Chapter 1670
Chapter 1670
The poor little girl quickly picked up the toon egg in front of her, grabbed it with her hands, stuffed it into her mouth in large chunks, and cried, "Don't treat my mother like this, I will eat it..."

"Hahaha, hahaha... Lian Siyue, you see, not only did I make you look like a human, ghosts like ghosts, but I also tortured your daughter. One breath!"

Listening to what the devil said, the little girl ate and ate, trembling all over.

After finally eating a bowl, the bowl fell to the ground.

The horrible woman turned and left contentedly.

"I eat, I eat..."

Lian Siyue saw Le Yan lying on the bed, her eyes closed tightly, trembling all over, her face pale, and she kept saying "I eat, I eat."

And there were red rashes all over his body.

"Zhuxian, what happened? Go out for a while, how could this happen? She can't eat toon!" Lian Siyue asked, holding Le Yan's hand tightly.

At that time, she always told the dining room that there should be no toon in the house, because Le Yan would get rash after eating it.

However, she didn't know that after she was driven away, Le Yan suffered so much because of the toon.

"Princess, it's not good to be a servant!" Zhuxian quickly knelt down, following what Le Yan told her when she got on the carriage, and couldn't entrust Qi Yan with what she said, "I don't know that Miss Le Yan can't eat toon. Miss accidentally ate the toon."

"Get up, go and see if the medicine is ready." Lian Siyue frowned and said.

"Yes, servant girl is going now." Zhuxian turned around quickly and left.

Lian Siyue looked at Le Yan's appearance and said, "I must have remembered something sad. There were times when I ate Chinese toon by mistake before. It was just that I didn't feel well, and it wouldn't be so uncomfortable."

"I eat, I eat..." Le Yan kept repeating these two sentences.

Lian Siyue hugged her into her arms, comforted her softly, and said, "Le Yan'er, my good daughter, mother is here, you don't have to eat, you don't have to do things you don't like to do, I will protect you, No one can bully you."



Le Yan woke up after a long nightmare, and took medicine for three days in a row, the rash faded a little, but there were still traces.

These days, her studies have temporarily stopped, and she keeps her home behind closed doors.

Occasionally, I would stare out the window in a daze.

"Miss." At this time, Zhu Xian came in with the medicine and said, "It's time to drink the medicine."

"Okay." Le Yan took it obediently and drank it without feeling bitter.

"Miss, since you can't eat toon, why didn't you tell Mr. Qi?" Zhu Xian said distressedly.

There was a faint look on his bland face, and he said, "It's okay, he can't get the person he likes, I'll satisfy him and let him have some memories, he is actually quite pitiful."

Zhuxian looked puzzled, "Miss, why do I sometimes not understand what you say?"

"When I have a chance in the future, I will tell you again, and you will understand." Le Yan said.


"Actually, I also wanted to challenge it. I thought that maybe I could overcome this fear this time, but in the end... it was still a little bit short, which is a pity." Le Yan said with a smile.

But Zhu Xian couldn't help wiping away her tears, "Miss is really stupid, and no one has ever forced you to eat something you don't like, why bother to challenge, I can only say that Miss is too kind."

After hearing this, Le Yan felt desolation in her heart.

Then, she stood up abruptly and said, "No, I'm not strong enough, I haven't been able to completely overcome the previous fear, I have to continue practicing! Zhuxian, change my clothes for me, I don't want to rest, I'm going to find Night Breeze Guard."

"Miss... But, your body..." Zhuxian hesitated.

"It's okay, I'm a body, I know very well, Zhuxian, let me go, then I'll get better faster!" She just wants to take advantage of the current mood to practice and improve herself!
She now understands that it is not enough to strengthen the current self, and even the past self must be strengthened and saved together, so that she can truly become strong!
Only then can she become like a mother.

"Okay, miss, I'll go right away. The malt candy you want is here." Zhuxian put down the malt candy she bought and hurried out.

Le Yan opened the paper bag, took out a stick of malt candy and put it in her mouth.

this day.

Le Yan returned to the training ground.

"Make the past self stronger?" Ye Feng couldn't help but feel a little confused after hearing Le Yan's request.

"Let me come." At this moment, a voice came from behind Le Yan.

She looked was Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Your Highness." Ye Feng saluted and said.

"Go down, my king is here." Feng Yunzheng signaled.

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze took the order.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Le Yan called out.

"If you want to forget the past, then you need someone who understands your past to help you." Standing in front of Le Yan, Feng Yunzheng said.

Le Yan lowered her eyes slightly, and the hand in her sleeve moved.

"Besides, you have to face the past truthfully, all the pains, and face the wounds bravely. I know that there are some things that you can't tell your mother. You can tell Uncle Nine Emperors, and I'll listen to you." Feng Yunzheng saw Le Yan's hesitation.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you know everything, you understand Le Yan'er's feelings so well, thank you." Indeed, she didn't want to let her mother know what she suffered in the end, and let her suffer again .

"Silly boy, let's talk." Feng Yunzheng signaled Le Yan to sit down, "When you choose to face it, it is the beginning of healing."

"Hmm..." Le Yan nodded.

So, she told Feng Yunzheng all about being forced to eat toon in the palace after her mother left and after the death of Jiuhuangshu.

As she spoke, her body trembled slightly, because every description was tinged with blood!

Feng Yunzheng's eyes wet when he heard this.

He reached out and took the boy's hand.


Tears rolled down Le Yan's cheeks, and finally, she finally couldn't help but fell on the shoulder of the emperor's uncle, crying loudly.

From the death of her mother and uncle to the present, she has never cried so loudly, and every time she has too many scruples, she suppresses her emotions.

Crying this time, she cried out all her pain, grievance, and fear.


Feng Yunzheng patted his niece on the shoulder, this child has been suppressed for too long.

In the past period of hard work, Le Yaner actually wanted to squeeze her past self into a dark corner, pretending that that self did not exist anymore.

However, if you don't tear open the wound and face it directly, then the self hiding in the dark corner will one day come out and hurt the current self. No matter how powerful the current self is, he will be hit with one blow. Fall short.

"Cry, Le Yan'er, don't be afraid, tell it all, and then gently say to that self, you have worked hard."

Listening to Feng Yunzheng's words, Le Yan cried even more sadly, but Feng Leyan who was hiding in the dark corner of her heart, Feng Leyan who only dared to squat, seemed to be standing up slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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