First-class daughter

Chapter 1629 Action

Chapter 1629 Action
Chapter 1629 Action
"The empress is here..." Xue Li was surprised, she never expected that the empress would arrive on her back as soon as she arrived.

Princess An's expression was slightly restrained, and she glanced at the sky outside. It would be Xu time, and Ling Yue'er actually came?

"Mother!" Just as she was thinking, Lingyue's figure had already walked in.

"Meet the Empress." The servants knelt down and said.

"Mother!" Lingyue saw Princess An, stepped forward quickly, held Princess An's hands, and said eagerly, "Is mother okay?"

A stone slowly fell from Princess An's heart, she also held her hand tightly and said, "The empress is here so late, I am even panicked."

As she said that, she lowered her face slightly, and said to Xue Li, "This princess only wants you to tell the empress the news, did you add more details to make the empress run around?"

Xueli heard this, knelt down quickly, and said in panic, "Princess forgive me, servant girl, servant girl is worried about the safety of the princess, so when reporting to the empress, she said a little too much without authorization."

"Mother, don't blame Xueli. It was because of my many inquiries that Xueli mentioned it. Knowing that my mother suffered such a disaster, I wanted to come and have a look immediately. I told the emperor, and the emperor was very angry. Now The investigation is already underway, and mother can rest assured that no matter who it is, the emperor will handle it impartially."

Between Lingyue's words, she already expressed to Princess An that she would not favor Prince Heng's mansion.

Princess An's expression relaxed slightly, and she said, "The emperor and the empress are so concerned about this princess, and this princess is very touched. Empress, let's sit down and talk."

"Come." Ling Yue supported Princess An's hand and sat down together.

"You all retreat." Princess An ordered all the servants present to retreat.

After the rest of the people retreated together, Ling Yuezai looked carefully at Princess An's body. After seeing some bruises on Princess An's neck and the back of her hands, she reached out and stroked them gently.

"When did my mother suffer this kind of grievance? It's because my daughter didn't take care of her well." Ling Yue blushed, feeling really uncomfortable in her heart, "It's been less than a month since I saw my mother last time, but my mother has lost weight all over again." a big circle.

Princess An Guo stared at Lingyue, seeing the sincerity on her face, she was deeply moved, she really read it right, "It's nothing, it's just some skin trauma, the doctor prescribed medicine, just apply it a few times and it will heal."

"Daughter came to apply medicine to mother." Lingyue took the medicine jar at the side, dabbed a cool ointment, and applied it to the wound bit by bit, "Mother, I also heard about Xue Renfu."

Princess An's body paused slightly, with countless sorrows in her eyes, "Yes, I thought that I would be a stranger when I saw him again in this life, but I didn't expect it to end like this."

"In the past, every time I saw you and Concubine Xue, I could only see affection for Concubine Xue from you, and Concubine Xue had always been the one who was cold and ignored you forever. But not long ago, Concubine Xue The first love poem to confess to you, after it was introduced into the palace, I found that after Concubine Xue left you, he also lived in such pain. Now..." Lingyue took Princess La'an's hand and said softly , "Now for Consort Xue, it may be a relief."

Princess An Guo has always kept her emotions secret, and would not show her weakness in front of anyone, but after Ling Yue finished speaking, her eyes felt a little hot.

"Everyone in the world thinks that I, An Guo, are high and powerful, calling the wind and rain, and that I have obtained everything that women in this world dream of the most, but no one has ever known what I have lost."

In the past, in order to gain the trust of the emperor's brother, she did not hesitate to kill her own husband to show her sincerity.

Later, after meeting Xue Renfu, she thought she had encountered the luckiest thing in her life, but she didn't want to hurt herself.

For more than ten years, countless days and nights, she stayed alone in the empty boudoir, and when she woke up to look for Xue Renfu, she found him crying holding Nanli's portrait.

She could only stand and watch, but could do nothing.

She is clearly the aloof princess An Guo, so she can rush over to warn Xue Renfu and order Xue Renfu not to do this again.

But she didn't.

To this day, when she found out that she had the love of her dreams, that person was gone.

For the rest of the years, she was left alone again.

If possible, she would rather be an ordinary woman from birth, take care of her husband and teach her children, and grow old happily.

"Mother, Lingyue'er knows that you feel sad, but the person has gone. Now Lingyue'er only hopes that you will let go of everything and live happily and comfortably." Lingyue didn't know how to comfort Princess An, so she could only say these pale words. words.

Losing a loved one is probably the cruelest thing in the world.

If it happened to her one day, maybe she would not even have half of her mother's composure.

Princess An Guo slightly closed her eyes and nodded slightly.


Because Lingyue is a queen, she can't stay outside the palace for too long, so she returns to the palace as soon as possible, and reluctantly separates from Princess An.

Princess An watched Lingyue's carriage leave, her expression gradually became serious, "Xueli."

"The servant is here." Xueli came up to welcome her.

"Now you can order Bai Tian to investigate." Princess An opened her lips and said, her face returned to indifference.

Xueli nodded and looked at Princess An, "Did the princess see anything?"

"This matter is not just a matter of separating my palace from Prince Heng's mansion, but someone wants to use the hands of Prince Heng's mansion to kill me." Princess An said calmly with a cold face.

"The princess means that the assassin is not Prince Heng's mansion?" Xue Li asked.

"That's fine. Why did Yunzheng and Siyue attack Bengong? Besides, even if they wanted to, they wouldn't use such a low-level method. This time, this incident was purely aimed at Bengong!" Princess An said affirmatively. Said.

"Then, who is that?" Xueli Xueli was terrified when she heard that, and she couldn't think of who it would be, who would do such an amazing and bold thing.

"No matter who it is, if she hurts me, I will find her soon and tear her into pieces. I won't tolerate it." Princess An slowly clenched her fists, her eyes were filled with coldness.

"How, are you ready?" Lin Fu, Lin Zhiran grabbed his clothes tightly and asked.

"Everything, everything is ready." Qiu Feng said with some trepidation.

Lin Zhiran tried his best to calm himself down, and said, "No matter what, we must get rid of the dumb today, otherwise the night will be full of dreams."

"Yes, miss, servant girl, servant girl, let's do it now!" Qiufeng walked out with a bundle in his hand, clutching it tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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