First-class daughter

Chapter 1654 Horse Riding

Chapter 1654 Horse Riding
Chapter 1654 Horse Riding
Le Yan didn't lie, and when her hand got better, she started to implement her plan.

Her poems and songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are nothing to worry about.

Therefore, what she wants to learn is not these.



"What did you say, Miss Leyan?" Night Breeze asked in surprise, his eyes widened, and he looked at the weak little girl in front of him in disbelief.

"I want to learn how to ride a horse, Night Breeze Guard, you can teach me." Le Yan has already put on a pair of riding clothes, which is a little more sassy than usual.

Night Breeze touched his head, "Have you talked to the princess?"

For a delicate and weak girl like Miss Le Yan, let alone riding a horse, even sitting on the horse's back and letting the horse bump a few times, she is afraid that she will fall apart.

"I've said it, don't worry, the princess said, everything is up to me, as long as it's safe." Le Yan said, looking at the horse in front of her, she was already ready to move.

"Okay, but I want to tell you first that riding a horse is not as chic as it looks. It will be very tiring for beginners, and you will have to wear off a layer of skin when you are serious." Night Breeze said.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid, I can teach you how to teach, I'm not afraid of suffering." She has never suffered any hardships, has never experienced any tribulations, is she still afraid of riding a horse?

"Miss Le Yan, excuse me for being troublesome, but I want to ask you, well, why do you want to learn how to ride a horse?" Night Breeze asked.

"Because I don't want to be called trash, I want to become strong, not to shame Prince Heng's mansion, don't have to rely on the protection of His Royal Highness and Princess, one day I can also protect Princess, protect the little princess and the little princess." Le Yan's eyes are shining, warm and brilliant.

Not the dark one anymore.

After hearing this, Night Breeze understood.

He also heard from Leng Mei yesterday what happened in the Seventh Princess' Mansion.

"Okay, Miss Leyan, this subordinate will definitely try my best to teach you," Night Breeze said.

"Not only do you have to do your best, but you also have to be ruthless." Le Yan said with a smile.

"Yes, I, Night Breeze, will definitely make Miss Le Yan a master of horseback riding." Night Breeze threw the whip in Le Yan's direction.

Le Yan was startled, and quickly reached out to catch it, but fortunately, she caught it.

"That's right, Ms. Le Yan's reaction speed is very fast." Ye Feng said, "Now I'll teach you how to communicate with horses..."

Le Yan listened carefully to every word Night Breeze said.

However, because I have never ridden a horse before, I still feel a little scared every time I see a horse running in front of me.

Therefore, it took her a lot of effort to complete the action of sitting on the horseback.

As soon as he got on the horse, he trembled again, not daring to move, lying on the horse for a long time, not daring to leave.

Night Breeze led the horse and kept encouraging her, before she finally sat up slowly.

Sitting on the horseback and looking at the ground, I felt a little dizzy.

"Night Breeze, although I really want to learn how to ride a horse, but, but, I have to admit that I'm really scared that I might fall off." Le Yan's voice was trembling.

"Miss Le Yan, this is normal. Every woman who rides a horse for the first time is like this, even Lengmei." Night Breeze said something to make Le Yan not so nervous.

"Really? A woman as powerful as Guard Leng is afraid of riding a horse?"

"In the beginning, she was more timid than you, but with a master like me, she quickly learned it." Night Breeze remembered the time when he taught Leng Mei how to ride a horse.



Outside the racecourse.

A cool and calm figure stood there, his eyes kept looking at Le Yan.

Watching her go from being a little scared when she saw a horse, to slowly climbing on the horse's back, to kicking the horse's belly lightly...

Every step, she did it so seriously, without ambiguity at all.

After a long time, that beautiful slapped face was flushed with heat, and dense beads of sweat came out.

However, she never complained of suffering or tiredness from beginning to end, even if Night Breeze asked her to rest, she would have to ride for a while.

There was a slight smile on Lian Siyue's face, distressed, and even more gratified.

"Princess, Miss Leyan is very persevering." Leng Mei said.

"Only people with strong goals will have endless perseverance. Le Yan has found her goal in living here." Lian Siyue said.

"From this point of view, Ms. Le Yan is an exceptionally tough person, but there is a deviation from the previous impression." Leng Mei said.

"It's the first day of horse riding today, and she worked so hard, she will definitely hurt all over after the end, you prepare some ointment in advance, and send it to her when the time comes." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes, princess." Leng Mei nodded.

"Qing Dai, go to the dining room and prepare some food that Le Yan likes. If you are so tired, you will definitely be hungry later." Lian Siyue instructed Qing Dai again.

"Yes, wangfei, this servant knows." Qing Dai responded.

Lian Siyue stood still and watched for a while, because she was pregnant, so she left first.

On this day, Le Yan only took a few quick bites of lunch before returning to the racecourse and continuing to ride.

She practiced until it was almost dark, and Night Breeze urged her to maintain her strength so that she could continue the next day, so she gave up and returned to her yard.

As soon as I entered the room, I realized that I was exhausted, and my bones seemed to be falling apart. .

The palms, thighs, and buttocks were all burning with pain.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her delicately combed hair was scattered, and the strands of hair stuck to her cheeks casually, her gorgeous clothes were wrinkled, and she looked really embarrassed.

However, she likes herself very much now.

No longer lifeless, no longer muddled, the sweat, the flushed cheeks are proofs that she has worked hard and transformed.

She raised her hand to touch her face.

"Ouch..." Only then did she realize that her hand was so painful that she couldn't lift it up at all.

He walked to the bed a few steps, and before he was ready to sit down, his body fell crookedly on it.

"It's so tiring and painful..."

"Miss Le Yan..."

Qing Dai came over with food, but she didn't even have the strength to turn over.

It's just too tiring.

She felt that she had never been so tired in her life.

In the end, it was Qing Dai and her maid, Zhu Xian, who fed her the food together.

For bathing, two people carried her into the tub.

After the body was immersed in the water, it felt a little better.

"Miss, even if you want to ride a horse, you don't have to be so cruel to yourself. Look, the skin on your palms and thighs is worn out, and your whole body is red." Zhu Xian said distressedly.

However, fortunately, the young lady's skin is naturally very fair and fair, no matter how much sun is exposed to the sun, it will not tan, and there are signs of getting whiter with more sun.

(End of this chapter)

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