Chapter 1646
Chapter 1646
The capital seems to have calmed down suddenly. Some time ago, because the empress was pregnant, the emperor Long Yan was very happy, and some taxes were reduced. Now the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and the people's life is more leisurely.

Qi Yan's Langyuxuan and Lanyue Pavilion's business is booming, not only attracting women from the capital to visit again and again, even some wealthy women from nearby cities come here admiringly.

On this day, Qi Yan was sitting on the second floor of Lanyue Pavilion, looking at the woman downstairs who was choosing jewelry, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

He hadn't seen Sister Liuxian for more than 20 days.

During these days, every time I went to Prince Heng's mansion to send rouge and jewelry, Sister Liuxian either sent someone to decline, or said that she was not in the mansion.

In short, just refused to see him.

This can worry him badly.

Just as he was thinking about it, from the corner of his eye he saw Xiaoyuan sitting beside him eating a chicken leg, and Qi Yan couldn't stop angrily saying, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat! If my young master can't marry Sister Liuxian, you won't be able to marry her in the future." Don't even think about marrying a daughter-in-law!"

"Hmm...Master..." Xiaoyuan still had a bite of chicken in her mouth, and when she heard that Qi Yan refused to let him marry a wife, she flattened her mouth aggrieved, "Miss Liuxian doesn't want to see Master, so I can't help it. "

"Then you can't think of a way for this young master. I didn't see that this young master was dying of worry! Alas, sister Liuxian doesn't want to see me, and there is that vicious woman by her side. I can't get close to her at all." Qi Yan repeatedly He sighed a few times.

Speaking of vicious women, Xiaoyuan suddenly moved closer to Qi Yan, "Master..."

"Huh?" Qi Yan snorted.

"I suddenly remembered something..." Xiaoyuan winked mysteriously at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan frowned, "What on earth do you want to say, you falter!"

"Xiaoyuan heard that Prince Heng loves Princess Heng the most, even if Princess Heng wants the stars in the sky, Prince Heng can pick them off." Xiaoyuan said.

"So what? This young master is looking for Liu Xian'er, not that vicious woman!" Qi Yan didn't know why Xiaoyuan told him this.

Xiaoyuan patted his head helplessly, this young master, at the critical moment, why is he not as smart as this book boy!
"Young master, think about it, the items in Langyuxuan and Lanyue Pavilion of yours are the most popular among women, and Princess Heng is also a woman, so she naturally likes these things. And I heard that Prince Heng's carriage, every You will pass by the Lanyue Pavilion every day and night. You can prepare some exquisite jewelry for Prince Heng to bring back to Princess Heng. If Prince Heng makes Princess Heng happy, naturally he will remember the young master! "

"If the young master becomes friends with Prince Heng, it won't be difficult if he wants to go to Prince Heng's mansion to find Miss Liuxian in the future."

After Xiaoyuan finished speaking, a gleam of light suddenly appeared in Qi Yan's originally resentful eyes.

"Xiaoyuan, what you said is very reasonable!" Qi Yan looked at Xiaoyuan excitedly, why didn't he expect to start with Prince Heng!

Xiaoyuan scratched her head, "Hehehe, but how can the young master get close to Prince Heng?"



The next day.

On Feng Yunzheng's way down to court, when he passed Lanyue Pavilion, he was blocked by patrons from the gate of Lanyue Pavilion.

"I heard that a new batch of goods has arrived this time, and all of them are unique. I will definitely grab them later."

"Me too. Although the price of this Lanyue Pavilion is not low, the jewelry designs are too unique."

"That's right, I came all the way from Lincheng, just to buy a piece of jewelry from Lanyue Pavilion."

On the carriage, Feng Yunzheng, who was stopped in a black gold-rimmed python robe, frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

"Your Highness, let me take a look." Night Breeze stepped forward and took a look at the situation in front of Lanyue Pavilion.

After a while, Night Breeze came to report, "It's a jewelry shop that just opened recently in the capital. It is said that the jewelry in this shop is unique and each piece is unique in the world, so it attracts these noble ladies in the city to rush to buy it." .”

"Jewelry?" Feng Yunzheng caught these two words, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't sent anything to Yue'er for a while.

Night Breeze nodded, and suddenly smiled awkwardly, "Your Highness, I took a look just now, and the jewelry inside is really exquisite. After sending His Highness back home, I'm going to pick some for Xiaomei. "

"Let's go and have a look together." Feng Yunzheng glanced at the door and got out of the carriage.

"Master, here we come!" Upstairs, Xiao Yuan noticed Feng Yunzheng got off the carriage, and pulled Qi Yan's sleeve excitedly.

Qi Yan ignored Xiaoyuan and ran down to meet Feng Yunzheng in person.

"I pay my respects to Prince Heng. Prince Heng is here to welcome you." As soon as Feng Yunzheng entered, Qi Yan bowed to pay his respects.

Feng Yunzheng waved his hand, "There is no need to be too polite."

"Is the prince here to choose jewelry for the princess? If so, there are a batch of new arrivals here that have not yet been brought to the counter downstairs. Why don't you come to the second floor with me to choose the jewelry?" Qi Yan had already made preparations. Downstairs is not suitable for him to chat with Feng Yunzheng at all.

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng nodded, and followed Qi Yan to the second floor.

Night Breeze originally wanted to go upstairs, but after glancing at a pair of jasper flower earrings on the counter downstairs from the corner of his eye, his attention was immediately attracted.

Small eyebrows must look good with this.

On the second floor, Qi Yan had already placed more than a dozen pieces of jewelry with the most unique styles and the finest workmanship for Feng Yunzheng to choose from.

"Your Majesty, look, this white jade hairpin inlaid with beads and emeralds is polished with high-quality white jade from Tianshan Mountain. White jade from Tianshan Mountain is rare and rare. It takes decades to polish such a piece of white jade." Qi Yan first introduced these jewelry. The highlight of the show.

Feng Yunzheng's eyes fell on this jade hairpin inlaid with beads and white jade. The color of the hairpin was simple and the style was exquisite. Under the light, the white jade beads shone with a lustrous luster.

Well, this is indeed very suitable for Yue'er.

"There is also this gold-plated and silver hairpin of the Phoenix Butterfly, and this Plum Blossom Bu Yao..." Qi Yan introduced several other jewelry.

These jewelry are carefully prepared by him, and they are relatively simple and elegant, very suitable for that vicious woman!

"These are all good, wrap them up for me." After Feng Yunzheng selected them, he asked Qi Yan to wrap them up.

Qi Yan nodded, glanced at the jewelry box of this size, and said, "These jewelry are too much for the prince to carry alone, why don't the smaller ones be sent to the prince's mansion after packing?"

"Alright." Feng Yunzheng was anxious to go back to accompany Lian Siyue, and looked at the packaging of jewelry here, it seemed that it would take a long time.

After finishing speaking, Feng Yunzheng stood up and asked Qi Yan, "The money for these jewelry, when you arrive at the palace later, just tell the butler, and the butler will go to the cashier to bring it to you."

"Yes, my lord."

When Qi Yan sent Feng Yunzheng downstairs, Feng Yunzheng glanced at Qi Yan as if there was nothing in his eyes, and said, "Seeing that you are young and have a good business mind, you founded this Lanyue Pavilion." ?”

"Yes, Your Highness." Qi Yan nodded.

After sending Feng Yunzheng to the door, Qi Yan thought of something again, and pointed to Lang Yuxuan next door, "My lord, the jewelry shop next door is also opened by a villain. I have this beautiful jewelry, can I choose some more?" Rouge gouache?"

"You know girls' preferences very well." Seeing this rouge shop, Feng Yunzheng suddenly remembered that not long ago, Yue'er and Le Yan seemed to have discussed some kind of rouge in the mansion.

Could it be this shop?
"Hey, the villain also hit it by mistake. I didn't expect such a good response." Qi Yan was a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

Feng Yunzheng smiled lightly, seeing that the boy in front of him was only in his twenties, although he looked a little slippery, his eyes were full of sincerity.

is a good boy.

After Qi Yan sent Feng Yunzheng away, he immediately went back to the second floor of Lanyue Pavilion to pack the jewelry.

"Hurry up, wait until these young masters are going to be sent to Prince Heng's mansion in person, and when they enter the mansion, they will have a chance to meet Sister Liuxian."

(End of this chapter)

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