Chapter 1662
Chapter 1662
However, Night Breeze didn't move at all, and the blood under his body flowed more and more, and even flowed to her feet.

"Night Breeze... Night Breeze..." Le Yan's voice trembled, she refused to believe that Night Breeze would die right under her nose.

However, she stretched out her hand and sighed his breath, and she was out of breath.

no, I can not.

Will not!
The anger and hatred in her chest poured out of her body like a torrent about to burst.

She saw the sword protruding from Ye Feng's waist, her eyes flashed fiercely, she suddenly reached out, pulled out the sword abruptly, turned around, grasped the sword with both hands, the point of the sword was facing the person who was chasing her , looked at them fiercely.

The blood on the sword fell drop by drop onto the leaves on the ground.

The expression on Le Yan's face became more and more resolute, colder and colder...


She yelled and rushed towards the person directly opposite.

However, the man suddenly dodged, and Le Yan's sword was stuck on the ground.

She clenched her teeth and was about to pull out the sword.

"Miss Le Yan..." At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

Le Yan was taken aback, and turned around abruptly.

In the meantime, Night Breeze was standing there, wiping the blood off his face.

"Night Breeze..." She let go of the sword suddenly.

And the four men in black next to them also took off the mask strips on their faces one by one, and knelt down together:
"Meet Miss Le Yan."

"They were trained by His Highness the Ninth Prince himself," Night Breeze explained.

Le Yan looked at it, and suddenly realized that this was all arranged by Night Breeze, and Night Breeze was fine.

"Night guard!" Le Yan's face turned from pale to flushed.

Night Breeze wiped off the "blood" on his face, smiled, and said, "If you want to escape from pursuit, you must first have a strong will to survive, even if the knife is already on your neck, even if you may You will die immediately, and you also have the strong thought that I won’t die, I don’t want to die, you can’t kill me. A person who thinks he will be killed has no way to escape to survive.”

"In this regard, Ms. Le Yan has done a good job, even though she clearly knows the difference in strength, she still tries her best to survive.

Le Yan understands!
A strong will to survive is the first key to escaping death.

Looking back on the past, after the death of her mother, after the death of Jiuhuangshu, and after she knew the truth, she lived in fear of death every day. After arriving in the Huns, she felt that she would die soon.

I have never had such a strong desire to survive as before, I just feel that I am alone, outnumbered, without support, without help, and will undoubtedly die.

At that time, she was afraid all day long that she would die one day.

As a result, he died of hunger and cold.At the last moment, there is no one around,

Looking back at that time, she didn't even actively think about how to survive.

Facing Night Breeze, she showed admiration, "Night guard, I understand, I understand."

Night Breeze showed a smile on his face, motioned the other four to leave, and said, "Miss Le Yan's performance just now was very good, even a little beyond my expectation."

For example, at the last moment, instead of continuing to escape, she jumped off the horse to see if there was any possibility of saving him.

Naturally, speaking from a human point of view, he was very moved.However, from the perspective of escaping, she just gave up the hope of continuing to escape.

"Next time if you encounter such a situation, don't stop and keep going," Night Breeze said.

Le Yan's heart trembled slightly.

"Miss Le Yan, do you understand what your subordinates mean?" Night Breeze asked.

"...Understood." Le Yan nodded, "But..."

"but what……"

"But there are some people, I am willing to protect them with my life." Le Yan said quietly.

Such as mother, such as Jiuhuangshu, such as those who sincerely treat her well.

A flash of surprise flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and then he smiled again, and said, "Perhaps Le Yanxiao has a deeper understanding of life and death, so now, I will teach you some simple attacks and dodges." method of attack."

"Okay!" Le Yan nodded vigorously.

"Let's go to the martial arts field," Night Breeze said.


"Night Breeze is the first sharp sword by your side. He is the leader of the hidden guards. His martial arts are so strong that no one can match him. With him as Le Yan'er's master, Le Yan'er must be able to practice martial arts." Lian Siyue looked at the figure in front who was silently tying up a rag, and said.

If she had trained Le Yan'er in the same way in her previous life, she would not have been so miserable in the end.

Feng Yunzheng was dressed in a white robe, spotless, standing beside Lian Siyue.

As the years passed and the age grew, the man became more attractive.Whenever she sees him, even Siyue still has a feeling in her heart, like passionate love, and her heart beats for him. .

The only thing that remains the same is still his eternal love for Lian Siyue. He sensed what Lian Siyue was thinking, and he stretched out his hand to hold Lian Siyue's hand, holding it in the palm of his hand.

"Le Yan'er is like you, especially like you. Not only does she look more and more like you, but her temperament is also like you now."

Right, if their present was their past, then it wouldn't be that way.

"After Le Yan'er and Ye Feng have finished training, I will personally teach her strategy, how to recognize people, and distinguish people..." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, "With you personally, Le Yan'er will become the person she wants to be. After she leaves us and gets married, I can rest assured."

"I'll take care of everything about the child, you don't have to worry about it." Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand, scratched her nose lightly, and said dotingly.

Only he, even though her heart is as hard as a rock, with ruthless methods and deep scheming, still regards her as a treasure that needs careful care.

"Okay." She nodded, enjoying the feeling of being loved and spoiled by him.

She is willing to indulge in his tenderness like this, for one lifetime, two lifetimes, three lifetimes, forever and ever.

Feng Yunzheng took a step forward, hugged Lian Siyue horizontally, stared at her, lowered his head, and kissed her lips.

Lian Siyue raised her head slightly, greeted his kiss, hugged his neck with both hands, responding to his expression.

Feng Yunzheng gradually deepened the kiss, and kissed for a long time, until Lian Siyue was a little out of breath, and finally let go reluctantly.

He looked at her slightly swollen lips, suppressed the fire in his body, and finally suppressed it.

"I will never let you have children again, I want to love you every day, every day."

Lian Siyue blushed, she naturally understood what Feng Yunzheng meant.

He didn't want to control his desire because of the child in her womb anymore.

She chuckled.She raised her head, kissed the corner of his lips, and said in a low voice, "It will be soon, bear with it."

(End of this chapter)

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