First-class daughter

Chapter 1653 Learning

Chapter 1653 Learning
Chapter 1653 Learning
and so……

She wants to really become stronger.

She is Lian Siyue's daughter, what's so scary?

Besides, she still has such a cold-blooded and ruthless father, maybe there is such a side in her blood?

"Le Yan..." At this moment, she heard her mother's voice calling her.

She regained her composure and walked out of the darkness.

"Yes, here I am."

She is coming!

After returning to Prince Heng's mansion, Le Yan took a look at the wound on the back of her hand, the wound was purple and black, and the pain became more and more unbearable.

In any case, this wound still needs to be healed.

Otherwise, if my mother accidentally sees it, I will feel sorry for her again.

So, she went to Lengmei's room.

"Cold guard." She knocked on the door outside.

"Miss Le Yan, why are you here?" Leng Mei was about to change clothes, opened the door, and saw Le Yan standing at the door.

"Is the Night Breeze guard not there?" Le Yan looked inside and asked.

"He has gone to work for His Highness, Miss Le Yan is looking for me, is there anything I need to do?"

Le Yan looked at Leng Mei, raised the back of her injured hand, and said, "Do you have any medicine here? My hand was injured."

Seeing the large wound on the back of Le Yan's hand, he frowned coldly and grabbed Le Yan's hand, "It's so badly injured!"

Those people should be taught a lesson!
It's a pity that Wang Hao said that she can't intervene, and let Miss Le Yan handle it herself.

After hearing Leng Mei's words, Le Yan was stunned. From what she meant, did she already know that she was injured?

So, mother also knows?
It's just that everyone didn't expose it, they were saving some face for her and waiting for her to grow up.

Le Yan's heart felt a little hot.

"I accidentally bumped into it myself. It's all right." Le Yan put aside her thoughts, smiled at her cold eyebrows, shook her hand deliberately, and applied some medicine. It will be fine soon, don't worry. "

"Wait for me." Leng Mei turned around, found a bottle of medicine for bruises in the room, and rubbed it on the wound for Le Yan.

When dissolving blood stasis, Le Yan gritted her teeth tightly, enduring the pain without saying a word, seeing the cold eyebrows in her eyes, she subconsciously relaxed her strength.

"Miss Le Yan, take these two bottles of medicine, three times a day, carefully apply on the wound, and it will be effective." After Leng Mei finished applying the medicine for Le Yan, he gave Le Yan two more bottles of medicine.

Le Yan took the medicine and thanked her.

After Le Yan left, Leng Mei went directly to Lian Siyue.

After Lian Siyue heard this, she didn't show any emotion, she just said shallowly, "Le Yan'er has really started to adapt to the environment here."

"Let's just pretend we don't know about this matter." After a pause, Lian Siyue said again.

"Princess, my subordinates feel that Miss Le Yan seems to be a little different after she came back from the banquet." Leng Mei expressed his doubts in his heart.

"Yes, now she is a flower waiting to bloom, give her time, she will grow into an amazing flower one day." Lian Siyue is very confident in her daughter.

"Yes, Miss Leyan is ice-snow smart." She said with cold eyebrows.

"Lengmei, in the future, you should pay more attention to Leyan's movements, and don't let her suffer too much." Although he said that he wanted to let her grow up, but after all, he was the eldest daughter he loved, and he couldn't bear to let her suffer too much. up.

"Yes, this subordinate understands, Princess."

After Leng Mei left, Lian Siyue was still a little worried about Le Yan, so he went to Le Yan's place.

"It must be what Lengmei said to Mother. Mother, I'm fine, I just got some minor injuries accidentally."

Seeing that the news of her injury was still reported to Lian Siyue, Le Yan repeatedly said that her wound did not hurt.

Even Siyue saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, "It hurts like this, mother hurts just looking at it."

Le Yan snuggled into Lian Siyue's arms and said, "Mother, only pain can leave traces."

Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly.

This sentence is Le Yan's confession to her mother.

"Be careful before the bruise completely dissolves. If you feel uncomfortable, come and tell your mother, okay?" Lian Siyue gently stroked Le Yan's cheek, telling Le Yan.

Le Yan nodded, with a smile on her lips, "Mother, don't worry, Le Yan'er knows what to do."

"Okay, I believe you." Lian Siyue nodded.

"Mother, just now the dining room sent delicious sliced ​​cakes, you can eat some with me." Le Yan pulled Lian Siyue to sit down at the table.

"Okay. It's a good thing if you want to eat." Lian Siyue said with a smile.

After eating some cakes, when Lian Siyue was about to leave, Le Yan suddenly thought of something, and said quickly, "Mother, Le Yan'er has something to say."

"What's the matter?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Le Yan'er wants to learn." Le Yan said.


"Le Yan'er, what do you want to learn?" Lian Siyue looked at Le Yan quietly.

"Mother, Le Yan'er wants to learn horse riding, hunting, archery, etc." Le Yan expressed her thoughts.

Hearing this, Lian Siyue was a little surprised, "Mother remembers, in the past you were most reluctant to learn these coolies, saying that only men like these hard things, why do you want to learn these now, are you not afraid of being tired? "

Le Yan shook her head, her eyes were full of determination, "Mother, Le Yan'er is not afraid of being tired. In the past, Le Yan'er was ignorant and didn't understand the importance of these things. Now Le Yan'er feels that it is very important to learn these things. , and make yourself stronger."

After finishing speaking, Le Yan suddenly bent down, hugged Lian Siyue's waist, and said softly, "When Le Yan'er becomes stronger, she can protect mother and younger brothers and sisters."

Don't be called trash anymore!

Not to mention the shame of Prince Heng's Mansion.

She will become a Feng Leyan who has separated from her mother and uncle Jiu!
"Le Yan'er, do you really think so?" Lian Siyue hugged Le Yan, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Le Yan's face.

Le Yan nodded, and the corners of her lips curled slightly, "Since God has given Le Yan'er the chance to meet mother again, Le Yan'er can't waste it in vain, mother, what do you think?"

"Good boy, as long as you want to do anything, mother will definitely support you, but the premise is that your safety is the most important thing, so remember to protect yourself and don't let mother worry, you know?" Yue Wen said.

"Yes, mother, one day, Le Yan'er will definitely become your pride." Le Yan buried her head in Lian Siyue's arms, her tone was firm and unshakable.

Lian Siyue hugged Le Yan and smiled slightly.

Le Yan'er, you have always been my mother's pride.

"Then, you start following your plan." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, thank you, mother!" Le Yan's eyes glowed, and her body was full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

And Lian Siyue stood aside, watching the brilliance gradually blooming on Le Yan's face, as if she saw the future Le Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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