First-class daughter

Chapter 1649 Hear

Chapter 1649 Hear
Chapter 1649 Hear
Not far away, Le Yan watched Qi Yan's back, with a pair of moist eyes full of apology.

Perhaps, she really shouldn't exist.

After a long time, until Qi Yan's shadow was no longer visible, Le Yan walked back to Lian Siyue's courtyard.


"There is a precedent for Li Chao to propose marriage to the Zhou Dynasty. This year, the second prince of Li Chao proposed to marry the sixteenth princess, Feng Jiamin."

As soon as Le Yan entered Lian Siyue's courtyard, she heard Feng Yunzheng talking about Li Chao's affairs with Lian Siyue, she couldn't help but pause, and stopped in place.

"I had heard some things about Li Chao before, but I didn't expect that well-behaved little drug boy to be involved in Li Chao." Speaking of Yaotong, Lian Siyue thought of that kind child, and felt a little bit sad. complex.

Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly, "Le Yan'er cares about Yao Tong very much, maybe Yao Tong will come to Zhou Dynasty to propose marriage in the future, I don't know if Le Yan'er has let him go in her heart at that time."

Although the Li Dynasty is prosperous on the surface, the internal imperial power struggle has never stopped.

"Leyan's temperament is too gentle and soft-tempered, not suitable for such terrible and fierce battles in the palace. Besides, Yao Tong, a prince who returned halfway, has no foundation in the Li Dynasty and can't take care of himself. The competition for imperial power is dangerous. I'm afraid he can't protect him. Le Yan." Lian Siyue shook her head, but she still felt that she needed to cut off Le Yan's marriage.

She can't let Le Yan take risks, and she doesn't want to lose Le Yan again. Their mother and daughter finally look forward to the chance to reunite, and she can't just watch Le Yan go into danger.

Speaking of Yaotong's overwhelmed self-care, Feng Yunzheng thought of some news from the hermit guards, "When Yaotong first returned to the palace, his life was not good. Although Li Chaoguo didn't treat him harshly, his biological mother died. Those princes who coveted the throne all regarded him as a thorn in their side, finding fault with him from time to time."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue sighed softly, "Don't let Le Yan'er know about this."

"En." Feng Yunzheng nodded.

Outside the yard, Le Yan stood behind a pillar and listened to the conversation between Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

She thought that if the little brother found his parents, he would definitely live a happier life than before.

Unexpectedly, the little brother had such an unhappy life.

Just like mother said, my little brother has no foundation in the Li Dynasty and can't take care of himself. Now that his mother and concubine have passed away, how difficult will his life be?

Le Yan thought about it, and when she heard the movement in front, she quickly turned around and left Lian Siyue's courtyard.

Walking in the garden, Le Yan felt that today was a very bad day.

The little brother is now far away in Li Chao, and she can't help at all, what should I do, what should I do?
In Le Yan's heart, for the first time, the idea of ​​going to Li Chao to accompany Yaotong came into being.

But as soon as this idea came out, it was pushed back again.

"Mother will definitely not agree, what should I do?" Le Yan said to herself.

After returning to her yard, Le Yan went back to her room and lay on the table all day, upset.


The Seventh Princess Fengxi was blessed with a pair of twins a month ago, and now it coincides with her birthday, so the birthday and the twins' full moon banquet are held together.

When Prince Heng's Mansion received a post from the Seventh Princess' Mansion, Feng Yunzheng happened to be going south, so Lian Siyue led Le Yan to go together.

One is to let Le Yan integrate into this life, and the other is to take Le Yan out to relax.

This girl seemed to know about Yaotong's situation, they were always unhappy these few days, even though Siyue didn't say anything, she really felt sorry for Le Yan'er in her heart.

At night, when we came to the Seventh Princess's Mansion, the Seventh Princess's Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, full of joy.

When Lian Siyue and Le Yan entered the arena together, most of the guests had already arrived. After seeing Lian Siyue, several acquaintances stepped forward one by one to say hello to Lian Siyue.

"Siyue, I haven't seen you for a long time. Who is this little sister?" Liu Xiren hadn't seen Siyue for a long time, and when they met, he held Siyue's hand affectionately.

After chatting for a while, I found a little sister standing beside Siyue.

Seeing Liu Xiren asked about Le Yan, Siyue smiled, put her hand on Le Yan's shoulder lightly, and introduced, "When I went to Mobei not long ago, some accidents happened on the way, and this little sister saved me. I, her name is Le Yan'er, His Highness recognized Le Yan'er as his younger sister to express his gratitude."

"So that's how it is, Le Yan'er, you're so cute." Liu Xiren looked at Le Yan with a smile, and stretched out his hand to gently pinch Le Yan'er's cheek.

Le Yan looked at Liu Xiren's smile, innocent and harmless, so she also smiled slightly, showing a smile to Liu Xiren.

After the banquet started, the Seventh Princess Fengxi entered the venue with her son-in-law, and a pair of twins were hugged by two wet nurses behind them.

After a while, the Seventh Princess Fengxi, Lian Siyue, Liu Xiren and several other nobles sat on the seats in the female guest area, admiring the flowers and drinking tea together.

The twins of the Seventh Princess Fengxi seem to be the topic of their chat.

"It's so cute, look, I'm smiling in my dreams!" Liu Xiren touched the little hands of the children, seeing them smiling in their sleep, couldn't help joking.

The Seventh Princess also smiled and rolled her eyes, and her eyes couldn't help falling on Lian Siyue's swollen belly, "In a short while, there will be good news from Prince Heng's Mansion, and the Ninth Emperor Brother is probably going to be very happy again. gone."

"Yes, yes, I still remember that at the full moon banquet between Cheng Jun and Wan Jun last time, Prince Heng was as happy as a flower." Liu Xiren covered his mouth and smiled.

On the side, everyone laughed and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"Sister, I'm going out for a walk." Le Yan was a little uncomfortable, and couldn't blend into the atmosphere, she tugged at Lian Siyue's sleeves.

Lian Siyue thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Okay, don't go too far, you know?"

Le Yan nodded obediently, got up and left the ladies' area, and walked outside.

The Seventh Princess Fengxi's banquet had separate areas for male guests and female guests. At this time, all the men in the male guest area gathered together to shoot arrows and play Cuju, and the atmosphere was very lively.

In the female guest area, all the rich and noble ladies were playing pitching pots, and whoever threw in one made bursts of laughter like silver bells.

Le Yan stood still, looked at it for a while, and then walked into the corner.

After finding a place in the corner, Le Yan sat down, looking at the scene of Yingying and Yanyan in front of her, her mind was completely filled with Yaotong's current situation.

I don't know what my little brother is doing now?
It would be great if she could see her little brother now.

Thinking about it, Le Yan took out a piece of malt candy from her sleeve and put it in her mouth. The sweetness of the candy filled her taste buds, but she couldn't feel any sweetness.

"Isn't this waste from Prince Heng's mansion? How can you have the face to be with us?" A mocking voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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