Chapter 1664
Chapter 1664
Le Yan's faint eyes glanced at Liu Yuerong.

However, in a few days, the arrogant and domineering lady of the Liu family, who was originally dressed in gorgeous clothes, turned into such an appearance, which is embarrassing.

"Miss Liu, the gate of our Prince Heng's Mansion is no better than other places. I advise you not to kneel here, and let our mansion get into gossip." Zhu Xian was clearly trying to comfort her, but her tone was sarcasm.

"I, my father was wronged. I'm here to ask Your Highness the Ninth Prince to make the decision for my father and reverse the case for my father." Liu Yuerong clenched her fists and said.

"His Highness Ninth will not see you, and the princess will not see you either." Le Yan said.

"You lied! You lied to me on purpose, didn't you? You will definitely meet me." Liu Yuerong said loudly with her face flushed.

"The matter of Mr. Liu Yong, Mr. Liu was personally ordered by the emperor to conduct a thorough investigation. Mr. Zhang, the stern and selfless Mr. Zhang of the Ministry of Punishment, is in charge of this matter. How could His Highness the Ninth Prince confront the emperor?" Feng Leyan said.

After hearing this, Liu Yuerong was stunned.

Yes, His Highness the Ninth Prince has always been of one mind with the Emperor, and the Emperor decided to thoroughly investigate the Liu family, so how could His Highness the Ninth Prince be willing to see her?
"So, you should go back." Le Yan turned around, ready to get on the carriage.

"Miss Le Yan!" Suddenly, Liu Yuerong knelt down in front of Le Yan, blocking her way.

"What do you want to do? Be careful to scare our lady." Seeing this, Zhuxian thought that Liu Yuerong was going to do something to Feng Leyan again, so she quickly embraced her in front of her, protecting her master.

"I...Miss Le Yan, please, you can speak up in front of His Highness Ninth Prince and the concubine, please speak for me, let me see His Highness Ninth Prince, no matter what, I will also ask His Highness Ninth Prince Pleading." Liu Yuerong said.

"You beg me?" There was a smile on the corner of Le Yan's lips, showing a little surprise, and said softly, "But... I am a waste of Prince Heng's mansion."

"I..." Liu Yuerong was stunned, her body softened, and she fell to the ground.

That's right, she kept calling Feng Leyan a waste back then, how could she do it now...

"Miss Liu, on our way home from Jiuhua Temple that day, something happened to the carriage. My lady almost had an accident. If it wasn't for..."

"Zhu Xian." Le Yan called out, stopping Zhu Xian from saying Qi Yan's name.

Zhu Xian immediately understood what Le Yan meant, and continued, "Anyway, our young lady almost had a big accident, but fortunately she was lucky enough to be safe, and you must have done this."

"I..." Liu Yuerong was speechless.

"I won't help someone who once wanted to put me to death, you can ask for blessings." Le Yan turned around and got on the carriage resolutely.

"Miss Le Yan, Miss Le Yan..." Liu Yuerong came back to her senses and hurriedly chased after her, but was blocked by the guards.

Le Yan looked back at Liu Yuerong, and motioned for the groom to leave.

She once told Night Breeze that in order to protect the people she cared about, she could take her own life, and at the same time, she would not soften her heart when faced with those who hurt her again and again.

Who knew that this Liu Yuerong would not trouble her again in the future.

The carriage stopped all the way to Qiji.

When Xiaoyuan saw Le Yan, she was a little dazed, and after a while she came to her senses, stepped forward and said, "Miss, you are here, what do you want, just send someone to tell me, I will pick the best one for you You send it."

"Is Qi Yan there? I have something to tell him." Le Yan nodded slightly and said.

"What?" At this moment, a somewhat cold voice came.

Le Yan raised her head and saw that it was Qi Yan. He was wearing a brocade robe, a white jade crown on his head, and a golden jade belt around his waist. He was tall and tall, with a handsome face, somewhat elegant.

"About Master Liu." Le Yan lowered her voice and said.

Qi Yan didn't reply, turned around and walked inside.

Le Yan stood where she was, suddenly not quite understanding what to do.

"Miss, quickly follow." Xiaoyuan glanced at Qi Yan's back, stepped forward quickly, and whispered to Leyan.

Le Yan came back to her senses, and then quickened her pace to follow.

Qi Yan kept walking, Le Yan followed behind.Qi Yan never spoke, did not come back, and Le Yan did not speak either.

Qi Yan walked faster and faster, and Le Yan followed suit.

Suddenly, Qi Yan stopped abruptly.Le Yan also stopped immediately.

Qi Yan came back to his senses suddenly, and looked at her angrily, "Why are you following me?"

Le Yan was taken aback, "Didn't you let me follow?"

"When did I let you follow me!" Qi Yan's voice was stiff.

"I..." Le Yan stood on the spot, bit her lower lip, and said, "Then I won't follow, give me some time, I want to ask you something."

"Do you know that every time I see you, I feel very complicated!" Qi Yan ignored what Le Yan said, and only complained.

"Then please bear with me. I'm also conflicted and unhappy when this situation happens." Le Yan clenched her fists and said.

"Are you losing your temper at me?" Liu Xian'er never loses her temper, she is always very gentle, and she has never seen her gnashing her teeth like this but still holding back.

"Just think it's Zhao Liuxian who lost his temper with you, imagine me as her, and you won't be so angry." Le Yan also said.

"You... have you learned how to talk back to me?" Qi Yan's eyes widened, looking at Liu Xian'er's mouth, and there was such a mocking tone from his mouth?

"Let me ask you, you did what happened to Liu Yong, right?" Le Yan asked directly without talking to him.

"Why are you talking back to me? Liu Xian'er is so good, don't let her turn bad." Qi Yan didn't care what Le Yan was asking.

Le Yan suddenly pinched her face with her hands and said, "If you don't answer my question well, I'll pinch here."

"You dare! Try it!" Qi Yan immediately warned.

"If you don't answer my question..." Le Yan's hand slowly tightened.

"I did it!" Qi Yan replied immediately.

"How did you do it?" Le Yan continued pinching her cheeks.

"Put your hand down and talk, if you squeeze a little bit, I won't even..."

"How did you do it?" Le Yan continued to ask.

"I... I got acquainted with Mrs. Liu, and I gave her a lot of jewelry of the latest styles. When Mrs. Liu was happy, she talked to me for a long time, and then got out of Mrs. Liu's mouth. Knowing that Liu Yong has such a An account book, so I sneaked into Liu's mansion and stole the account book, and handed it directly to Mr. Zhang's mansion of the Ministry of Punishment. Although I haven't been in the capital for a long time, the characteristics and hobbies of every official are still very clear." Qi Yan Tell the truth.

"..." Le Yan's eyes widened, "That's it?"

"Of course that's the case, otherwise what do you think? Can you put your hands down and stop pinching your face." Qi Yan kept looking at her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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