Chapter 1667
Chapter 1667
At the beginning of March, the sun was shining brightly, and the grass grew and warblers flew.

At this time, for as long as half a month, literati, young men and women, without any scruples, can go out in the largest garden in the east of the capital to look for willows, enjoy flowers and mountains, and listen to the sound of birds. , Smell the fragrance of flowers.There are also activities such as releasing paper kites, playing swings, playing cuju, and singing water cups, which are very pleasant.

In the past, as a royal princess, Le Yan'er had many rules and was very cautious, and she never came for an outing.

When I came here today, I was very happy to see such a lively scene.

The master and servant, Zhuxian and Zhuxian, walked and watched in the garden curiously, and stopped when they came across interesting activities, and stepped forward to participate.

At first, Zhu Xian was a little embarrassed, always hiding behind Le Yan, after playing a few times, she became even more crazy than Le Yan.

The two kept laughing happily.

Le Yan has a pair of almond eyes, looking bright, her lips are dripping, her skin is whiter than snow, she is wearing an emerald green dress, with a moon-white cloud belt around her slender waist, which looks like she is not full, and only one hair sticks in her hair. The orchid hairpin has a beautiful taste.

When walking in the crowd, it attracted a lot of attention.

Because when she came to the capital before, she always stayed in the palace, or followed Lian Siyue, often with her head down, not wanting to attract attention, so few people noticed her.

Being so eye-catching today has attracted a lot of attention, and some people are still speculating: Who is this little girl?She's so pretty, I've never seen it before.

"Miss, a lot of people are looking at you." Zhu Xian whispered while swinging Le Yan.

Le Yan raised her head and looked around, and she saw a few people looking at her, she smiled slightly and said, "How do you know it's me, maybe it's you, Zhuxian?"

"Miss, why are you still making fun of the servant girl?" Zhu Xian blushed.

"Hehe..." Le Yan laughed again.

The bright sunlight fell on her face, like a peach blossom, pink and white.

At this time, a butterfly flew over and landed in her hair, fluttering a pair of wings, making her even more beautiful like a fairy.

"This lady, I don't know her name, is she a girl from the He family?"

At this time, a voice came, Le Yan raised her eyes and saw a young man in a brocade robe standing in front of her, asking.

Le Yan got off the swing, and the butterfly flapped its wings again and flew around her.

"Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, and Wang Dichun entrusted the cuckoo with his heart. This butterfly has been around the lady for a long time and is unwilling to leave. There must be some indissoluble bond with the lady." The young man said, quite intentionally to please Leyan.

"Zhuang Zhou's dream is a butterfly, which is a vivid butterfly; he refers to himself as aspiring to him! I don't know Zhou Ye. Suddenly, I feel that I am a butterfly. I don't know Zhou's dream is a butterfly and a butterfly? The butterfly's dream is Zhou Yu; Du Yu proclaims himself emperor, called Wang The emperor... his face was enlightened, and he decided to build Yulei Mountain to eliminate water damage. The emperor entrusted him with political affairs, and followed the righteousness taught by Yao and Shun Zen, so Zen was located in enlightenment. The people of Shu are sad and the cuckoos and birds are singing.

The two sentences the young master said mean that Zhuang Zhou danced and turned into a butterfly in his sleep, and Emperor Wang put his deep hatred on the cuckoo.And this butterfly will circle around me, but because my maid just got naughty and inserted a peach blossom with sweet nectar in my hair, it's not what the young master said. "Le Yan said calmly, gracefully, well-founded, and well-founded.

On the contrary, the son who came to tease his literary talent was a little speechless.

The young man was a little ashamed immediately, said something about the young lady's literary talents, and hurried away.

Seeing the man's hasty footsteps, Zhu Xian laughed and said, "Miss is so upright, I'm not afraid to frighten the people who want to marry her in the future."·

"People who are easily scared away are not the ones I want to find, and this will save trouble." Le Yan said.

"Who is the lady looking for?" Zhuxian asked.

"Yes..." Who is it?
Le Yan's heart trembled slightly, causing ripples, and the expression on her face gradually calmed down, revealing a faint bitterness.

At this time, at the entrance on the other side of the garden.

As soon as a Mr. Pianpian came in, he attracted the attention of many outing women.

He was wearing a luxurious brocade robe, which made his slender figure even more upright. His handsome features and eyes showed a little arrogance, and he didn't pay attention to those who were looking at him.

"Isn't that Qi Ji's boss?"

"He's actually here too. It's really hard to buy things from his house. Mei Lan, I'll find a chance to make friends with him later, and it will be more convenient for me to buy them later."

"I heard that Qi Ji is just Boss Qi's smallest business, and the newly opened money houses, rice farms, and salt houses in the capital are his real source of wealth."

"It's really admirable to have such business minds and means at such a young age."


Hearing these discussions, Xiaoyuan felt happy, stepped forward and whispered, "It seems that the young master has become a celebrity among the ladies and wives of the capital."

"Who cares? It's not because I want to make friends with my son so that I can buy things." Qi Yan said disapprovingly, but looked around, and after looking, he thought, thinking, didn't you come?
"My lord, you came here on purpose today to find that young lady." Xiaoyuan said.

Qi Yan's face turned cold, he withdrew his gaze, and said seriously, "Which of your eyes saw that I am looking for someone, I just feel that March in this capital is different from Qizhou, and I have been busy with rice farm affairs recently, and I am physically and mentally exhausted , just come out to relax. Don’t think that you know me very well. You can’t guess what I’m thinking.”

"Yes, yes, the little one can't guess, the little one can't guess anything." Xiaoyuan said hastily, but couldn't help but cover the corners of her mouth and chuckle.

"Oh, stand far away, don't stop me from looking at the flowers!" Qi Yan turned around, and Xiao Yuan happened to block him, so he stretched out his hand and brushed Xiao Yuan away with one hand.

At this time, a person happened to catch his eyes: a beautiful and beautiful girl with white skin like snow, was swinging on the swing, and the emerald green skirt was fluttering with the wind, elegant and fairy-like, holding a bunch of peach blossoms in her hand, A butterfly hovered above her head, and she smiled, her face bathed in a faint golden light.

Qi Yan smiled, but immediately covered his smile, put his hands behind his back, walked over there with a serious face.

But just as he was approaching, a son came up to Feng Leyan and talked to her.

Qi Yan stopped in his tracks, and suddenly his expression was unkind, and he said, "Doesn't she know how good-looking Liu Xianer is? Why are you laughing, to attract the attention of others!"

But... Liu Xian'er doesn't seem to smile like this. Liu Xian'er always likes to bow her head and smile with her lips pursed. She is easily shy and blushes.

(End of this chapter)

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