First-class daughter

Chapter 1666 Results

Chapter 1666 Results
Chapter 1666 Results
After returning to the palace, Le Yan went to see Lian Siyue first.

I just heard that Leng Mei was reporting the Liu family's affairs to her mother, saying that Liu Yong had confessed quickly, and even wrote a letter of repentance to the emperor in tears.

However, the emperor has always hated corruption, and Liu Yong has a large amount of corruption, and he has tampered with water conservancy, which has suffered a lot from the people, so he rejected the letter of repentance without even reading it.

This move will also serve as a wake-up call to officials in the court, the emperor will never tolerate corrupt officials.

I heard that Mrs. Liu was very frightened. Liu Yong fell ill after being taken away. The other concubines usually suppressed Mrs. Liu and Liu Yuerong, and none of the key events could preside over the overall situation.

The Liu family is now a mess.

As for Liu Yuerong, she was begging everywhere, but at a time like this, who would be willing to take this muddy water?It's all about avoiding her like a snake and scorpion, making a detour when seeing her from a distance, or closing the door of the house tightly.

"That kid Qi Yan started his actions without procrastinating, and he has the most critical evidence. The emperor doesn't need to spend too much energy to investigate, and he didn't expose himself, he is still very clever." Lian Siyue said.

"You know everything?" Le Yan asked.

"Yeah." Lian Siyue nodded, looked at Le Yan, and said, "He did it because of you."

"Actually not." Le Yan shook her head.

"Isn't it?" Lian Siyue was slightly startled.

After Le Yan signaled the others to leave, she told Lian Siyue the truth.

"Actually, it was because of Zhao Liuxian. He felt that Liu Yuerong hurt Zhao Liuxian's forehead and arm. He couldn't bear it, so Liu Yuerong had to pay for it."

"Is that so?" Lian Siyue frowned, so the person Qi Yan cares about is not Le Yan?
"Yes, I also made an equal deal with him. He told me that I must take good care of this body, not allow any harm, and not even lose a strand of hair, so that I can live in her, otherwise, he will Take this body...take it away and let him keep and take care of it." Le Yan told her mother everything.

"Custody and care?"

"It means to take people away."

"how about you?"

"I..." Le Yan suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, showing a somewhat smug expression.

"What's the matter?" Lian Siyue's curiosity was aroused.

Le Yan lowered her voice a little, and said, "I found a way to cure him. I tried it today, and he is really much more honest. He doesn't dare to boss me around anymore, and it depends on my face." Le Yan smiled said.

"Oh? What's the way? Let's hear it." Lian Siyue saw Le Yan's eyes shining, and felt that she was really different, and chatting with her like this, she felt that Le Yan's soul was real. She returned to her side, which made her feel extremely relieved.

"I'll threaten him with whatever he cares about." Le Yan blinked and said slyly, "I asked him today if he did what Liu Yong did and how he did it, but he refused to say , I pinched my face, and said that if he refused to speak, I would use my strength. He was frightened, so he said honestly."

"Pfft..." Lian Siyue laughed, stretched out her hand, and pinched Le Yan's cheek lightly, "You, what a clever little ghost."

Le Yan stepped back quickly, pretending to be terrified, and said, "Mother, don't pinch, if Qi Yan sees it, he will run away violently."

"Hahaha..." Lian Siyue laughed loudly, "Mother is so happy to see you like this, Le Yan'er."

Le Yan was moved when she heard this sentence, "I used to always worry you, but now that you say that, I feel that my efforts have not been in vain."

"By the way, Qi Yan said how did he know that Liu Yong had such an account book?" Lian Siyue was curious about this.

"He started with Mrs. Liu..." Le Yan told Lian Siyue everything she heard from Qi Yan.

"So that's the case, I'm afraid Mrs. Liu still doesn't know that her family has fallen into Qi Yan's hands." Lian Siyue said.

A few days later, the punishment for Liu Yong came down. Liu Yong was dismissed from his post and sent to the frontier, never to return to Beijing.

However, the Liu family's house was ransacked, and all the finances were handed over to the state treasury. For some, the mansion was sealed, and the rest of the Liu family were no longer allowed to live in the mansion of the Liu mansion.

I heard that the family moved to a small and cheap farmhouse in the suburbs of Beijing. However, the young lady of the Liu family, Liu Yuerong, refused to leave the capital for life and death, and even tampered with the father-in-law who came to issue the imperial edict.

But in the end, after making a fuss, he was still sent out of the capital.

The emperor's severe punishment of Liu Yong completely shocked the entire court and local officials.

Mrs. Liu, Liu Yuerong, was crowded together with more than a dozen aunts. Liu Yuerong still wanted to act like a young lady to deal with those aunts. Deal with them together and don't listen to them anymore.

And that Liu Yuerong was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, so naturally she couldn't bear this hardship.

When Le Yan was practicing archery, she also heard from Night Breeze that because Liu Yuerong fought with her aunt, more than a dozen aunts attacked her together and was beaten to death.


in the next days.

Le Yan devoted herself even more to her studies, Feng Yunzheng, Ye Feng, Leng Mei, and the master Lian Siyue invited to teach her in turn.

Le Yan is already very smart, and she has learned a lot in the past, but now she can understand a lot.

In this way, without knowing it, three months have passed, and Lian Siyue's abdomen has swelled very high.

During these three months, Le Yan would visit her once a day after studying, but she never left the palace once.

On this day, Lian Siyue sent someone to say that it is important to wear warm clothes and study now, but so is the beautiful scenery right now, so Le Yan took the opportunity to go out and feel the spring.

"Miss, we haven't been out for a long time. The scenery outside is so beautiful today, and the lady should dress up well." Zhuxian looked at Le Yan in the mirror, took out jewelry one by one and compared them on Le Yan's head. Facing it, he finally chose a Bu Yao inlaid with blue gemstones, which was very dazzling.

"Miss is so beautiful, it will look even better with this swing."

Le Yan smiled, took off the bracelet, put it back into the jewelry box, and chose a simple, low-key orchid hairpin to wear, and replaced the table on her wrist with the simplest jadeite bracelet.

The face in the mirror is so clear and beautiful, with fair skin, red lips without paint, no trace of makeup on the face, but clear facial features.

Zhuxian understood, and said, "It turns out that Miss still doesn't want to be too ostentatious, but she still can't stand up to Miss's beauty."

"You, what a coincidence to open your mouth, it makes me happy every day." Le Yan got up and said.

"The servants are telling the truth, not just to make the young lady happy."

(End of this chapter)

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