First-class daughter

Chapter 1630 Trap

Chapter 1630 Trap
Chapter 1630 Trap
"Miss, Madam invites you to have lunch together." After Qiufeng left, Mrs. Lin sent a maid over to ask Lin Zhiran to have lunch.

Lin Zhiran nodded, "Got it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhiran regained his composure, and followed the maid to Mrs. Lin's yard as if nothing had happened.

All the way to Mrs. Lin's yard, Lin Zhiran walked in. After entering the dining room, she found that her father was also here.

"I met my father, my mother." Lin Zhiran saluted her parents.

"Ran'er is here, sit down quickly." Mrs. Lin smiled when she saw Lin Zhiran coming, and told Lin Zhiran to sit down quickly.

After Lin Zhiran sat down, he realized that his father, Mr. Lin, was still wearing an official uniform, so he couldn't help asking, "Did father just come back from court?"

In the past, when my father went to court, he would change the court clothes on his body.

Master Lin nodded, frowned slightly, and did not move his chopsticks, "After the imperial court today, the emperor has retained a few important court officials to discuss matters."

Hearing this, Lin Zhiran nodded slightly, and didn't ask any further questions.

During the meal, Mrs. Lin saw Lord Lin's sad face, and couldn't help asking, "Master, what did the emperor say to you, why did it upset you so much that you lost your appetite for dinner?"

Speaking of this, Master Lin sighed, "It's about Princess An's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion."


The chopsticks in Lin Zhiran's hand suddenly fell off.

"Ran'er, what's wrong?" Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran was flustered and shook his head quickly, then looked at Master Lin with a hint of joy, "Father just said, about Princess An's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion? What happened to them?"

Lin Zhiran was ecstatic.

It must be Princess An's suspicion that she has come to Prince Heng's mansion, Lian Yue is about to start to be in a dilemma.

Great, great!
"I told you that you women don't understand." Master Lin took a sip of wine, unwilling to spend more time with Lin Zhiran's mother and daughter.

"Father, my daughter just saw you looking a little sad. Father might as well tell me, maybe my daughter can give you some advice." Lin Zhiran wanted to get more information from Mr. Lin.

Mrs. Lin nodded, nodded in agreement, and said. "That's right, master, they are all at home anyway, so it's nothing to talk about."

Master Lin sighed, and said slowly, "The emperor told us today that Princess Anguo was assassinated outside the city a few days ago, and the people from Princess An's mansion presented some evidence to the emperor this morning. The people in the Princess Mansion said that these evidences all come from Prince Heng's Mansion, and are the assassins appointed by Prince Heng's Mansion."

"So the emperor is very embarrassed about this. On the one hand, he is his aunt, and on the other hand, he is the empress's sister. The emperor is very troubled, so he summoned several of our ministers to discuss whether there is any way to appease Princess An and protect Prince Heng's mansion. good idea."

"However, Princess An is a little bit relentless. It is said that the emperor has been given ten days. If she is not given justice, she will personally announce to the world what Prince Heng's mansion has done. Therefore, not only does the emperor have a headache, We ministers also have headaches."

After listening to Master Lin's words, Lin Zhiran's mood could no longer be expressed with excitement.

"What about the queen?" she asked.

"I heard that the empress wanted to prove the innocence of Prince Heng's mansion, and Princess An was very dissatisfied. If Princess An's mansion and Prince Heng's mansion fell out, it would be detrimental to the court and even more detrimental to the emperor. The old man has a sad face."

"Father, isn't that good? Lian Yue monopolizes the harem. If there is a conflict between Princess An's mansion and Prince Heng's mansion, the harem will not be at peace." Lin Zhiran said.

Lord Lin said with a straight face, "You have no selfish intentions yet! As a father, you have already made up your mind. Your character is not suitable for entering the palace as a concubine. Even if you are lucky enough to be favored, you will eventually cause trouble to your upper body. Listen to what your father says. Don't think about it later."

"Father!" Lin Zhiran was helpless.

"Okay, stop talking and eat." Master Lin reprimanded.

Lin Zhiran had no choice but to give up and stop talking.

However, her heart jumped up again after a while, thinking, that old temptress is not bad, it seems that listening to her is also rewarding.

After a meal, Lin Zhiran left Mrs. Lin's yard, but Qiufeng did not come back.

She thought to herself, maybe she was delayed by something, so she sent another person to wait for Qiufeng at the gate of the mansion.

She herself immediately prepared the soft sedan chair, and went out of the mansion to the tea house.


"South Warbler!"

"South Warbler!"

Arriving at Nanying's teahouse, Lin Zhiran shouted hastily.

Hearing Lin Zhiran's voice, Nanying frowned, "I'm here."

Seeing Nan Ying, Lin Zhiran ran up quickly and looked at her ecstatically, "Nan Ying, we succeeded!"

"Success?" Nanying asked doubtfully.

Lin Zhiran pulled Nan Ying into the door, and after closing the door, Lin Zhiran clenched her fists excitedly, "I tell you, Princess An has completely suspected that she has entered Prince Heng's mansion. , trying to think of a way!"

"Really?" Nanying couldn't believe it.

Lin Zhiran nodded, and told Nanying exactly what her father said.

After hearing this, Nan Ying couldn't help laughing a few times.

Really hard work pays off!
Sure enough, Xue Renfu's death greatly stimulated Feng Cong'an, that smart woman. Now Feng Cong'an is afraid that she only wants to avenge Xue Renfu, and will no longer care about her relationship with Prince Heng's residence.

Very good!
This is really the best news she has heard in recent days!
"Princess An Guo is so powerful, even if she can't defeat Prince Heng's Mansion this time, she will definitely make Lianyue lose a lot of skin. What's more, the emperor is so upset by this matter, and the Emperor will greatly discount Prince Heng's Mansion in his heart! At that time , Miss Ben's chance is coming." Lin Zhiran smiled, and it seemed that she was wearing a phoenix robe and a phoenix crown before her eyes.

Nanying glanced at Lin Zhiran, showing contempt on her face, but she still comforted her, "Yes, you are getting closer and closer to the road to success."


"By the way, to trouble you these few days, go to your father to inquire about the inside information of Princess An's Mansion and Prince Heng's Mansion, so that we can prepare early." Nanying said to Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran nodded.

After Lin Zhiran left, Nanying sat down again, poured a cup of tea, and sipped it slowly.

"What is mother thinking?" Cheng Mufei couldn't help asking, looking at the thoughtful Nanying.

Nanying put down the teacup in her hand, her eyes were calm, and she said slowly, "Since Feng Cong'an has completely doubted Prince Heng's Mansion, maybe I can make a new plan."

However, after Lin Zhiran returned to the Lin Mansion, Qiufeng hadn't come back yet.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she said to herself, "Nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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