First-class daughter

Chapter 1634 dead

Chapter 1634 dead

Chapter 1634 dead

After staying in Yunmengzhai for a few days, Princess An Guo finally decided to leave for the Princess Mansion immediately.

Early in the morning, Xueli put on a five-color brocade plate and gold embroidered satin skirt for Princess Anguo, and rolled up her black silk hair. With gemstone golden phoenix hairpins, jade butterfly pattern steps, and red emerald drop bead earrings, the whole person is bright and beautiful. Brilliant, glamorous and indescribable.

Suddenly, she had withdrawn from the grief of the past few days, and turned back into the decisive and decisive Princess An, who was under one person and above ten thousand.

"Princess, everything has been loaded into the car, we should set off." Mother Ji walked in from the outside after taking care of everything, and said to Princess An.

Princess An Guo nodded slightly, stood up, Xueli supported her, and walked out.

Outside the door, Master Qiubai, the master of Yunmengzhai, was already waiting outside. After seeing Princess An Guo walking out, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, "I have seen the princess."

Princess Anguo hummed, with a faint smile on her face, "During these days, I have bothered Master, the house decorations that were destroyed by me a few days ago, I have ordered people to repair them, if there are any damages or missing Yes, master, just send someone to the princess mansion to inform me when the time comes, and this palace will definitely deal with it."

"Princess An Guo suffered such a big fright here. It was all because of the poor arrangement of the old monk. The princess did not blame the old monk. The old monk is already very grateful. How dare you bother the princess for these trivial matters." Master Qiubai looked at him in fear. Princess Anguo.

This Princess An Guo was a woman who could call the wind and rain in the Great Zhou Dynasty. This time she almost died in his Yunmengzhai. She could not pursue her responsibility and let him stay alive in Yunmengzhai.
After listening to Master Qiubai's words, Princess An didn't say anything more, and glanced at Xueli beside her.

Xueli understood immediately, and said, "Princess, it's getting late, we should set off."

After speaking, Xueli supported Princess An and walked towards the soft sedan chair.

Master Qiubai stood on one side, watching Princess An Guo get into the sedan chair, "I respectfully send the princess off!"

Princess An Guo paused as she was about to get into the sedan chair, turned around and glanced at the big three characters 'Yunmengzhai', feeling a slight pain in her heart.

"Yunmeng goes on a thousand trips, and Xiaoxiang is in the sky overnight."

Her old friend will never come back again...

Princess An's heart felt cold, she closed her eyes slightly, bent down and sat in the soft sedan chair.

"Let's go!" Shirley shouted, waving her hand.

Master Qiubai glanced at the people around him, quickly took two steps forward, and said in a slightly frightened voice, "Miss Xueli, are you the only ones out there? Where's the white guard?"

Before the black hand who assassinated last time was caught, Princess An brought such a few people with her on her return journey, which is really dangerous!

"The guards during the day are going to investigate other matters. Don't worry, master. Those people will not be so bold as to assassinate the princess at this time." Xueli gave Master Qiubai a look that made him understand, and followed the team. leave together.

Master Qiubai stood where he was, looked at the convoy going away, and said with emotion, "Amitabha, may the Buddha bless you."


After traveling for half an hour, Princess An's convoy entered a wasteland on the outskirts of the city.

After the cloudy and rainy days of the past few days, today's breeze is refreshing, warm and pleasant, and the wild flowers on the outskirts of the city are blooming all over the place, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.

Princess An Guo was sitting in the soft sedan chair, her eyes were slightly closed and she was asleep, her face was tense, and she couldn't see the joy and anger at this time.

Xue Li and Nanny Ji stood guard outside the sedan chair. After they walked for a while, they couldn't help but glanced at each other.

In this glance, the expressions of both of them are a bit weird.

Because it's so quiet along the way...

Although this suburb of the city is usually deserted, it is not as quiet as it is now, not even a bird chirping.

Xueli raised her heart high, clasped her hands together, and looked around subconsciously.

"The sun outside the city is too poisonous, hurry up!" Xueli ordered.

After finishing speaking, several bearers quickened their pace.

"Feng Cong'an, a vicious woman, is here. You will follow my orders for a while!" Nanying hid in the bushes, watching the convoy approaching not far away, with a vicious smile on her lips.

Cheng Mufei squatted aside, his eyes were also falling on the approaching convoy, after a careful look, he frowned, "Mother, my son feels that he should not act rashly today."

"Why?" Nan Ying looked at Cheng Mufei impatiently.

"Look at Princess An's sedan chair, there are only six guards. The defense is too loose. Could this be a trap deliberately set by Princess An?"

After Cheng Mufei came to the capital, he followed Nan Ying to observe Princess An Guo for a long time. In the past, even if Princess An Guo went out to enter a palace, she would be accompanied by a dozen guards during the short journey.

Not to mention that Princess An was attacked by them a few days ago, the way back should be more careful and careful, how could she arrange only six guards.

Cheng Mufei's words made Nan Ying fall into a short period of thought.


Just as she was thinking, a familiar pain came from Nanying's heart.

Nan Ying covered her heart in pain, and gradually frowned.

During these days, her heart disease has become more and more frequent, and the pain is getting worse every time. Even the doctor said there is no cure...

She really didn't know how long she could last.

The more Nanying thought about it, the fire of hatred in her eyes gathered again.

"Fei'er, you don't need to persuade me anymore. Even if I take another risk today, I will give it a try. Otherwise, I won't have such a good opportunity in the future!" Nan Ying has made up her mind and made up her mind.

Seeing Princess An's convoy approaching her, Nan Ying narrowed her eyes, ignored Cheng Mulan's obstruction, and said to a group of assassins who had been arranged in advance——

"Kill me!"

As soon as the words fell, the killers who received the order all flew up and surrounded Princess An's convoy into a ball.

"Ah! Protect the princess!"

Seeing the sudden man in black, Xueli seemed to remember that horrible night again.

He hurriedly blocked his body in front of the soft sedan chair, and shouted to the guards beside him, "Hurry up, protect the princess!"

Nanny Ji was also frightened and stood in front of the soft sedan, seeing the guards and the man in black huddling together, she panicked, "What, what should I do?"

This time, the man in black obviously came prepared again. After a while, several guards were killed by the man in black on the spot.

Xue Li and Nanny Ji looked at each other, before they could react, countless feathered arrows shot from the bushes beside them.

Seeing this, Nanny Ji nodded slightly to Xueli, and then shouted, "Xueli, run, or we will die!"

After finishing speaking, Nanny Ji took Xueli's hand and ran to the side.

At this time, those flying feather arrows shot at Princess An's soft sedan, and bright red blood gradually flowed out of the soft sedan...

(End of this chapter)

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