Chapter 1628
Chapter 1628
When asked this question, Xueli's face suddenly became embarrassed, and she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Since Miss Xueli has come to look for the empress, let's just talk about it." Mother Tai saw that there was something wrong with Xueli's expression, and she had a vague premonition in her heart.

Ling Yue also nodded, "I want to know the cause and effect, please explain in detail."

"Yes, empress." Xueli didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and said, "The feathered arrows and firecrackers left on the scene all... all came from Prince Heng's residence."

"What?" Lingyue was surprised that Prince Heng's Mansion was involved?

She intuitively felt that there must be some reason for this. How could Prince Heng and his sister deal with Princess An for no reason?


An imperceptible thought flashed across Lingyue's eyes. Xueli didn't go to Feng Jue, nor did she go to the Queen Mother, but came to her directly. This shows that Princess An was testing her attitude.

Although Xueli lowered her head, her eyes were fixed on Lingyue from the corner of her eyes. According to the princess' instruction, she had to understand the queen's attitude.

Ling Yue said sternly, "If it's what Prince Heng's Mansion said, I will handle it impartially, and I will never estimate it! I will never allow the royal relatives to kill each other and cause turmoil in the court."

"Empress, the princess is also worried about causing unnecessary speculation, and Prince Heng's mansion has a close relationship with you, so I sent a servant to inform the empress first, and the princess is also afraid that the emperor and the empress will make things difficult for you." Xueli couldn't let Ling Yue felt that Princess An Guo was testing her, so she said this on purpose.

"I already know, you go back and serve Princess An, as the queen, I will give the princess an explanation." Lingyue said.

"Yes, Madam Empress, this servant will leave." Xue Li turned around and withdrew.

As soon as she left, Lingyue frowned immediately.

Well done, why did Prince Heng's Mansion be involved all of a sudden?

This matter is extraordinary, and she must not act rashly.

Mother Tai was a little anxious, she stepped forward and asked, "Your Majesty, the matter is very important! There is someone who wants to separate the Palace of Princess An and Prince Heng's Palace. The thief has not been caught yet, so there will inevitably be future tricks. We should report it immediately. Princess, make preparations early, just in case."

"If, if..." Mother Tai was a little speechless, hesitated for a moment, and said, "If it is really what the palace did, we should remind the prince and concubine first to prevent Princess An from finding evidence. If not , you have to find a way to prove your innocence, and don't put the princess in danger. The power of Princess An should not be underestimated.

If there is a confrontation between the palace and Princess An, there will probably be another bloody storm in the capital.

"Empress, why don't you go to Prince Heng's mansion and tell the prince and concubine right now?" Seeing that Lingyue remained silent, Nanny Tai asked.

"No." However, Ling Yue shook her head firmly, "I can't go to the palace."

"Empress, why..." Nanny Tai looked at Lingyue puzzled.

"I can't go to see my sister right now, I have to go to see Princess An to comfort her." Ling Yue said firmly.

Mother Tai was stunned for a moment, unable to understand, "This... this old servant is puzzled, so please ask your mother to explain. Now that Princess An is under attack and the target is directed at Prince Heng's mansion, why does your mother want to see Princess An?"

"Because right now, there is no truth or evidence for everything. But I am very clear in my heart. Princess An Guo specially sent her personal maid Xueli to inform the matter. It is not that I want the palace to investigate the incident of her attack, but to test Bengong's sincerity. Before the matter is clear, the last thing you can leave is to be wary of each other. If someone uses it, you will be punished by a traitor."

After Lingyue finished speaking, Nanny Tai understood, and broke out in a cold sweat, "The Empress is clearly aware of the details, it's the servant girl who is being reckless."

"I'm going to see the emperor right away." Ling Yue stood up and hurried to the outside of Rongyuan Hall.

When we arrived at Rongyuan Hall, Sijiu was guarding the door of the imperial study room. Seeing Lingyue approaching, he hurried forward, "I have seen the empress."

"Where's the emperor? I want to see the emperor right away!" Lingyue said anxiously.

"Reporting to the Empress, the emperor is reviewing the memorial in the study, and the slave will go in and report." Sijiu said.

"No need!" Ling Yue hastily pushed the door open and entered.

In the study room, Feng Jue, who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, was sitting at the desk reviewing the memorial. Hearing the sudden opening of the door, he frowned in displeasure, raised his head slightly, and when he saw the person coming, his expression immediately changed. Relieve, showing a gentle smile.

"Eleven, you are here."

"Your Majesty, I have something urgent to tell you." Ling Yue walked to Feng Jue with a hurried expression.

At this time, Feng Jue also noticed that Ling Yue's emotions were wrong, so he calmed down and said, "Don't worry, tell me, what happened?"

"Princess An Guo was attacked in Yunmengzhai the day before yesterday." Lingyue told Feng Jue the truth about the attack on Yunmengzhai, "So, I'm going to visit Yunmengzhai now, in the heart of Princess An'an. .”

After Feng Jue heard it, a sullen look appeared on his face, "There is such a thing!"

"Yes, someone dared to make plans for Princess An's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion." In Ling Yue's heart, her sister would never do such a thing to Princess An.

"You're right. The most urgent thing right now is to appease Princess An's heart. Princess An was frightened this time and lost her beloved. She must be deeply grieved. You can not only express your position at this time, but also appease her at the right time. "Feng Jue said.
"Then I'm going to Yunmengzhai now." Lingyue stood up and said.

"Okay, I will send someone to protect you secretly, and I will also send Prince Heng into the palace to inquire. I predict that,

Here, I will also go to Prince Heng's Mansion to inform. This time, someone must be obstructing and deliberately alienating. "Feng Jue frowned.

"Well, I'm leaving." Ling Yue said.

"Be careful." Feng Jue warned.


After coming out of Rongyuan Hall, Lingyue went back to Changchun Palace to change into the clothes she was going out of the palace, then took a carriage and went out of the palace to Yunmengzhai.

When I left the palace, it was almost dusk outside.

When Xueli returned to Yunmengzhai, the sky had completely darkened, "Princess, this servant has already reported the matter to the empress in detail."

"What did the queen say?" Princess An Guo asked, slowly touching Yu Ruyi in front of her with her hand, and asked slowly.

Xueli recalled the situation just now, and said, "The empress looks very worried about the princess."

"Is that the only way?" Princess An looked at Xueli, wanting to hear more news from Xueli.

Xueli pursed her lips, and when she was about to say something, Yunlu hurried over, "Princess Qi, the empress has arrived, and the carriage has already stopped at the gate of Yunmengzhai!"

(End of this chapter)

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