First-class daughter

Chapter 1641 Last Words

Chapter 1641 Last Words
Chapter 1641 Last Words
Nanying's face was cold, and she slowly stretched out her finger, pointing at Princess An who was sitting beside her quietly, "Empress Empress Mingjian, Princess An has done all kinds of bad things, she really is not worthy of being a human being."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Lingyue suppressed her anger. The middle-aged woman in front of her had repeatedly said disrespectful words to Princess An. Even if she wanted to interrogate her peacefully, it was a little difficult.

"Of course I know!" Nan Ying's face showed a hint of ferocity, "In the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is clearly written that the emperor violated the law and the common people are the same crime, so even if it is Feng Cong'an, she is the princess of An, and she is the princess. After doing so many bad things, she should also accept the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

After all, Nanying looked at Princess An, her eyes fixed on Princess An, "Feng Cong'an, you snatched my brother-in-law and forced my sister Nanli to death for your own selfishness. Have you ever felt guilty? No, how could you feel guilty! Not only did you not feel that you had done anything wrong, but you also cruelly exterminated everyone in our Nan family, exterminating our whole family of Nan family, so that In this world, no one knows that you are the princess of An, and you have a scandal of robbing a man with a girl, right?"

"But God has eyes after all. He spared my life, Nanying, and always warned me to let me survive. I must wait until the moment of revenge for the Nan family! So, I want to live desperately, I was sold to Rongzhou to be a maid, and later sold by that family to become a prostitute in a brothel!"

When the word "prostitute" was mentioned, Nanying's pupils dilated and she clenched her fists fiercely, "Prostitute, I, Nanying, am also the daughter of a good family. It’s fun. But I’m so dirty that I want to be a prostitute! All this is thanks to you, Feng Cong’an!”

"During that time, every time I served a disgusting man, I hated Feng Cong'an more in my heart! It was you, and it was you who caused me to live a corrupt life. I, Nan Ying, was not That's it! I'm a clean woman, too, an innocent woman!"

"Later, I met Cheng Yisong, the richest man in Rongzhou. I knew that my opportunity had come. I kept climbing, climbing, in order to have enough money and connections. One day I could come to Feng Cong'an for revenge. !"

"Now, I appear in front of you alive and tell you about the past, Feng Cong'an, I will ask you, are you guilty? You forced an innocent girl into this world, your conscience is offended go?"

Nan Ying yelled hysterically at Princess An, and when she finished speaking, Nan Ying had already burst into tears without knowing it.

These are the most painful things in her heart!

How innocent she was, she suffered these painful and dark things for no reason.

As for Feng Cong'an, she is still so glamorous and lofty, how can she be so at ease?
Nanying cried and cried, only feeling a colic in her heart, her face was pale due to the pain, and it was difficult to breathe.

"Mother, mother, how are you?" Cheng Mufei knew that she was too sad, so he reached out to support Nan Ying.

Nan Ying fell into Cheng Mufei's arms, shook her head silently, her gaze was always on Princess An.

And Princess An still sat there quietly as before, not the slightest bit moved by what Nanying said, as if she was listening to other people's affairs.

But in fact, following Nan Ying's narration, her memory also traveled back.

From a romantic and enthusiastic woman to a high-ranking and powerful person who has lost everything, she has experienced too much.

Ling Yue looked at Nan Ying, saying that a hateful person must have something to be pitiful about.

This Nanying is also a poor person.

"Everyone in the world knows that the marriage between Princess An and Consort Xue was bestowed by the late emperor, so why did a Nan family come up?" Although Ling Yue knew about the Nan family's affairs, she couldn't make it public.

Moreover, this so-called Nan family is not as innocent as Nan Ying said. The head of the family was once arrested for personal greed, and it was also Princess An who secretly helped Xue Renfu because of Xue Renfu's face. At that time, Princess An was just The stage of admiring Xue Renfu.

"Nanli is my own sister. Xue Renfu's former wife was snatched by Feng Cong'an from my sister. Empress, you just need to send someone to investigate. No, you and Feng Cong'an are the same Dude, why did you investigate." Nan Ying sneered.

Regarding Nan Ying's words, Lingyue turned a deaf ear to her, "Princess An Guo and Concubine Xue are very affectionate. When Concubine Xue was alive, he often wrote love poems for Princess An Guo, and finally gave his life for Princess An Guo. The love between the two of them is stronger than gold. Things the world knows."

"Lianyue!" Nan Ying couldn't bear it anymore, and called out Lingyue's full name.

Nanying gritted her teeth and looked at Lingyue, "As a middle palace, you actually turned right and wrong here, you are not worthy of being a queen at all!"


Seeing that Nanying dared to insult Lingyue, Nanny Tai rushed forward and slapped Nanying hard on the face several times.

With so much strength, she knocked out two of Nan Ying's teeth abruptly, and both sides of Nan Ying's face soon swelled up.

"Bold bitch, how dare she insult the empress, it's just presumptuous!" Mother Tai scolded angrily.

"Mother...Mother..." Seeing this, Cheng Mufei hurriedly helped Nan Ying up, "My mother, my mother is not in good health, please raise your hand so that you don't dirty the empress's palace."

Cheng Mufei knows that now it is fish on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered by others, it is not appropriate to be angry anymore, bow your head when it is time to bow.

Lingyue waved her hand, signaling for Nanny Tai to be quiet first.

Nanny Tai stepped aside and looked at Nanying fiercely.

Lingyue looked at Nan Ying expressionlessly, and slowly opened her lips, "Just now you made up so many stories, I have heard all of them."

"Hmph! You've heard it all, but you won't handle it impartially!" Nanying said loudly.

"Nan Ying, since this is the case, then Bengong said, if it wasn't for the princess, you would not have the fate to yell with Bengong here today."

"What do you mean?" Nanying's heart turned cold.

"The person who wanted to kill your Nan family back then was not the princess. On the contrary, the princess knew that you were on the run, and secretly blocked the person who killed you." Ling Yue said, and Princess An paused slightly.

"You're talking nonsense!" Nanying refused to believe Lingyue's words, "This woman, who steals people's love, kills relatives, and all the tragedies are all because of her. What does it matter to her that I live!"


"Nan Ying, tell me, what last words do you have? I am willing to treat those who are about to die kindly." Ling Yue was about to say something, but Princess An had already opened her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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