First-class daughter

Chapter 1633 Entering the Palace

Chapter 1633 Entering the Palace
Chapter 1633 Entering the Palace
Lian Yue, you wait for this lady, the Japanese lady will take your second place, and she will definitely make you and this old witch into a human pig, so that you can relieve your anger!

"What bad idea are you planning again!" Mother Tai looked at Lin Zhiran's vicious eyes, and pinched Lin Zhiran's waist again.

Lin Zhiran wailed, and quickly returned from fantasy to reality.

When Lin Zhiran was brought to the Changchun Palace, his whole body had already been tossed and peeled off by Nanny Tai, and he didn't dare to show the hatred in his heart.

Princess Hengqin and even the servants who came out from Siyue's side were as domineering as the master, but it was unthinkable.

The moment he saw Ling Yue, he immediately knelt down as if he saw Lord Yan.

"Minister, my daughter pays homage to the empress, the empress is a thousand years old!"

Ling Yue slowly raised her head to look at Lin Zhiran, but with a smile on her face, she said, "Why is Second Miss Lin so flustered, I invite you to come over for tea."

Seeing Lingyue's smile, Lin Zhiran's heart tightened, "The queen's kindness, Zhiran... I am very grateful."

"Come here, help Miss Lin take her seat and pour tea for Miss Lin." Ling Yue picked up the teacup next to her, took a sip, and said.


After a while, Madam Tai ordered tea and snacks to be brought up.

Lin Zhiran looked up and saw Nanny Tai's sultry face, and couldn't help but flinch.

"Miss Lin, please." Nanny Tai said harshly.

"Thank you, empress." Lin Zhiran picked up the tea, but the tea was too hot, and she was impatient, so she scalded her mouth with an "ah".

At this time, Ling Yue winked at Sister Tai.

Nanny Tai understood and clapped her hands.

Seeing this, Lin Zhiran raised his head, and saw a man walking in from behind the curtain.

When she saw this person's appearance, she stood up abruptly, her face flushed, "You..."

This man turned out to turned out to be the one who insulted her in the street that day.

"Empress, this person is indeed arranged by you!" Lin Zhiran looked at Lingyue angrily, "I didn't expect that, in order to prevent me from getting close to the emperor, you actually ordered someone to insult my reputation, Empress Empress! As the master of the harem, doing this would be too deceitful!"

"Bah!" After hearing this, Mother Tai scolded, "Who are you, worthy of our empress's troubles? Even if you stand in front of the emperor, the emperor will not take a second look at you. , Has the emperor looked at you?"

"You!" Lin Zhiran looked angry, "You guys are too deceitful!"

"Miss Lin, I don't have the time to do this kind of thing. It's true that this person was the one who insulted you in the street that day, but it wasn't arranged by me. I also found out about this by accident. I couldn't let Lord Yushi's daughter be humiliated, so I found this person and asked him to explain the matter clearly, but who knew that this question turned out to be a bit strange." Ling Yue said eloquently.

"Could it be that the empress wants to shirk?" Lin Zhiran didn't believe Lingyue's words.

"Prevarication!" Mother Tai sneered, "If it was really the empress who did it, then she would have done it. If there is a need to find someone out to show you, is it true? Ms. Lin might as well think about it." Bar!"

"You..." Although Lin Zhiran was scolded bloody by Mother Tai, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true. If it was really Lingyue who did it, why did she go out of her way to find him out?
"Tell me! What's going on?" Lin Zhiran stood up and glared at the shrunken man.

"Yes, it was a woman who took the silver and ordered me to humiliate Miss Lin in the street, and gave 200 taels of silver." The man said with a sad face.



Lin Zhiran was startled, and his face turned pale.

Could it be that the woman mentioned is that bitch Nanying?
Lin Zhiran suddenly understood that Nan Ying had deliberately set a trap to lure her into the game.

The letter that Xue Renfu wrote to his father was probably also written by this bitch!
However, she and the bitch are on the same boat now. If this bitch is confessed, will her own crimes be exposed? By then...

"What's the matter, does Ms. Lin know which woman it is? If she knows, I won't have to investigate again. If you tell me, I will make the decision for you." Ling Yue secretly observed Lin Zhiran's face and said.

"No, no need!" Lin Zhiran came back to his senses and said hastily, "This matter, this matter is not considered a major matter, so I won't bother the empress. Besides, this matter has already passed, if we talk about it again, I'm afraid it will be a big deal again." If you suffer some criticism, let it go."

"That's all? This is related to Miss Lin's reputation." Lingyue's eyes flashed with deep thought, but her mouth said lightly,

"Empress, if you want to protect my reputation, please kill this apprentice immediately!" Lin Zhiran drew her attention to this man, and she picked up the hot tea beside her hand and slammed at the man. The man splashed over!

The man was scalded and screamed.

"Only by killing this prodigal son can the hatred in my heart be relieved!" Lin Zhiran clenched his fists and said.

"So, let's procrastinate." Ling Yue raised her hand, but a smile flashed on her lips.

"The Empress, please forgive me, the Empress, please forgive me, the grassroots were also entrusted by others, and they were instigated by that woman!" The man was escorted down, but he turned his head frequently and shouted loudly.

Lin Zhiran trembled nervously, "Get out, get out!"

After a while, the man was dragged down, and it was quiet again.

Lin Zhiran was so nervous that her hands and feet were cold.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, since I know about this matter, I will seek justice for you." Ling Yue looked at Lin Zhiran's pale face and said.


Nan Ying finally got an exciting news.

Feng Cong'an is coming back from Yunmengzhai.

"Fei'er, this time is another great opportunity. As long as we make careful arrangements, Feng Cong'an will definitely return to the Princess Mansion without his life." Nan Ying sneered, with a strong ruthlessness on her face.

Although she felt sorry for the last miss, Xue Renfu died by accident.

As long as it can make Feng Cong'an suffer and feel sad, now it is what Nan Ying is most happy about.

Although Xue Renfu was her brother-in-law, she still cared about her family affection, but after so many days, she suddenly realized that there was nothing to regret.

"Mother is thinking of doing something halfway?" Cheng Mufei understood what Nanying said.

Nan Ying nodded slightly, "That's right."

"Mother..." Cheng Mufei frowned, he seemed a little hesitant compared to Nan Ying's decisiveness.

"What? Do you have concerns?" Nanying looked up at Cheng Mufei.

Cheng Mufei nodded, "My son thinks that there is something strange about this matter. Princess An is just going back to the princess mansion, why bother to reveal this trivial matter, isn't it trying to lure us into the bait?"

"Mother, last time we missed, we must be more careful and not act rashly!" Cheng Mufei said.

Hearing this, Nan Ying clenched her fists fiercely and looked at Cheng Mufei, "You are young, what do you know!"

"Feng Cong'an is not as powerful as you think!" Nanying paused, then said in a calm tone, "This is our last chance, once Feng Cong'an returns to the Princess Mansion, if you want to get close to her again, It's just as difficult as reaching the sky!"

All these years, she had finally returned to the capital with great difficulty, and finally got close to her enemy. This time, she must not miss again!
Otherwise, she didn't know how long she would have to wait for such an opportunity!
She didn't want to eradicate Feng Cong'an, a poisonous woman, from this world until she died of old age!

"Where is Lin Zhiran, is there any news from her?" Nan Ying asked.

For a while, Lin Zhiran's side was quiet, without any movement

(End of this chapter)

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