First-class daughter

Chapter 1665 Methods

Chapter 1665 Methods
Chapter 1665 Methods
Only then did Le Yan put down her hands, and an imperceptible cunning flashed across the corner of her lips. Now, she seemed to know how to deal with Qi Yan.

Qi Yan glared at her and said, "You are so cunning that you even threatened me with Liu Xian'er."

Le Yan blushed a little, and said, "I'm not threatening you, I just want to know the truth of the matter, this is my purpose of coming here."

"Aren't you threatening me?" Qi Yan said unhappily, staring at Le Yan with a very unwilling look.

"It's fine if you tell me not?" Le Yan lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Now you know? I sent the corrupt officials of the Liu family to the emperor. This is a great achievement for the emperor. If the emperor knows about it, he will also reward me." Qi Yan put his hands behind his back, quite a bit proud.

"Naturally, the emperor has clear rewards and punishments. If you want to find an official position in the capital, you can rely on this." Le Yan said.

"Whoever wants to seek an official position, do I have to wait until now to become an official? I have no interest in being an official. I only want to make money." Qi Yan looked very contemptuous of being an official.

"Why are you doing this?" Le Yan looked at him and asked.

Qi Yan glanced at her forehead, which still had the scar from the impact that day.

"What do you say?"

"..." Le Yan lowered her head and said, "I understand, it's all because of Zhao Liuxian."

"It's good to know, so, you must not do anything that will hurt Liuxian, otherwise, those people will end up like Liu Yong. Once I make a move, I will not show mercy." Qi Yan said.

He looked dazed and foolish, but he was also the one who would get revenge.

Bullying her head is not enough.

"Understood, then I'll go first!" Le Yan turned and prepared to leave.

"Stand!" Qi Yan shouted.

"What's the matter, is there anything else?" Le Yan asked.

Qi Yan looked Le Yan up and down, and said, "Look at you, you don't know how to cherish yourself, I will ask Xiaoyuan to bring some good things back to you, you have to remember to eat and use, and take good care of yourself."

"I don't want it." This time, Le Yan refused without hesitation.

"You don't want it?" Qi Yan's eyes widened.

"Yes, I don't want it." Le Yan raised her head with a bit of stubbornness.

"You... this is for you..."

"Liu Xian'er won't want it either." Le Yan said.

"You're not her, you..."

"Would Liu Xian'er like these things? Especially those makeup powders, she has a plain face and doesn't know how to smear on her face. Don't force her. Do you really like her? Why don't you even like her? clear."

"You..." Qi Yan was speechless.

"So, in the future, it's best to think about what she likes before giving it away." Le Yan showed a posture and taught Qi Yan a lesson.

"You brat, how old are you, and you actually educate me who is five years older than you!"

Le Yan also cast a contemptuous glance at Qi Yan, and said, "Isn't it age that is compared when people are alive? Isn't it wisdom?"

"You say I'm not wise? Do you know that I'm here often, and I can stand on my feet in a short period of time?"

"I didn't say that, think about it for yourself, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Le Yan turned and left his side, and walked outside. .

Qi Yan stood on the spot, looking at her back angrily, she was blocked by a kid and couldn't speak.

Liuxian would not talk back like this, Liuxian is very good, Zhao Liuxian is much better than Feng Leyan, the person he likes is Zhao Liuxian!
This Feng Leyan, he hates it very much!
"My lord, Miss didn't take anything, she's already gone." Xiaoyuan walked over, and seeing Qi Yan's expression was unkind, she said cautiously.

"If you don't want it, then don't! Throw it all away!" Qi Yan lost his temper, turned around and left, but accidentally hit a tree with a "bang".

"My lord, be careful!" Seeing this, Xiaoyuan hurried over to rub the bumped place for Qi Yan.

"Go away! Don't touch me!" Qi Yan was very upset, and pushed Xiaoyuan away.

"My lord, you don't have any women around you who can serve you. If I don't touch you, who will touch you?" Xiaoyuan blurted out and said.

But these words sound a bit weird.

"You actually made me so pitiful. If I wanted to, why wouldn't there be any woman?" Qi Yan was so angry that he kicked on the tree.

"Yes, yes, if you want a woman, Xiaoyuan will find it for you. Don't kick the tree. Be careful that it hurts your legs." Xiaoyuan knew that it would be difficult to coax her son well when he had a temper, so he hurried along. follow his words.

"You told me to find another woman?" Qi Yan's face turned cold.

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Madoka waved her hands quickly.

"I, Qi Yan, will guard Liu Xian'er like a jade all my life. As someone close to me, you should urge me to get rid of my desires and not be greedy for any other women. You actually want to help me find a woman."

"Your life is like a jade..." Xiaoyuan was frightened when she heard these words, "Master, you are already shocking the world by being an innocent and beautiful man at the age of seventeen or eighteen, and you plan to...for the rest of your life?"

"What? Can't you?" Qi Yan said.

"Of course not. You are the only son of the Qi family. If you become a monk for the rest of your life, I'm afraid Madam will seek death if she finds out." Xiaoyuan said with a sad face.

Qi Yan stroked his chin, with a pensive expression on his face, "Think of a way."

Think of a way?What do you think?How to become a monk for a lifetime?

"Young master..." When Xiaoyuan came back to his senses, Qi Yan had already gone far away.

"That girl will be difficult to deal with from now on, hmph, if she hadn't occupied Liu Xian'er's body, I would have..." What?He himself does not know.

Le Yan returned to Prince Heng's mansion.

Today, she used her instincts and succeeded in blocking Qi Yan's habit of constantly sending things back. She felt very happy in her heart.

"Miss, this Mr. Qi is actually pretty good. It can be seen that although he is fierce, he is actually a little afraid of Miss." Zhuxian said with a smile.

"Really?" Le Yan thought of Qi Yan when she was blocked by her words, and felt a little funny, "He's not afraid of me, he's afraid..."

"What is he afraid of?" Seeing that Le Yan had stopped talking, Zhuxian asked.

"Nothing?" Le Yan came back to her senses, "Is Liu Yuerong still at the door?"

"Not here anymore." Zhu Xian helped Le Yan out of the carriage, glanced at the door of the mansion, and said.

"I think it was my words that woke her up, so she stopped making trouble here." Le Yan said.

"Hmph, that kind of person deserves it. I'm happy to see Miss ignore her. I'm afraid that Miss will be soft-hearted." Zhu Xian said.

"Maybe it used to be, but now, it won't be." Le Yan said.

People with bad intentions should not be given a chance, otherwise, they will go back to the far side.

(End of this chapter)

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