Chapter 1671
Chapter 1671
The rash on Le Yan's body has not been completely eliminated, so she still needs to catch the medicine. Zhuxian doesn't use her hands to others, and she is relieved to catch it herself.

When going out from the pharmacy, he happened to meet Madoka.

When Xiaoyuan saw Zhuxian, she hurried forward, looked at the medicine bag in Zhuxian's hand, cupped her hands and said, "Sister Zhuxian, who did you grab the medicine for? Is Miss Leyan sick?"

Seeing Xiaoyuan, Zhuxian remembered the matter of Mr. Qi Yan and Qi letting the lady eat toon eggs, so she sullenly said, "You are too enthusiastic, it has nothing to do with you."

"This..." Xiaoyuan was taken aback when she was told.

Zhuxian ignored him, turned around and left in a hurry.

Xiaoyuan quickly chased after her and asked, "Sister Zhuxian, is it Miss Leyan's medicine?"

But Zhuxian didn't speak any more, she quickened her pace and left.

Xiaoyuan looked at her back, entered the pharmacy after a while, found the shopkeeper and asked, "Shopkeeper, what kind of medicine did that girl grab just now? Do you know who caught it?"

"The medicine caught is to treat the red rash. The rash is caused by eating Chinese toon. As for who caught it, I don't know." The shopkeeper replied.


Xiaoyuan was taken aback, one of the dishes the young master cooked that day was toon eggs,

Is it...


Madoka ran back quickly.

Qi Yan is looking at the account in the study, checking part of the income for this month.

Xiaoyuan hurried in and said, "My lord, you may have made a big mistake!"

Hearing this, Qi Yan frowned, didn't take it seriously, and said, "What big mistake can I make? I just solved a corrupt official for the emperor. It's too late for him to thank me."

"It's not like that, it's...Miss Le Yan." Xiaoyuan said panting heavily,

After hearing this, Qi Yan paused the hand holding the ledger, and asked, "Be clear! What's wrong with her?"

"I just saw Miss Leyan's maid, Zhuxian, at the door of the pharmacy. She was grabbing medicine, but she refused to tell me when I asked. Later, I asked the shopkeeper, and found out that it was for a person who got sick after eating Chinese toon. Xiao It reminds me of the outing that day, the young master brought toon eggs in the dishes, so..."

Qi Yan stood up suddenly, panic flashed in his eyes.

That's right, she ate well that day, but something happened when she was eating the last dish, and she left in a hurry.

At first, she thought he was making some awkward noise, but now it seems that it has something to do with Liu Xian'er's favorite toon eggs that night.

"I also brought the prescription that sister Zhuxian left at the pharmacy, please take a look, my lord." Xiaoyuan took out the prescription.

Qi Yan took it and quickly read it.

Because in Qizhou, the family also opened a medical clinic and a pharmacy, so although he is not a doctor, Qi Yan knows a little about some prescriptions and the effects of medicines.

Judging from the prescription, she is seriously ill!

Qi Yan immediately walked outside the study.

"My lord, where are you going?" Xiaoyuan hurriedly chased up and asked.

"Go to Prince Heng's Mansion!" Qi Yan said.

"But, is it Miss Leyan or Miss Liuxian that you are going to see at Prince Heng's mansion, have you decided?" Xiaoyuan asked.

Hearing these words, Qi Yan stopped suddenly.

"If you're going to see Miss Liuxian, you might as well wait a few days until you're healthy, otherwise Miss Le Yan may be under a lot of pressure; if you're going to see Miss Le Yan, should you apologize or...blame Didn't she take good care of Miss Liuxian's body?" Xiaoyuan said while looking at Qi Yan cautiously.

Qi Yan took a step back slowly.

"So, don't worry, my lord. Prince Heng's residence is still very careful in taking care of you, as you can tell from Zhuxian's cleverness and sincerity." Xiaoyuan comforted Qi Yan.

But, suddenly, Qi Yan clenched his fists and walked out of the study quickly.

Xiaoyuan was taken aback, and hurriedly followed.

Young master, you are in such a hurry to go, who are you going to see, have you thought about it?He couldn't help but sweat for his master.

Qi Yan sat on the carriage, his face was tense all the way, and his fists were gradually clenched.

The scene of Le Yan turning around and running away always appeared in his mind. At that time, she clearly had a bad face.His eyes also looked flustered.

Probably at that time, she was already feeling uncomfortable, and she just left in a hurry because she didn't want to be seen by him.

"Bang!" He raised his hand and slammed his fist down on the carriage.

Madoka who was sitting outside was startled when she heard this voice suddenly.

The young master is angry now, he is still blaming Miss Leyan for hurting Miss Liuxian's body, only Miss Liuxian can make him lose control.

"Hey..." Xiaoyuan shook her head, "It's really a crime, such a thing has never been heard before, but my son has encountered it, what should I do?"

When the carriage arrived at the gate of Prince Heng's Mansion, Qi Yan's face was always tense and never relaxed.

As soon as Xiaoyuan said, "My lord, we're here."

He immediately jumped out of the carriage and waited for a while after notifying the guard at the gate, but the guard said to him: "Young Master Qi, Miss said that it is inconvenient to see guests today, so please come down and wait for me when you are free." I will fulfill my promise to see you."

It turned out that when she was leaving, she said that she would let him see "Liu Xian" some time later, and she thought he was here today to ask her to fulfill his promise.

"Go and tell her again, just say that I didn't come for that matter, my son..."

With a "squeak", the door opened again.

Qi Yan hurriedly stepped forward, but the person he saw was Zhu Xian.

She bowed to Qi Yan and said, "Young Master Qi, my lady was worried that the guards would not perform well, so she specially sent her slaves to speak to you."

"What did she ask you to say?" Qi Yan asked tightly.

"Miss said that she will take good care of her body, will not touch the fur, and will definitely keep a complete self. Next time Mr. Qi meets, keep it well. She tells you not to worry, she will not break her promise. "Zhuxian said.

She still thought he was here to inspect the body.

"My lord, please go back." Zhuxian turned and walked in, signaling the guard to close the door.

And Qi Yan stood where he was, with a sour feeling in his heart.

"My lord, Miss Le Yan said she's fine, let's go back first and think of a solution in the afternoon." Seeing Qi Yan like this, Xiaoyuan stepped forward to comfort her.

Qi Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked back at the stone lion at the gate of Prince Heng's mansion, and said, "I won't go."

"Don't go?" Xiaoyuan looked around, but Prince Heng's mansion was heavily guarded, how could the young master get in.

Le Yan and Feng Yunzheng talked for a long time, all about the so-called inhuman torture in the last days, Feng Leyan, who was so scared and timid at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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