First-class daughter

Chapter 1642 Debunked

Chapter 1642 Debunked (1)
Chapter 1642 Debunked (1)
"The last words..."

Lingyue shook hands and said, "I will leave you as a whole corpse."

Nan Ying suddenly smiled viciously, but layers of mist appeared in her eyes.

She understood what Princess An meant, and she wanted her to die quickly.

How could she have forgotten that Lian Lingyue and Feng Cong'an were together at all, why was she so stupid all of a sudden?

How could Lian Lingyue not know about Nan's family? Now she pretended to be stupid and made it clear that she wanted to suppress these old things and preserve Quanfeng's reputation of stealing men from Cong'an.

She was so stupid to ask Lian Lingyue to help her settle her grievances for so many years, she was so stupid to ask Lian Lingyue to convict Feng Cong'an, she is really stupid.

Too stupid to forgive myself.

After a long silence, Nanying's eyes fell on Cheng Mufei beside him, her eyes fixed on Cheng Mufei, and then slowly dimmed, "Fei'er, open your eyes and look carefully at these people , everyone here, they are all devils, they are all our enemies, you must take revenge in the future!"

"Mother." Cheng Mufei wanted to grab Nan Ying's hand, but Nan Ying slapped her away.

Nan Ying stood up slowly, looked in the direction of Princess An, and gradually smiled, her eyes turned red, and Nan Ying's face became ferocious, "Feng Cong'an, your last So you will always remember my appearance, even if I, Nanying, am a ghost, I will never let you go! my last words."

After all, without waiting for anyone in the hall to react, Nan Ying suddenly rushed towards the pillar beside her, and slammed her whole body into it.

A loud bang.

Nanying's body slowly fell to the ground.



Nanny Tai was used to big scenes, and she never thought that Nanying would suddenly bump into the pillar, which made her heart tremble in fright.

It's really old and I can't stand being scared.

"Mother, mother!" When Cheng Mufei came to his senses, he rushed to Nanying, and hugged Nanying who was lying on the ground.

On Nanying's forehead, there was a huge bloody hole at this time. After seeing Cheng Mufei with a hazy vision, Nanying smiled softly, "Fei, Fei'er, it's mother who is sorry for you, mother is going to take a step first, remember , report, report..."

Before finishing the last word, Nan Ying closed her eyes.

"Mother!" Cheng Mufei roared, falling into a burst of pain.

Ling Yue, who was sitting in the main hall, sighed silently when she saw this scene, and then winked at Nanny Tai.

Nanny Tai reached out to greet two guards, and shouted, "Get rid of this dirty thing quickly, don't dirty the eyes of the Empress and Princess An, hurry up."

"Empress, this..." Mother Tai pointed to Cheng Mufei.

"Put it in prison and wait for disposal."

Nanny Tai nodded.

Soon, the farce ended, and the hall returned to silence.

"It's all over, and the mother-in-law doesn't have to be plotted against by these traitors." Thinking of the fire in Yunmengzhai, Lingyue is still a little terrified.

Princess An Guo nodded slightly, but her expression at this time was a little depressed and ugly.

"What's wrong with the mother-in-law? But she's not feeling well?" Lingyue looked at Princess An worriedly, and walked quickly to Princess An's side.

Princess An Guo shook her head, pursed her lips, and smiled sadly, "I have been chasing power all my life, and now, I feel overwhelmed."

"Mother-in-law..." Lingyue called Princess An, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

She really loves her adoptive mother, all the way until now, she is the only one left by her adoptive mother's side.

But she is a queen, she has her own accusations, and she can't always accompany her adoptive mother and fulfill her filial piety.

"Empress, after this matter is completely settled, this princess wants to leave the capital and live a life entirely of her own." After Princess An said this, she felt a sense of relief that she had never felt before.

Surprised, Lingyue quickly held Princess An's hand, "Mother-in-law, what do you mean?"

"For the rest of my life, this princess wants to go back to the countryside and stop worrying about world affairs. This is something this princess has just decided recently. During these days, this princess has seen many things clearly and feels powerless. In the remaining time, what should I do?" Live a good life for yourself." Princess An looked at Ling Yue with a rare gentle smile on her face.

Although Lingyue was reluctant to let go of Princess An, she couldn't say anything else to comfort her at this moment.

She knew that as a woman, her stepmother had gone through thousands of sails, and it was really not easy. Now that Xue Renfu was dead, her stepmother no longer had any worries in her heart.

"Mother-in-law, have you really made up your mind?" Ling Yue pursed her lips and looked at Princess An.

Princess An Guo nodded, stretched out her hand and rubbed Lingyue's face, "After this princess leaves the capital, she will leave all the power in Princess An Guo's mansion to the empress, including her hidden guards and the free-ranging children scattered throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty." Spy, in the future, I will respect the empress as my master and serve the empress."

After finishing speaking, Princess An Guo added, "With these people by the empress's side, this princess can leave with peace of mind."

"Mother-in-law..." Lingyue shed tears, and finally couldn't help but hugged Princess An.

"Silly boy, why are you crying? You should be happy for your adoptive mother." Princess An was deeply moved, and gently stroked Lingyue's back to comfort her.

Looking at these scenes, Mother Tai felt sour in her heart, and quietly wiped away the tears from her eyes.

As people get older, they become more emotional.


Rongyuan Hall.

"Your Majesty, although my daughter is usually a little arrogant, she will never do such a rebellious thing!" Lin Yushi knelt in the imperial study room, constantly pleading with Feng Jue, begging Feng Jue to let Lin Zhiran go.

Long before Lin Yushi came, Lingyue's people had already informed Feng Jue of all the results of the Changchun Palace interrogation.

At this time, when Fengjue heard Lin Yushi pleading for Lin Zhiran, he was full of anger, raised his hand and threw the booklet at Lin Yushi, "Lin Yu, open your eyes and see for yourself, what you taught Good daughter!"

Lin Yushi's arms were smashed by the booklet, and after hearing Feng Jue's words, he showed panic, and quickly opened the booklet at hand, and when he saw the contents clearly, Lin Yushi trembled violently.

"No, it won't, it's impossible, Ran'er would never dare to do such a thing..." Lin Yushi still didn't want to believe it, but the facts were in front of him, so he had to believe it.

"Lin Zhiran united with outsiders, set fire to wounding people, burned the son-in-law to death, and poisoned the dumb. This is an unforgivable crime! Lin Yu, you are also responsible!" Feng Jue stood up and walked to Lin Yushi's side.

Lin Yushi raised his eyes to look at Feng Jue, with tears in his cloudy and old eyes, "Your Majesty, I have devoted my whole life to the Great Zhou Dynasty, please spare Ran'er's life!"

"Heh." Feng Jue sneered, and looked down at Lin Yushi with sarcasm in his eyes, "It seems that you still haven't realized it."

"Your Majesty..." Lin Yushi called Feng Jue, but didn't understand the meaning of Feng Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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