Chapter 1632
Chapter 1632
Ling Yue drank the ginseng soup in the small bowl in one gulp.

Putting down the bowl in his hand, Ling Yue sat on the bed. After a long silence, he lifted up and asked, "What actions has Lin Zhiran been doing recently?"

"That Second Miss Lin, I heard that since she was humiliated in the street not long ago, she has become more honest recently. It is said that the door does not leave the door, the second door does not step, and stays at home obediently all day long." I heard it from others last time.

"Humiliated in the street?" Lingyue caught these important words, and a trace of surprise flashed across her eyes, "How can the daughter of the dignified servant Lin be humiliated in the street..."

Who would have such courage?
"Mother." Lingyue looked at Mother Tai, "Send someone to find the person who humiliated Lin Zhiran, and remember to keep it secret."

Mother Tai was puzzled, thinking that Lingyue was trying to vent her anger on Lin Zhiran, "Second Miss Lin is dressed like a butterfly all day long, and she deserves to be humiliated. Why did the empress find her to humiliate her?" people?"

"This matter is not simple, there must be other secrets." Ling Yue lowered her eyes, and her pupils gradually darkened.

She didn't think that anyone would be bold enough to humiliate the daughter of a court official.

It is possible that there is a truth she wants to know.

Although Nanny Tai couldn't understand what it meant, she somehow sensed something was wrong, and quickly responded to Commander Yue's words.

After Lingyue drank the ginseng soup, her body gradually warmed up. Coupled with the heat from Mrs. Tang, Lingyue, who hadn't slept well for several days, gradually felt tired.

After Nanny Tai guarded Lingyue and fell asleep, she immediately left Lingyue's room to do what Lingyue asked her to do.


"How about it, Qiufeng still hasn't come back?"

Lin Zhiran waited in the mansion for a whole day and night, but did not hear from Qiu Feng.

In the end, I couldn't wait any longer, and went to the back door to look for Li Sheng in person.

Li Sheng nodded, "Second Miss, the little one has been staying here, and Miss Qiufeng hasn't come back. Could it be that something happened? Do you want the little one to report to the police?"


Lin Zhiran glared at Li Sheng, "Do your own thing well and stay out of your own business!"

"Yes, Miss." Li Sheng immediately lowered his head.

There was no news from Qiu Feng for a long time. After Lin Zhiran returned to the room, he paced back and forth anxiously.

"No, no, something must have happened, I have to find that woman Nanying quickly!" Lin Zhiran couldn't hold back anymore, if she waited like this, she would go crazy.

Lin Zhiran thought about it, and hurried out.

"Hurry up and prepare the sedan chair for this lady, this lady is going out of the house!"

As soon as the words were finished, a group of people walked in from the outside, and the leader was Nanny Tai.

"Where is Miss Lin going?"

Seeing Nanny Tai suddenly, Lin Zhiran was so frightened that he took several steps back.

How could this horrible old woman be here?

She still remembered that when she was in the palace that day, the old woman in front of her pinched her waist almost to the point of falling off.

What is she doing here now?
Is it...

Lin Zhiran didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Lin also followed behind Mother Tai, and when they saw someone suddenly coming from the palace, they both showed panicked expressions.

"The Empress has a new batch of scented tea. I specially invited the old slave to come to the Lin Mansion to invite Miss Lin to taste tea together. Miss Lin, please go with the old slave." Mother Tai smiled and looked at Lin Zhiran, and did it by the way. A 'please' action.

Drinking tea?

Only ghosts will believe this kind of rhetoric.

Lin Zhiran looked at Nanny Tai in horror, last time she was in the hands of Lian Yue, she almost lost half of her life, how could she put herself in this time.

"No, I won't go!" Lin Zhiran almost instinctively refused.

"Ran'er, presumptuous! The Empress is so kind to invite you, how dare you not go!" Master Lin shouted angrily.

Lin Zhiran shrunk her neck, but kept shaking her head, "No, I won't go, I'll come back wherever I go!"

"Second Miss Lin, the empress is not as scary as you said." Nanny Tai stepped forward, grabbed Lin Zhiran's wrist, and was about to drag Lin Zhiran away.

Lin Zhiran kept struggling.

Just when he was about to say something, a sudden pain came from his wrist, a pain close to a bone fracture came from his wrist, and Lin Zhiran's face turned pale in an instant in pain.

Nanny Tai tightly grasped Lin Zhiran's slender wrist, looked back at Lin Zhiran with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Miss Lin, this old servant eats a lot on weekdays, so I can't control the strength of my hand , you'd better not move around, in case the old servant gets impatient and exerts all his strength, and pinches your thin arms and legs, what should we do?"

pinch, pinch off?

Lin Zhiran broke out in a cold sweat.

Of course she knew that this old woman had such strength!

Damn it, why is there such a horrible and vulgar old woman beside Lian Yue, she has never seen such a strong woman, how could Lian Yue keep such a person by her side!
"No, I..."

Just as Lin Zhiran was about to say something, the strength on her wrist became stronger, and she grinned in pain.

Nanny Tai put away her smile and looked at Lin Zhiran sadly, "Why isn't the maid beside Miss Lin here today?"

"What, you?" Lin Zhiran looked around subconsciously.

After discovering the meaning of Nanny Tai's words, Lin Zhiran felt that all the strength in his body was drained, and he could only walk out with Nanny Tai in a numb manner.

As Lin Zhiran walked, he looked at Nanny Tai's back, and he kept seeing the bloodstained image of himself being treated by Lian Yue when he was in the palace that day.

Almost at the same time, Lin Zhiran screamed suddenly, turned to look at Master Lin, "Father, save me, the queen is going to kill her daughter! Father, save me!"

"Miss Lin, what nonsense are you talking about!" Mother Tai pushed Lin Zhiran into the carriage without waiting for Master Lin to speak, then got into the carriage herself, and ordered the groom to leave immediately.

At the same place, Mrs. Lin looked at Master Lin worriedly, "Master, why is the Empress Dowager coming so aggressively suddenly, will something happen to Ran'er?"

"Ma'am, don't panic, I'll go into the palace and have a look." Master Lin said, hurriedly went back and changed into an official uniform, and followed Lin Zhiran into the palace.

on the carriage.

"Ouch, it hurts..."

Nanny Tai grabbed Lin Zhiran's ear severely, and cursed angrily, "You little servant girl, how dare you say wild words, saying that the empress is going to kill you, you really don't know what to do!"

After all, Nanny Tai was overwhelmed with anger, and when she was about to pinch Lin Zhiran again, Lin Zhiran quickly hid in fright.

"Mommy, Zhiran made a mistake, Zhiran will never dare again!"

Lin Zhiran hid, with strong anger in his eyes.

This bitch Lian Yue dared to send a servant to humiliate her!
After all, she is also the daughter of the servant's mansion, but now she is pinched and beaten by a servant girl!
(End of this chapter)

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