First-class daughter

Chapter 1668 It's Her

Chapter 1668 It's Her
Chapter 1668 It's Her
How could she laugh so unscrupulously like her.

Thinking of this, Qi Yan became even more unhappy.

I haven't seen her for three months, she seems to have changed again, she is completely different from when she was in Jicheng, especially the expression on her face is even more different from Liu Xian'er.

"My lord, look, slow down." Xiaoyuan said regretfully.

Qi Yan gave Xiaoyuan a hard look, Xiaoyuan quickly covered her mouth, and said vaguely, "My lord, I was wrong."

I don't know what the man said to Le Yan, but he left in a hurry, with an embarrassing expression on his face when he left.

"That's about the same." Qi Yan coughed lightly and said.

"My lord, are you going?" Madoka asked.

"No! Master Ben is her creditor. When she sees Master Ben, she will naturally come." Qi Yan said.

"Well, as long as the young master is happy." Xiaoyuan said silently in his heart. Although the young master has not met this Miss Le Yan these days, he often asks him about her affairs, and loses his temper if he doesn't find out.

He who never went out on a trip, but woke up early today, came here in a hurry after breakfast, and looked around as soon as he came, didn't he just want to see Miss Le Yan?
But now he refuses to admit it, he really wants to save face and suffer.


"Here we come, young master!" At this moment, Xiao Yuan saw Le Yan getting off the swing frame and walking towards them, he whispered excitedly.

After hearing this, Qi Yan put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, looked a little arrogant, and pretended not to see Le Yan.

But Le Yan and Zhu Xian walked past him without even looking at Qi Yan, acting as if he was someone they didn't know,
Qi Yan's eyes widened, and he looked at Le Yan's back in disbelief, she actually...

Suddenly, a wave of anger welled up in his heart, he quickened his pace, walked up to Le Yan in a few steps, opened his hands to stop her last year, and looked at her with displeasure.

"Didn't you see me? How dare you ignore me!"

Le Yan looked at him and said, "I saw it."

"Since you saw it, why pretend you didn't see it?" Qi Yan asked.

"Because the person who is acquainted with Mr. Qi is not me, so even though I saw it, I treated it as an ordinary person." Le Yan said.

"You are very good at sophistry." Qi Yan said.

"I'm telling the truth." Le Yan opened her hands, twirling in a circle, and said, "Look, it's all over, safe and sound, not a single hair is missing, are you satisfied?"

Qi Yan glanced at her, saw that her face was particularly rosy and healthy, and said bluntly, "It's not bad."

"That's good, then I'll go first." Le Yan let go, nodded, and prepared to leave with Zhu Xian.

"Stop!" Qi Yan said, "Who allowed you to go?"

Le Yan turned around and said, "Young master Qi also said that he is in good health. Now that I have seen it, I should go. I don't know why the young master still keeps me."

"Keep it... naturally there is a reason to keep it!" Qi Yan said.

"I don't know, what's the reason?" Le Yan asked.

"Not only is the outer skin not yours, but neither is your stomach."

"What..." Le Yan didn't understand this sentence.

"Xiaoyuan." Qi Yan called out expressionlessly.

"Yes, young master, the things are here." Xiaoyuan hastily took the basket in her hand.

"This is..." Le Yan was puzzled.

Xiaoyuan removed the lid of the basket a little bit, exposing a corner inside, and said, "Miss Le Yan, this is a dish that my son personally cooked."

"It's not for you, you understand what it means, come and eat some before leaving." Qi Yan said with a serious face.

"This..." Le Yan rubbed her stomach, and understood Qi Yan's meaning, "I didn't treat my stomach badly, I eat well every day, and eat a lot."

"I didn't see it, I have to witness it with my own eyes," Qi Yan said.

Zhuxian's eyeballs moved back and forth on these two people, what did the young lady and Mr. Qi mean by this, why couldn't she understand it?what yours hers.

"Okay." Le Yan had no choice but to let go.

"Then let's go. I think there are few people over there, so go there." Qi Yan had a cold face, but when he turned around, he breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the other side.

Le Yan paused and followed.

"Miss..." Zhuxian was about to follow, but was held back by someone, looking back, it was Xiaoyuan, and said, "Why are you pulling me, I can't leave our lady."

"Don't worry, my young master is more upright than anyone else, and he will never let your young lady suffer."


"If you are really worried, just stand here and watch from a distance, you don't have to follow around." Xiaoyuan said.

Zhu Xian thought for a while, "What you said makes sense, then I'll just keep an eye on it."

Xiaoyuan rolled her eyes, took out a pair of exquisite earrings from her sleeve, and said, "My son asked me to give these to sister Zhuxian."

Love this earring for its chic shape and exquisite craftsmanship.

However, as soon as Zhu Xian stretched out her hand, she withdrew her hand and said, "No, I can't take Mr. Qi's things without my lady's consent."

"Oh sister Zhuxian, you are such a loyal and protective person, I admire you." In fact, the young master asked her to try this earring to see if she is a greedy and easy-to-buy person. , let her change to a servant girl, if not, reward her.

From this point of view, when the people of Prince Heng's Mansion chose a maid for Miss Le Yan, they put their heart into it.

The son can also rest assured.

Besides, when Qi Yan walked to the quietest pavilion by the river, the two people guarding there saw him, got up from their chairs, and walked to his side.

Qi Yan turned his back to Le Yan, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and told them to leave quickly.

Then he coughed lightly and said, "Come here, someone just left here."

Le Yan looked at the person who left in a hurry, and said, "Didn't you let someone occupy this place? You also said that there are too many people and there is no place."

Qi Yan's ears turned red, but he immediately said seriously, "How could I do such a naive thing, I'm a businessman, and I wouldn't do such a loss-making business."

"Oh, then I was wrong. I seemed to see silver in their hands, and thought it was from you." Le Yan said.

"Of course you are wrong." Qi Yan said, "Come here quickly and sit down."

As he spoke, he brushed the chair with his hand, signaling Le Yan to sit down.

Le Yan walked over, sat at the place he designated, looked up at him, and said, "Okay, I'm done sitting, I'm Zhao Liuxian now."

Qi Yan opened the basket, put the food inside on the table one by one, and brought it in front of her, "Eat all, don't leave any."

(End of this chapter)

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