First-class daughter

Chapter 1651 Metamorphosis

Chapter 1651 Metamorphosis
Chapter 1651 Metamorphosis
Le Yan clenched her teeth, tears streaming down her face, and her hands ached.

She finally understood that these people didn't want to compete with her in pot throwing, they just wanted to find a reason and opportunity to bully her openly, laugh at her, and watch her jokes.

"You still have two chances, do you still want to vote?" Liu Yuerong asked with a bit of complacency.

"Stop shooting!" She couldn't hold the arrow anymore, and at the same time, she also knew that even if she continued to shoot, they would find other excuses to bully her.

"Then you lose, and we will call you a waste in the future! When you are called a waste, you have to respond."

"You will not be allowed to appear in front of us in the future."

All the noble ladies were giggling, surrounded Liu Yuerong, and left contentedly.Le Yan was left alone.

While walking, he said these mocking words to Le Yan.

Le Yan staggered two steps, endured the pain from the back of her hand, and walked to a place where no one noticed.

She leaned on a railing, looked down at the back of her hand, the injury was severe, and it was burning
However, she didn't want to be discovered by her mother, so as not to worry about her.

Then, she is really a waste.

She walked to the pool under the pavilion and knelt down on the ground. She decided to soak her swollen hands in cold water first to prevent the swelling from continuing.

When I go back later, I will ask Leng Mei to apply some medicine, and try to hide it from Prince Heng Fu's people,

When she squatted by the pool and saw the face on the water, her heart trembled slightly, she raised her uninjured hand, and gently stroked the face, her hand trembling slightly.

Who is she?
Is it Zhao Liuxian?No, no, Zhao Liuxian was already dead.

Is it Feng Leyan?No, it's not, Feng Leyan just occupied Zhao Liuxian's body.

and so……

"Who the hell am I? My face makes Qi Yan feel disheartened and heartbroken. My soul is floating, I have no self, I can't find myself, who am I, who am I..."

She murmured, tears falling drop by drop.

Others scolded her as "trash" in my mind.

Those piercing laughter and piercing expressions came to her eyes violently, making her feel dizzy.

She is here, it is true that she survived and found her reborn mother,
However, it was considered trash

Do not!
She can't be a waste in the eyes of others and discredit her mother.

She can no longer be bullied wantonly, and she can't always count on her mother to protect her.

She wants to be on her own and become the pride of Prince Heng's mansion.

Also, little brother, if she is so cowardly, what chance will she have to go to his side, how can she help him?

For a long time, Le Yan stood quietly in front of the pool, motionless.

It wasn't until a gust of cool wind blew by that she shivered, and then she woke up suddenly, her face was pale, and after recovering, she clenched her fists tightly.

She seemed to know what to do.

"Miss Le Yan, Princess Heng invites you to the banquet hall, the Seventh Princess and the others are waiting." At this moment, a maid came and bowed.

"it is good."

Le Yan nodded lightly, quickly stepped up to follow the maid, and gently wiped away the tears that were in her eyes, and dissipated them in the boundless wind.


All the way to the banquet hall, the atmosphere of the banquet was harmonious.

Le Yan hid her injured hand in her sleeve, and when she saw Lian Siyue, she showed her usual smile and called softly, "Sister."

"Le Yan'er, sit here, drink tea and eat something." Lian Siyue called Le Yan to sit beside her.

Le Yan nodded, and obediently sat down beside Lian Siyue.

As soon as she sat down, Le Yan felt a few eyes staring at her, and when she turned her head, she saw that Liu Yuerong and several other daughters were also here, and they seemed to have just arrived for tea and snacks.

This time, her eyes were no longer evasive or cowardly, she raised her chin slightly, and met their gazes.

There was even a slight smile on his face.

Liu Yuerong was taken aback.

Why does this trash seem to have suddenly changed into a different person, and his eyes are a little bit aggressive?
Hmph, it's just that when you get to the side of Princess Heng, it's just a useless fox pretending to be a tiger.

Waste is waste, so don't take it to heart.

As a result, Liu Yuerong's gaze also became fearless.

"Le Yan'er, you went out for a while, are you okay?" Lian Siyue handed Le Yan a cup of tea, asked in a warm voice, and glanced lightly at some people in the room.

This question made Liu Yuerong, who had been paying close attention to the movements here, tremble suddenly.

"Have you made any friends?" Lian Siyue asked, her voice was very soft, but with a forceful force.

Liu Yuerong's hand holding the pastry trembled a little, and bursts of sweat welled up her back.

Although this Princess Heng is pregnant, her aura is getting stronger and stronger.

The woman spoiled by the Nine Emperor Uncles, who have power over the government and the public, has confidence.

Now, this trash of Prince Heng's mansion, shouldn't he sue the princess?

That's too bad, was she a little too impulsive just now?If this trash files a lawsuit, Princess Heng will definitely not spare her.

The more Liu Yuerong thought about it, the more frightened she became, with bursts of fear and regret in her heart.

If she dares to sue, she can't spare her!You must try your best to kill this trash!
Le Yan noticed Liu Yuerong's twinkling eyes, and smiled faintly. This smile seemed to have magic power, like a fiery red rose that suddenly bloomed. It was so charming that the people around were startled slightly.

She stood up, looked at Lian Siyue, and said, "Well, Le Yan'er just strolled around outside the banquet hall and found that the mansion of the Seventh Princess Mansion is really unique. The vulgar variety smells particularly calming and soothing, so Leyan accidentally went there for so long. And the maids of the Seventh Princess' Mansion are very easy-going and gentle, it must be that the Seventh Princess taught her well."

After Le Yan finished speaking, she pretended to be inadvertent and glanced at Liu Yuerong who was opposite her.

At this glance, Liu Yuerong felt a little trembling in her heart.

How could this trash look at her with such eyes? What exactly does she want?Also, how did you look so good when you smiled?
Were you stimulated just now?
The Seventh Princess Fengxi was hugging her youngest son at this time, when she heard that Le Yan praised the Seventh Princess' Mansion and praised her in public, she felt a little surprised.

She had seen this Le Yan a few times before, but those few times she just hid beside Lian Siyue, submissive, and didn't even say a word.

At that time, she thought, after all, she was a girl brought back from the people, and she really couldn't get on the stage. It's a pity that Princess Heng has such a famous name.

But looking at it today, it seems that she has misread it.

This child speaks gracefully, advances and retreats with restraint, and actually has the demeanor of a royal heir.

(End of this chapter)

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