Chapter 1650
Chapter 1650
When Le Yan heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and when she came back from her reverie, she realized that there were several people standing around her, who were about to wipe her out.

And the woman who called her useless, she once had a past, was Liu Yuerong, the daughter of Shangshu Liu Chengbing.


"You are the one who scolded, the waste of Prince Heng's mansion!" Liu Yuerong cursed again as if she couldn't understand her hatred.

"I don't know you before. It's really insulting for you to insult me ​​so casually." Le Yan stood up, said lightly, and was about to leave the place.

Her status is inherently embarrassing, and she is not all from here. If she causes conflicts and is noticed, it will also embarrass Mother and Uncle Jiu.

"Don't go, my lady talked to you, she didn't allow you to go, why are you going?"

That Liu Yuerong's servant girl spread her hands, stopped Le Yan, raised her chin, and said domineeringly.

Le Yan's hands in her sleeves tightened, she squeezed the handkerchief into her palm, and said, "What else do you want to say?"

"I really don't understand. Prince Heng is the emperor's most capable elder brother who strategizes and wins thousands of miles. No matter when the emperor was King Ming'an or after ascending the throne, the princess is very courageous. She is also a well-known person in the circle of noble women in the capital. Who Don't give her a little face? I really don't understand, how could there be someone like you in Prince Hengfu, you are obedient, and you are like a fool, you are a disgrace to Prince Heng's mansion." Following behind Liu Yuerong, someone started to sarcasm .

"That's right, even the two little princes and princesses are clever and clever, and they look very lovable, but this person, stupid, looks like a fool, trash! Trash!"

"I really don't know how a shrewd person like Princess Heng would allow this kind of waste to be around and bring it with her, and she would also go with such an important banquet at Princess Seven's house. I can't even talk to the princess. , she is such a waste, why should she?"

Le Yan clenched her fists tightly, her face turned pale, her body trembled slightly, tears were about to fall.

However, thinking of her mother and Uncle Jiu, she mustered up her courage and said, "Don't bully people too much, since you know that I am the favorite of Prince Heng's mansion, do you still dare to talk nonsense like this?"

Everyone was slightly taken aback, but they never expected that this seemingly submissive person would dare to talk to them like that.

"What are you so proud of!" Liu Yuerong was the first to come to her senses, how could she let the trash gain the upper hand, it would hurt her face, "Since you said you were from Prince Heng's mansion, you are Uncle Shu, what kind of Prince Heng are you? People from the government, if we are convinced, they will no longer call you useless in the future, and would like you to play with us."

"My name is Feng Leyan." Le Yan looked at Liu Yuerong and said word by word.

There was actually a kind of strength in this look, which caused Liu Yuerong to have an illusion that this fragile person in front of her also had a scary side.

No, not possible!
She came to her senses.

How could she be afraid of a waste.

So, she winked at the other ladies beside her, and continued to ask questions, embarrassing Le Yan.

"You said your surname is Feng, but this is the surname of the country. Why do you have the surname Feng? What does Feng have to do with you!"

"That's right, waste should have the surname of waste. You are not allowed to be named Feng in the future, but your surname is dung, dung, dung!"

"Hahaha..." The women around her laughed loudly, without the slightest demeanor and demeanor that a noble lady should have.

"I'm not trash, I'm not!" Le Yan blushed and said.

"Okay, you said you are not a waste, then you come to play pot with us, if you win, we will no longer call you a waste, but if you lose, then you will change your surname to shit, we can call you a waste, The number one trash in the capital." Liu Yuerong said with a thought in mind.

"Okay, I agree." Le Yan responded.

Before she crossed, when she was still in that place, she often played throwing pots with the people around her, and she was the first-class powerful person.

Even Feng Qianyue, the indifferent and unkind father who was too indifferent to her, once stopped to watch her and played several games with her on his own initiative because he saw her throwing pots and how powerful she was.

That was also the rare happy time that she could think of in the gloomy relationship between her and him.

Therefore, she is not afraid of this competition at all.

"I'll come first!" Liu Yuerong volunteered to come first.

In the end, she hit eight out of ten times.

"Miss is amazing!" The servant girl applauded hurriedly.

"It's really good, it's amazing." The other noble girls around said flatteringly.

For women, this result is considered superior.

"It's your turn." Liu Yuerong raised her chin slightly and said arrogantly to Le Yan.

There was no panic on Le Yan's face, but she calmly walked to the designated position and looked at the target.

Throwing the hand forward, there was a swish.


Steady and steady, everyone was taken aback for a moment, but they didn't expect this atmosphere to have such abilities.

"Looking at how weak she is, I thought she couldn't even hold the arrow firmly, but she hit it with one blow." Someone said in a low voice.

And Liu Yuerong's expression has changed slightly.

Le Yan continued to vote.






Le Yan made seven consecutive shots!
There was silence all around.

And Liu Yuerong's complexion has become ugly.

No, if she hits one more shot, she might beat her.

Liu Yuerong flirted with Jinxian, the maid, and Jinxian understood, and secretly picked up a stone on the ground.

But Le Yan focused on throwing the pot, so she didn't notice the changes in the people next to her.

When she raised the arrow, ready to shoot the eighth time.


"Ah!" She yelled, and the arrow in her hand fell to the ground with a snap, and she couldn't lift it up because of the pain.

Taking advantage of her full attention, Jin Xian slammed the stone he picked up secretly, and it just hit Le Yan's back bone.

She opened her aching hand, and naturally she was far from hitting the shot.

Moreover, her hands hurt and trembled a little.

When I went to get the arrow again, I couldn't pick it up anymore, and the bone on the back of the hand was also bruised and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It really hurts.

"Oh, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid of losing? Don't be so nervous if you are afraid of losing." Liu Yuerong said quickly.

Le Yan burst into tears from the pain, and said angrily, "I'm not nervous, it was you who plotted against me and hit my hand!"

"A plot?" Liu Yuerong's face darkened, "Which eye of yours saw us plotting against you? There are so many people here, you can ask them again, who saw us plotting against you? You big guys, tell me, did someone plot against her? ?”

In fact, quite a few people saw it, but naturally, no one was willing to testify, and they all wished that Le Yan, a trash, would lose!

So they all denied it.

"No, I didn't see it."

"I didn't see it either."

(End of this chapter)

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