First-class daughter

Chapter 1648 The Truth

Chapter 1648 The Truth
Chapter 1648 The Truth
Qi Yan has been hiding behind the big tree and looking at Sister Liuxian. Although he doesn't know what Sister Liuxian and Feng Yunzheng said, it can be seen that Sister Liuxian is not in a good mood now.

Just as she was thinking, Le Yan had already walked in front of Qi Yan.

Qi Yan saw Le Yan, looked around, then jumped out from behind the big tree and stood in front of Le Yan.


Le Yan was taken aback by the person who jumped out suddenly, and when she fixed her eyes on Qi Yan, she blinked in surprise, "Why are you, why are you here?"

"Sister Liuxian, it's really great to see you." Qi Yan's smile widened, and he looked at Le Yan'er in a daze.

He hadn't seen Sister Liuxian for more than 20 days, and he had been worried for a long time, but now seeing Sister Liuxian standing in front of him intact, he felt relieved.

"Oh, by the way, here are the jewelry and rouge I brought you." Qi Yan said, carefully took out a bag of things from his arms, and handed it to Le Yan.

When Le Yan saw the big bag, she glanced at Qi Yan again, and lowered her eyes slightly.

"Sister Liuxian, Prince Heng came to Lanyue Pavilion to buy jewelry for the princess today, and asked me to send it to Prince Heng's mansion, so I stopped by to see you." The one who slipped into the palace hurriedly explained.

After finishing speaking, Qi Yan saw that Le Yan still frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little lower, "Sister Liuxian, is there anything unhappy about you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Yan's stomach suddenly growled.

"Have you not eaten yet?" Le Yan also heard Qi Yan's stomach growling.

Qi Yan rubbed his belly and smiled awkwardly.

After a cup of tea, Le Yan brought Qi Yan to the courtyard where she lived, and ordered the maid to prepare some meals.

Soon, a table full of exquisite meals was set up.

Qi Yan hadn't eaten all day, now seeing the delicious food on the table, he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat in big mouthfuls.

After taking a few mouthfuls, I found Le Yan sitting there quietly, watching him eat.

"Sister Liuxian, why don't you eat?" Qi Yan put down his chopsticks, feeling that Sister Liuxian was in a very wrong mood today.

Seems sad...

Could it be that vicious woman bullied Sister Liuxian?
It shouldn't be. Although that vicious woman was cruel to him, she was kind to Sister Liuxian.

"Sister Liuxian, take a look at the jewelry I brought you this time, and see if you like it. If you don't like it, I'll order someone to exchange it." Qi Yan opened a large bag of jewelry at hand.

He carefully wrapped every piece of jewelry inside with a silk handkerchief. Originally, he wanted to put it in a brocade box, but he was afraid of being discovered by the people of Prince Heng's Mansion, so he had no choice but to wrap the jewelry one by one with a silk handkerchief. stuffed in his arms.

After thinking about it, Qi Yan handed a hollow butterfly gold hairpin to Le Yan.

He remembered that sister Liuxian liked butterflies the most.

Seeing this hollowed-out golden butterfly hairpin, Le Yan's emotions, which she had suppressed for a long time, finally erupted at this moment, and big tears suddenly flowed down from her eyes.

Qi Yan was frightened all of a sudden, a little at a loss, looked at Le Yan'er who kept crying, and said worriedly, "Sister Liuxian, don't cry, you don't like it, I just don't come to you secretly next time, I will Let's go, okay?"

After Qi Yan finished speaking, he packed up his things and prepared to leave.

"Qi Yan." Le Yan stopped Qi Yan.

Qi Yan turned around and looked at Le Yan, "Sister Liuxian."

"I have something to tell you." She really couldn't bear it, and continued to hide it from Qi Yan.

She is not the real Zhao Liuxian, and she is not worthy of Qi Yan's affection at all. Maybe it's time to tell Qi Yan everything.

"Actually, I'm not Zhao Liuxian."

When Qi Yan listened to Le Yan's story about how the real Zhao Liuxian died tragically, and how she accidentally possessed Zhao Liuxian's body, his whole body seemed to be pulled out of his soul, his mind was in chaos, and he even started to breathe a little bit. It's difficult.

"How did this happen, how did this happen... Sister Liuxian, are you lying to me?" Qi Yan couldn't believe it.

Le Yan looked at him and shook her head, "I didn't lie to you, I am not Zhao Liuxian, nor the daughter of Zhao Yan, I just borrowed her dead body and survived, so I entrusted Princess Heng to take me away from Zhao Ting." Home, come to this capital."

Qi Yan felt himself collapsed, his body shook, and he fell to the ground.

"Sister Liuxian, she died so miserably, she must have been in pain at that time..." Sister Liuxian is the most afraid of pain, Qi Yan can hardly imagine how much disaster his beloved sister Liuxian has suffered .

Qi Yan's eyes gradually turned red, and a seven-foot man sat on the ground like this, sobbing with trembling shoulders.

Le Yan looked at Qi Yan who was sitting on the ground, her heart felt sharp pain, she stepped forward, squatted on the ground, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm only telling you this now."

Qi Yan raised his eyes to look at Le Yan, and when he met Le Yan's eyes, he suddenly smiled sadly.

That's right, sister Liuxian didn't look at him like this before. Although she didn't see it often, her crooked smiling eyes left a deep impression on him. The person in front of him had never smiled like that before.

"Sister Liuxian, did you leave any words at the end?" Qi Yan asked Le Yan in tears.

Le Yan thought about it for a while, and she remembered that when she first transmigrated to Zhao Liuxian's body, there was still some Zhao Liuxian's consciousness in her body.

Before Zhao Liuxian died, he did leave four words.

After thinking about it, Le Yan grabbed Qi Yan's hand, and wrote four words in Qi Yan's palm.


"Young master, young master, where did you go, the housekeeper almost wanted to arrest me and torture me!" Xiaoyuan waited for a long time at the door of the accountant's room, and finally saw Qi Yan who seemed to have lost his soul.

But, why is the young master so weird?

"Master, why are you crying?" Xiaoyuan took a look at Qi Yan, and suddenly noticed Qi Yan's teary eyes.

Madoka's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning.

"My lord, this is your silver." Li Bo handed the 550 taels silver note to Qi Yan.

Qi Yan acted as if he hadn't heard, and walked out numbly, his eyes were blank and empty, and as he walked, he felt pain all over his body.

Xiaoyuan didn't understand what happened to Qi Yan, and after taking the banknote from Uncle Li, she followed Qi Yan's footsteps.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Did Ms. Zhao tell you something unpleasant?" Xiaoyuan looked at Qi Yan worriedly.

This shouldn't be, Miss Zhao was lukewarm to the young master before, and she never saw the young master so sad.

Could it be that something really happened to Miss Liu Xian?

When he walked out of Prince Heng's mansion, Qi Yan stopped, raised his hand, and stared blankly at his palm.

Just now, Le Yan left four words in his palm.

Four unexpected words for him.

Brother Qi Yan.

Thinking of these four words, Qi Yan's heart throbbed, and he closed his eyes in collapse.

So, sister Liuxian, you also have brother Qi Yan in your heart, right?

"Master..." Xiaoyuan called out again.

"Let's go, there is no need to bother Sister Liuxian in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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