First-class daughter

Chapter 1669 Exceptions

Chapter 1669 Exceptions
Chapter 1669 Exceptions
Covered by trees, Le Yan is carrying her back, so people outside can't see her eating.

However, when Le Yan saw that there was a toon egg in these dishes, her face froze.

"I prepared these carefully. You eat them for her. These are her favorite dishes." Qi Yan said.

"One, two, three, four, five, six..." Le Yan held back and stretched out her fingers to count, "Six?"

"A lot?" Qi Yan frowned and asked.

"...not much." Le Yan picked up the chopsticks and spoon, began to cover her mouth with her hands, and started to eat, but hesitated, without touching the toon eggs.

Sitting opposite, Qi Yan saw Le Yan eating seriously, his originally displeased expression gradually eased, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

However, after a while, his expression darkened again, and his eyes became a little complicated.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Le Yan raised her head after eating for a while, saw Qi Yan sitting still, and asked thoughtfully.

"I don't eat." He shook his head, saw the untouched toon eggs, and said, "Don't be picky, eat them all well."

Looking at the person in front of him, Liu Xian's body and this person named Le Yan seemed to blend better than before, and he even began to feel that he could no longer see Liu Xian.

"Well, these dishes are delicious, they are all Liu Xian's favorite food before." Le Yan resisted the feeling of dislike, and finally extended her chopsticks to the toon eggs.

The most unacceptable thing for her was the smell of the toon, so much so that when holding the toon, her hands trembled a little, but Qi Yan was immersed in his thoughts and didn't notice it.

As long as she eats toon, she will feel uncomfortable. In the past, after her mother left, Lian Shiya knew her weakness and deliberately forced her to eat toon.

At that time, she couldn't resist, otherwise what awaited her would be even more terrible punishment.

Therefore, every time I eat it as if nothing happened, but every time I finish eating, after an hour or so, I will get sick.

After so many repetitions, she suffered endlessly, but Lian Shiya never got tired of it, and Feng Qianyue didn't know about it, and the rest of the slaves had long been Lian Shiya's people, watching her suffer, no one would say anything .

While eating toon eggs, the most tragic and painful memories came to my mind. The wound that had healed was torn open again, dripping with blood.

If, if she could go back to the past, she would definitely try her best to deal with Lian Shiya, and never be bullied like before!
After eating a few mouthfuls in a row, she felt very dull in her heart, and one of the chopsticks snapped and dropped.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Yan raised his head when he heard the voice, and asked in a daze when he saw her pale face.

"It's nothing, I'm too full, can I stop eating?" Seeing that Qi Yan opened his mouth to speak, she said hastily, "Liu Xian'er definitely can't eat so much, she will have a bloated stomach."

"I didn't force you to finish eating, why did you move Liuxian out?" Qi Yan was inexplicably displeased when she heard her say this.

"That's good, you're not unhappy, that's good." Le Yan's hands trembled slightly in her sleeves, "I'm done eating now, can I go first?"

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" Qi Yan said, "I let you use Liu Xian'er's body for three months, and you only sat for less than half an hour."

"I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent in the palace, I have to go, next time I come again, I will definitely come." Le Yan stood up abruptly, left the pavilion quickly, and accidentally staggered when she went down.

Qi Yan stood up abruptly, but Le Yan had already left in a hurry.

"What's wrong with her? Do you think I'm a scourge?"

"Miss..." Zhu Xian, who was guarding over there, saw Le Yan approaching, left Xiao Yuan behind and walked over.

Le Yan grasped Zhuxian's hand, lowered her voice, and said, "Zhuxian, let's go."

"Yes!" Zhu Xian noticed that Le Yan's hands were shaking violently, thinking that there must be something wrong, but the young lady was in a hurry to leave, so she didn't say much, and walked out of the garden with her support.

The master and servant left in a hurry.

Xiaoyuan looked at their backs in puzzlement, tilted her head and thought for a while, walked to the pavilion, looked at Qi Yan with a displeased face, and asked, "My lord, what's the matter? Miss Leyan left so quickly quick."

"Who knows what's wrong with her, I cooked her delicious food, and it's not poison, so why go so fast?" Qi Yan said.

"My lord, Xiaoyuan wants to ask you a question." Xiaoyuan thought for a while and said.


"The person you love in your heart now, is Miss Liuxian or Miss Leyan?" Xiaoyuan couldn't believe it the first time he heard the young master mention this matter, and asked if Miss Liuxian had lost her memory. Or a head injury, memory loss.

But the son told him that it was the case.

Qi Yan was startled when he heard this.

He never thought about it.

"Perhaps, in the eyes of the young master, the person you see is Miss Liuxian in the past, or Miss Leyan now?" Xiaoyuan asked again.

"Of course it's Liuxian! It's not because of Liuxian, how could I go to so much trouble?" After Qi Yan finished speaking, he left without looking back.

"Really?" Madoka rubbed her head.

"Come soon!" Qi Yan turned around and shouted.

"Hey, here we come." Xiaoyuan quickly followed and ran up.

Besides, Le Yan held Zhuxian's hand so that she didn't fall down, but when she got on the carriage, she fell into the carriage, feeling like she was about to be out of breath.

Zhu Xian hurriedly ordered the carriage to go back to the palace, then squatted beside Le Yan, and asked anxiously, "Miss, miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Go back quickly, I'm not feeling well." Le Yan said tightly while clutching the skirt of her clothes.

"Yes." Zhu Xian quickly reached out and patted Le Yan's back lightly, "Ah, miss, why did you suddenly have so many red rashes on your hands and face, did you get bitten by some insects?"

Le Yan couldn't breathe anymore, her whole body was burning hot.


"Miss, please bear with me, we will be there soon." Zhuxian didn't know what happened, so she could only be by her side to comfort her.

As for Le Yan, she slowly closed her eyes, and tears fell from the slits in her eyes.

That beautiful and gentle woman in a phoenix robe, but turned ferocious when she turned around, like a devil, walked up to the shivering little girl squatting in the corner step by step, and viciously placed a bowl of toon eggs in front of her.

She shook her head vigorously.

"Give it to me to eat. If you dare not eat it, I will order someone to pull out another finger of your mother and chop it into minced meat to make dumplings for you!"

"I eat, I eat..." The poor little girl quickly picked up the toon chicken in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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