was about to let Xueli help her back to the room, her eyes fell on the pastry beside her.

Looking at these cakes, Princess An was thoughtful, and after a while, she murmured, "Although the queen brings things to this princess every now and then, she seems to have this princess in her heart, but now that something has happened, this princess really wants to I know what the queen thinks."

Since Ling Yue'er was still the eleventh princess, as an aunt, she liked this weird child very much. After so many things happened to this child, in order to protect Ling Yue'er, she recognized this child as righteousness. Female.

During these days, why didn't she treat Ling Yue'er as her own daughter.

Now that something like this happened, she really wanted to know, if what happened this time was really done by Prince Heng's mansion, would Ling Yue'er take her foster mother seriously.

Thinking of this, Princess An's eyes flashed with sadness.

Xue Renfu died, and now her life is getting more and more lonely, the more she is like this, the more she is afraid of the feeling of betrayal.

I have to admit that she is really old, so old that she starts looking forward and backward, and is no longer that Feng Cong'an who doesn't pay attention to anything.

Although her face is still bright, her heart is aging rapidly, especially after Xue Renfu left.

Princess An thought about it, her heart felt sour like never before. .

"Princess." Xue Li stayed beside Princess An for a long time, seeing such a sad expression on Princess An's face, she couldn't help frowning worriedly, and said slowly, "Princess, how should we test the empress?"

"You go into the palace yourself and report the attack on the princess to the queen in full. If the queen hears about it and goes to Prince Heng's mansion immediately, it means that the princess is no better than Hengqin. If that sister of the concubine came to look for this princess, it means that the queen has this princess in her heart."

After Xueli heard about it, she thought about it carefully, then nodded, "Yes, this servant will pack up and go into the palace."

"Mother Ji." After Xueli left, Princess An called out Mother Ji.

Mother Ji stepped forward, "Princess, please tell me."

"You order someone to keep an eye on Prince Heng's mansion in the next few days, and report immediately if there is anything unusual," Princess An said.

"Yes, servant girl will do it now." Nanny Ji also retreated.

As for...the dumb.

"Naturally, the mute cannot be relaxed. If someone instructs the mute to do it, seeing that the mute is still alive, that person will definitely plan to get rid of the mute, so he must keep a close eye on the mute and prevent him from committing suicide. I think the dumb side is the first breakthrough."

"Yes! Princess, I understand." Several people responded at the same time.


Changchun Palace.

"Empress, when I went to the imperial garden to collect morning dew this morning, I found a lot of new flowers blooming in the imperial garden. Why don't I go for a walk with the empress later? It just so happens that the weather is not bad today, and it has been blooming for a few days. It has been raining for several days." Mother Tai smiled and suggested as she looked at Ling Yue sitting on the swing.

"Okay, I haven't been to the Royal Garden for a few days. It's a good time to go for a walk in this kind of weather." Lingyue smiled and nodded.

It rained a few days ago, and her body was so wet and cold that she lay in bed for several days.

It was sunny outside today, so she came out to walk around.

When Lingyue was about to go for a walk in the Imperial Garden with Nanny Tai, Qing Jia, the maid of honor, hurried in, "Empress, Aunt Xueli from Princess Anguo's Mansion is asking to see you."

"Xueli..." Lingyue was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said, "Please come in quickly."


After Qing Jia walked out, Xue Li hurried in. When she saw Ling Yue, she immediately knelt down, "My maidservant pays respects to the empress."

When Xueli came just now, Lingyue noticed that there seemed to be scars on Xueli's face, and she couldn't help being a little startled, "You suddenly entered the palace, I don't know why." The mother-in-law was recuperating in Yunmengzhai recently. it is good?"

Since she came to the throne, Xueli has never come to her suddenly, and she must be visiting her today because of something urgent.

"Qi empress empress, the night before yesterday, the princess was attacked by an assassin and she narrowly escaped death." Xue Li reported to Ling Yue.

When Lingyue heard this, she stood up quickly and took a few steps forward, "What? She escaped death, how is the stepmother doing now, is she injured? Has the imperial doctor visited her?"

"It's okay for the princess to escape from death, but..." Xueli glanced at Lingyue, and suddenly hesitated in her words.

"Just what?" Ling Yue asked tightly.

Mother Tai's heart was also tightly suspended, and she looked at Xueli tightly, "Yes, Miss Xueli, how could such a thing happen? Who dares to attack Princess An? .”

Xueli sighed, and told Lingyue the whole thing, "That night, just after midnight, the courtyard where the princess was located suddenly caught fire, and then a group of assassins in black appeared. Luckily, the servant fired a signal stick and summoned the princess' hidden guard to come to rescue her, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"And when the princess was rescued, a firecracker was suddenly fired from the dark. The cannonball was aimed at the princess. At the critical moment, Concubine Xue jumped out suddenly and sacrificed himself to block the firecracker for the princess."

After Xueli finished speaking, Lingyue paled and felt weak all over, "Such a thing happened, how about Xue Concubine, how is it now?"

Hearing this, Xueli shook her head silently, "Consort Xue's body is already exhausted, and with the deadly firecracker, all internal organs have been destroyed, and they are gone."

Ling Yue sat down on the chair again, and couldn't help but shed tears as big as beans, "Mother-in-law Xue loves Concubine Xue the most, and Concubine Xue is dead, and mother-in-law must be very sad now."

Seeing this, Xueli also felt very worried, and quickly said, "The Empress, please don't be sad, lest you hurt yourself."

"So now, have you found the murderer?" Lingyue calmed down and looked at Xueli.

(End of this chapter)

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