First-class daughter

Chapter 1631 Remembering

Chapter 1631 Remembering
Chapter 1631 Remembering
Before the autumn wind came, Lin Zhiran was a little worried. After returning to the yard where she lived, she hurriedly called out, "Li Sheng."

Li Sheng is the guard at the gate of Lin Zhiran's courtyard. After hearing Lin Zhiran's shout, he immediately stepped forward and said respectfully, "Second Miss, what are your orders?"

"Go and guard the back door for Miss Ben. If Qiu Feng comes back, let her come to see Miss Ben immediately." Lin Zhiran sat on a chair, took a glass of water, and was about to take a sip, but put down the teacup in a moodless mood .

"Yes, Miss." Li Sheng hurried out after hearing the order.

Qiu Feng, a dead girl, usually does things quickly, what happened today?
When she comes back, she must give this dead girl a good lesson, causing her to be so frightened for no reason.

The whole afternoon, Lin Zhiran sat in the room waiting for Qiufeng, until it was dark, there was no sign of Qiufeng.

At this moment, Lin Zhiran's heart was so high that even breathing became difficult, "Smelly girl, smelly girl, come back and see if I don't beat you to death!"

Just as he was thinking, a few footsteps suddenly came from outside the yard.

Hearing the footsteps, Lin Zhiran showed joy, stood up hastily, and walked outside, "Autumn wind!"

As soon as the words were finished, after seeing who was coming, Lin Zhiran's smile froze on his lips, and he changed his words abruptly, "Mother, it's so late, why are you here?"

It was Mrs. Lin who came.

Seeing Lin Zhiran's reckless appearance, Mrs. Lin frowned slightly, a little displeased, and after approaching, she took Lin Zhiran's hand, "Ran'er, mother heard that you didn't eat a bite of dinner, what's the matter?" okay, are you feeling unwell?"

Madam Lin showed concern, and reached out to gently touch Lin Zhiran's forehead.

Lin Zhiran pursed her lips, shook her head lightly, and squeezed out a faint smile, "No, it's because my daughter isn't very hungry, so I decided to eat later. Mother doesn't have to worry about her daughter."

"That's good." Mrs. Lin nodded reassuringly, "A few days ago you caused a lot of headaches for your father. Let him know that this daughter of yours has him in his heart."

"Yes, my daughter knows." Lin Zhiran obediently responded to Mrs. Lin's words.

Mrs. Lin smiled in satisfaction, and when she was about to leave, she looked around and suddenly found something, "By the way, where did that girl Qiufeng go?"

Mentioning Qiufeng, Lin Zhiran was startled, and then quickly said, "Qiufeng's elder brother is ill, my daughter sees her pity, so she let her go back to visit relatives."

"Well, it should be." After Madam Lin finished speaking, she stepped out of Lin Zhiran's yard without saying anything more.

Lin Zhiran watched Mrs. Lin's figure leave, thinking of the autumn wind that had not heard from her for a long time, she kept comforting herself in her heart.

It's alright, it must be alright!


Because of Princess An's affair with Prince Heng's Mansion, Lingyue hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days in a row. Mother Tai saw it and felt very distressed.

"Empress, it's rainy outside again today, and my servant has warmed up Mrs. Tang for you in bed. Why don't you go and rest, Empress?" Nanny Tai walked to Lingyue's side, bent down and gently pointed at Lingyue. opening.

Lingyue also happened to be a little tired, and nodded lightly when she heard Mother Tai's suggestion.

Nanny Tai supported Lingyue to sit on the bed, and tucked up the quilt for Lingyue, "Empress Empress, please sleep for a while, the servant will watch over you outside."

"Mommy, what's going on outside now? Has the news been spread?" Before Lingyue fell asleep, she was a little worried, blinked her bright black eyes, and looked at Nanny Tai.

Mother Tai thought for a while, then nodded, "I have inquired this morning, and the news has already been spread, but..."

Mother Tai frowned as she spoke, with a hesitant tone.

"Just what?" Ling Yue asked.

"It's just that I don't understand one thing. Why did the empress ask the emperor to spread the news about Princess An and Prince Heng's mansion? Isn't this trying to scare the snake away?" Mother Tai couldn't figure it out.

Hearing this, Ling Yue smiled, with a little coldness in his eyes, "No, this is not scaring the snake, it is leading the snake out of the hole."

Mother Tai was taken aback, "Led the snake out of the hole?"

"Ninth brother heard the news that Princess An was attacked, and went to see the emperor immediately. Ninth brother told the emperor that Prince Heng's mansion was not involved in this matter. Therefore, it is obvious that the person behind it deliberately provoked the two governments relationship." When Lingyue said this, her eyes darkened deeply.

After hearing this, Mother Tai gritted her teeth angrily and said, "This man is really hateful! How dare you make a fuss about Prince Heng's mansion, you are so audacious!"

"So don't worry, the snake is about to move, and soon we will know who that man is." Ling Yue sneered.

"When this servant finds out who that person is, this servant must kill that thief with his own hands, because he has caused Prince Heng's mansion to suffer such a great injustice!" Mother Tai, as a person from Prince Heng's mansion, is really mad at someone. Splash dirty water on the prince and princess.

Ling Yue nodded.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and take a nap, there was a knock on the door outside.

"What's the matter?" Mother Tai showed displeasure, walked to the door and opened it.

Standing at the door was Qing Jia, the maidservant of Changchun Palace. Qing Jia was holding a small casserole in her hand. Seeing Madam Tai's bad tone, she showed panic, and said, "It's cold today. Maid, I brought a bowl of warming ginseng soup to the empress."

Seeing that it was sent by the emperor, Nanny Tai's expression softened a little, she took the casserole from Qing Jia, and then sent Qing Jia away.

"Empress, this is the ginseng soup that the emperor ordered the maids in the imperial dining room to send. Why don't you drink it before going to bed?" Mother Tai put the casserole on the table, poured out a bowl of ginseng soup, and brought it to Lingyue's before.

Ling Yue hummed, looked at the steaming ginseng soup, and felt a hint of sweetness in her heart.

Grandma Tai looked at Lingyue happy, and she was also happy, "The emperor is busy with everything, and he still misses the empress, and he really loves the empress most in his heart."

"Nurse, don't talk nonsense!" Ling Yue said, but a blush subconsciously appeared on her cheeks.

After slowly drinking the ginseng soup, Ling Yuehu's brows twitched, suddenly thinking of someone.

"By the way, that maid named Zixing is still working in the imperial dining room?"

Seeing Lingyue asking about Zixing, Mother Tai thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "It's still there. When I went to fetch your bird's nest a few days ago, I seemed to have seen that girl."

"That girl, is there any contact with Lin Zhiran recently?" Ling Yue asked.

"That's not true. Some of us have been watching that girl in private. We haven't found that Zixing has contacted Lin Zhiran during these days." Mother Tai said.

(End of this chapter)

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