First-class daughter

Chapter 1647 The Prince

Chapter 1647 The Prince
Chapter 1647 The Prince

Qi Yan took Xiaoyuan, carrying a large box of jewelry and rouge, to Prince Heng's mansion.

Before reaching the gate of Prince Heng's Mansion, he was stopped by the guards at the gate, "Who is here?"

"Hello, brothers. I am the owner of Lanyue Pavilion. Prince Heng picked out some jewelry in our store this morning and asked me to send them to the mansion." Qi Yan looked at the guards with a smile.

This Qi Yan, obviously the boss of this capital city, on the surface runs a shop like Lanyuexuan that earns women's money, but in fact, rice farms, money houses, and salt houses are all developing and growing.

But he doesn't pay much attention to arranging faces, and he only takes Xiaoyuan with him wherever he goes.

With a perverse and casual attitude, no one would have thought that this person would be the richest man in Beijing in the future

At this moment, Xiaoyuan hid behind Qi Yan, a little afraid of such a big battle in Prince Heng's Mansion.

Although he came up with this bad idea, it was also the first time he came to Prince Heng's mansion. If that vicious woman finds them, will he and the young master be chopped into meat paste?

Amitabha, Buddha, please bless the young master and Madoka!

Several guards looked at each other when they heard Qi Yan's words, and then they all said, "Wait a minute, I'll report to the prince."

As soon as the words were finished, Li Bo, the steward of the palace, just happened to come out from inside. After seeing Qi Yan, he asked, "Are you the boss of Lanyue Pavilion?"

"Exactly." Qi Yan nodded repeatedly.

"The lord has just told me that when you come, I will take you to the cashier to get the money. Come in with me." Uncle Li waved at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan looked at Uncle Li cheerfully, "Hey! Good!"

Following Li Bo into Prince Heng's Mansion, Qi Yan looked left and right, looked at this huge and luxurious mansion, and thought that if he was allowed to look for Liuxian's sister here alone, he might not be able to find her for three days and three nights.

Today, how could he meet Sister Liuxian?

"Ahem!" Seeing Qi Yan and Xiaoyuan looking around, Li Bo coughed to remind him.

Qi Yan came back to his senses, and smiled coyly at Uncle Li, "I'm sorry, it's the first time I saw Prince Heng's mansion, I lost my composure."

"It's okay, I heard that your business in Lanyue Pavilion is very good?" Uncle Li has been in the capital for decades, and it is also in recent days. Category.

However, when those little maidservants talked about these two shops, they all had sad expressions on their faces.

It is said that the things there are very good and very attractive to girls, but the monthly salary of these little maids is limited, and they like it from the bottom of their hearts, but they can't afford it.

Today, the prince actually bought something for the concubine at Lanyue Pavilion, it must be really a good product.

After a while, Li Bo took Qi Yan to the door of the accountant's room.

"Put the things down, I will order someone to send them to the prince in a while, how much money are these in total?" Uncle Li asked.

Qi Yan stood at the door of the accountant's room, frowning. After taking the money, should he leave?

But I haven't seen Sister Liuxian yet...

"A total of 550 taels." The cost of these jewelry is far from worth these, but Qi Yan only reported this amount.

"Okay." Uncle Li nodded, "Wait here for me, I'll go to the cashier to get you money, remember not to run around."

Qi Yan hummed.

After Uncle Li entered the accountant's room, Qi Yan looked around, and saw that Uncle Li was still talking to the accountant, so he patted Xiaoyuan's shoulder, "You wait here, I'll go out and have a look."

"Master, why are you going? This Prince Heng's mansion is heavily guarded. If something goes wrong, your life will be lost." Xiaoyuan grabbed Qi Yan's clothes corner in fear.

"Crow's Mouth! When I asked, I just said that I went to the latrine, not to mention that I just wanted to see Sister Liuxian, and I didn't do anything bad. If I don't move, I will die!" Qi Yan said, and quietly left the vicinity of the accountant's room .

Qi Yan turned around and lost his way completely when he passed a garden.

"Prince Heng's mansion is too big and exaggerated. Where does Sister Liuxian live?" Qi Yan stretched his neck, looking left and right.

After a long time, when Qi Yan passed a gazebo, he finally saw the haunted figure, but there was another person beside him.

Prince Heng Feng Yunzheng.

Inside the gazebo.

Le Yan sat beside Feng Yunzheng, clasped her hands together nervously, looked at Feng Yunzheng, pursed her lips, "Uncle Jiu, it's been so long, is there any news about Yaotong?"

She was really worried about Yaotong's whereabouts, and she didn't know if Li Chaoren treated Yaotong well.

Speaking of Yaotong, Feng Yunzheng's hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, looked at Le Yan'er who was full of expectation, and for a moment didn't know what to say to Le Yan'er.

During these days, he ordered many hermit guards to track down Yaotong's whereabouts, and Li Chao was also involved.

Speaking of the Li Dynasty, it involved a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, this continent was divided into Meng Dynasty, Ye Dynasty, Li Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty.

The emperor of the Later Zhou Dynasty, also known as their Taizu Emperor, was ready to swallow the entire continent, and then formed an alliance with the Li Dynasty to attack the Meng Dynasty and the Ye Dynasty.

After a difficult battle, Emperor Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty took over the entire continent after narrowly escaped death.

At this time, the Taizu of the Li Dynasty knew that the Li Dynasty was about to be in trouble, and personally said that he was willing to withdraw from this continent and not compete with the Zhou Dynasty.

Although the Taizu of the Zhou Dynasty was ambitious, he also knew that in this war, the Taizu of the Li Dynasty had helped him a lot. Without Li Chao, he would not be where he is today.

So the two Taizus agreed that the Zhou Dynasty and the Li Dynasty would become allies for generations and never compete.

Afterwards, for the past hundred years, Li Chao has been retreating outside this continent.

And in these years, the Li Dynasty has become a prosperous and prosperous country, not inferior to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Feng Yunzheng thought of this, looked at Le Yan'er again, and said softly, "Yao Tong is now the prince of Li Chao."

He said this to make Le Yan'er give up looking for Yao Tong.

Li Chao's interior, now appears to be peaceful and peaceful, but in reality the inner strength is turbulent.

Several princes were ambitious and wanted to fight for the power of the Li Dynasty. Now that Yaotong appeared rashly, the battle for princes would become more intense.

Le Yan'er is not suitable to participate in the royal disputes of the Li Dynasty, and this is not what Yue'er and he hoped for.

Le Yan was slightly taken aback when she heard Feng Yunzheng's words, "Prince Li Chao?"

"Yes." Feng Yunzheng nodded.

In an instant, Le Yan's heart throbbed slightly, she frowned, and a wordless bitterness permeated from the tip of her heart.

She was born in the royal family, and she is well versed in the cruelty and bloodiness of royal disputes.

Yao Tong suddenly went back and became the prince, someone would definitely harm him, he was so innocent, he never knew the dangers of those schemes since he was a child.

It seems that the situation of the little brother is bound to be difficult.

Seeing that Le Yan'er became depressed, Feng Yunzheng didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so he stretched out his hand to caress Le Yan'er's shoulder, "Le Yan'er, don't worry, Yaotong has now found her parents, and she will be happy again in the future." will be happy."

(End of this chapter)

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