Chapter 1663
Chapter 1663
Her smile has magic power, and her kiss will make him sink immediately, wishing to immediately pour her into his arms and love her fiercely.

"You, there is always a way to make me, the highly respected Nine Emperor Uncle in the imperial court, always have the illusion that I am still a young man."

Lian Siyue smiled, approached his ear, and said mischievously, "Then you will always be my young boy."

After Feng Yunzheng lightly scraped her forehead, he hugged her and walked into the palace, walking faster and faster, and said, "Use other methods to relieve it, otherwise I will have to wash in cold water again. I can wash and dye When the second imperial brother saw me, he made fun of me, saying that I must be too forbidden and soaked in cold water all day, that's why I was like this."

"Hehehe..." Lian Siyue smiled, and buried herself in his arms with a blushing face.

Into the palace.

It was not surprising for the people in the mansion to see their Ninth Highness coming in with the princess in his arms in such a grand manner.

Because this is the daily life of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince.

From the outside, in the eyes of outsiders, His Highness Ninth Highness is highly respected and strategizing, but only they know that His Highness Ninth will be different when he returns to the palace and the princess.

Like now.

Feng Yunzheng carried Lian Siyue all the way back to the room, hooked the door with his feet and closed it with a "snap".

Then, he carefully placed the person in his arms on the bed.

"Yun Zheng..." Lian Siyue held onto his sleeve.

Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand, lowered the curtain on the bed, and locked the two of them inside.

He stretched out his hand to cover Lian Siyue's slightly raised abdomen, and drew circles one by one.

Lian Siyue only felt a rush of heat flowing through her body, her body trembled slightly, and she held the sheet under her body with one hand.

Feng Yunzheng reached out to her chin, slowly unbuttoned her lapel, and lowered his head to hold her neck.

"Yun Zheng..." Lian Siyue closed his eyes, and slowly embraced his body with both hands...



After this.

Feng Yunzheng was finally relieved, and even Siyue fell asleep in his arms.

He lowered his head and looked at the person in his arms, deeply in love, and touched her cheek with the back of his hand. Although she was pregnant, her complexion was still smooth, tender, white and lubricated.

He really loves her!

The two of them lay together and didn't wake up until it was dinner time, ready to go to dinner together.

Feng Yunzheng was afraid that Lian Siyue would fall and bump into her, so he kept holding her hand and didn't let go.

After walking halfway, Leng Mei came to report and said, "Your Highness, something happened to Mr. Liu Yongliu from the Ministry of Industry!"

"What happened to Liu Yong?" Feng Yunzheng said in a deep voice.

"Embezzlement of money, the evidence is solid, it is reasonable to search the house." Leng Mei replied.

"What is the conclusive evidence?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"It's an account book." Leng Mei replied.

"The emperor has always hated corrupt officials. If the evidence is convincing, he will definitely punish them severely." Feng Yunzheng said with a serious face, "Who is responsible for this matter?"

"Master Zhang of the Ministry of Punishment." Leng Mei replied.

"If it falls into his hands, then Liu Yong will dig up the root and skin together." Feng Yunzheng said flatly.

"Liu Yong has a daughter who is Liu Yuerong." Lian Siyue said suddenly.

"Yes, Wangfei, it is Liu Yuerong's father." Leng Mei replied.

Lian Siyue's eyes flicked in thought, this Le Yan'er was bullied by Liu Yuerong not long before Liu Yong had an accident, could it be a coincidence?
If it wasn't for a coincidence, Le Yan'er would have the ability to trip up the members of the Liu family now.

No, it's not Le Yan, she is very clear about her affairs.

So who is it?
"How did Liu Yong's corruption come to light?" Lian Siyue asked.

"There was a thief in the house, and the thief stole the account book by accident, and made it public later." Leng Mei said, "Besides, the thief is said to have come to steal the gold ornaments Mrs. Liu bought at 'Qi Ji', Sneaked into Mrs. Liu and Master Liu's room, and accidentally heard Master Liu talking about the account book, so he took the account book away."


Isn't this driven by Qi Yan who always chases after Le Yan'er?

"Could it be..." Lian Siyue's heart trembled.

"Yue'er, what's the matter? What did you think of?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"I thought of Qi Yan..." Lian Siyue repeated her thoughts.

"Princess, speaking of this matter, Miss went to Jiuhua Temple to worship Buddha two days ago, and the carriage had a problem and she fell down. It was Qi Yan who sent her back to the residence." Leng Mei said.

"So, in all likelihood, he has something to do with him. Leng Mei, you should investigate immediately to see if Liu Yong's case has anything to do with Qi Yan, and whether he designed something to happen to the Liu family." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Leng Mei turned and left, ready to investigate immediately.

Mo'an Courtyard.

Le Yan was taken aback when she heard Zhuxian's words, "You said that Liu Yuerong's house was ransacked, and his father, Liu Yong, has been escorted to the Ministry of Punishment?"

"Yeah, that's right, it's said that the amount of corruption is huge, the emperor is furious, Liu Yong is sure to die, and the Liu family will never recover." Zhuxian was very happy, "Now, let's see how that Liu Yuerong is still in Miss Frightened in front of him, the family has been uprooted."

But Le Yan didn't smile, because she was thinking about another thing.

What Qi Yan said, he said that avoiding it would only make the other party gain an inch, so it is better to fight back hard.

So, is this matter related to Qi Yan?
"Miss, what are you thinking? Liu Yuerong laughed at Miss as a waste, I think she is a waste now, completely useless, who will care about her? I'm afraid it's too late to hide." Zhuxian saw Le Yan thinking deeply With a heavy look, he said.

"Zhuxian, make arrangements. I'm going out to find Qi Yan." Le Yan stood up suddenly and said.

"Yes, yes, Miss." Zhuxian was taken aback, and hurriedly went to prepare the carriage.

After getting ready, Le Yan went out.

She was thinking, this matter should have something to do with Qi Yan, but how did he, an ordinary businessman, do it?
However, just as she walked out of Prince Heng's mansion, she saw a figure rushing towards him, plopped, and knelt on the ground, "Your Highness Ninth, Your Highness, Your Highness Ninth, my father was wronged, I I have come to ask His Highness the Ninth Prince..."

Le Yan saw that this man's clothes were wrinkled, his hair was messy, he had no accessories on his body, his eyes were red and swollen from crying, and his face was haggard.

What a mess.

"Hey, Miss, look quickly, isn't this Miss Liu? Why did she kneel at the gate of our palace? Isn't she always very proud?" Zhuxian said loudly when she saw someone who bullied her lady.

Hearing this voice, Liu Yuerong knew that Feng Leyan was also here.

She looked back at Feng Leyan, she knew how bad her current situation was, and suddenly felt ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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