First-class daughter

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Chapter 1672 Back
"Uncle Nine Emperors, this is a secret between you and me. Only the two of us know it. I never want my mother to know." Le Yan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said.

"Uncle Jiuhuang understands that he will keep the secret for you. Uncle Huang will cherish Le Yaner who has been hurt." Feng Yunzheng looked into her eyes and said, "But, Le Yaner, in fact In the past, you were not cowardly at all, you did a good job."

Le Yan looked slightly surprised.

That was the self she was least willing to look back on, so cowardly, so timid, bullied by Lian Shiya without the strength to resist, how could she do well?

"Do you know what it means to be very good? If you try your best in everything, you have done a good job. At that time, in order to protect your mother, you risked yourself and ate bowl after bowl of toon eggs desperately. Go to see your mother, you go to beg Feng Qianyue, you knelt for three days and three nights, at that time, you were just a child, even an adult may not be able to do you so well. So, Le Yaner , let yourself go, you have tried your best, the emperor's uncle and your mother did not protect you, it is our fault, not your fault, you have nothing wrong, you have done better than anyone else." Feng Yunzheng Holding Le Yan'er's thin shoulders with both hands, he said.

A smile slowly appeared on Le Yan's face.

Yes, she not only has to face her past self, but also accept her past self.

She seemed to see it.

Le Yan, who became strong and brave, returned to that dark and cold palace again.

She walked in the cold palace, because the empress lost power and the noble concubine rose up, the whole palace was panicked. In order to protect themselves, everyone turned to show favor to the noble concubine.

No matter what the atmosphere in the palace is, the imperial concubine is immersed in the joy of being soon to be the empress. She is ordering the servants to clear out all the things related to the empress from the palace, and not keep a single thing.

As for that Feng Leyan... There was a sneer on the corner of her lips.

"That little bitch is her most important thing. If she just throws it out like this? Wouldn't it be cheaper for her?"

A look of malice flashed in her eyes, and she ordered, "Order the imperial dining room to make a bowl of toon scrambled eggs. As an aunt, I should care about our eldest princess."

When Le Yan heard this, she turned around abruptly, and quickly ran to that dark corner.

From a distance, she saw the imperial concubine standing in front of the child, and beside her were two vicious nuns, who were putting a bowl of scrambled eggs with Chinese toon in front of her.

"Eat it, otherwise, next time you will see not only your mother's fingers, but also her ears, eyeballs, and toes..."

"I'll eat, I'll eat, I'll eat them all..." The child trembling, picked up the bowl of toon eggs, grabbed them with his hands, stuffed them into his mouth, and cried while eating.

"Eat quickly!" The imperial concubine said viciously.

So, she put the bowl on the ground, grabbed it with both hands, and stuffed it into her mouth desperately, until there was nothing left, the imperial concubine left contentedly.

But this child shrank in the corner, patting his chest vigorously, patting down the egg that he couldn't swallow.

Le Yan stood in front of her, big tears rolling down her cheeks.

She squatted down and opened her hands to the person in front of her.

The child raised his head and saw the person in front of him, startled slightly, with tears in his eyes, and said, "I am you, Le Yan, come here, we are together, don't be afraid."

The child stared blankly, and raised his hand hesitantly.

"Le Yan, you are fine, let's be together, forever, never separate." She held her hand.

Le Yan nodded, a little smile appeared on her miserable face, and she also held her hand.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you, let's face it together." Le Yan hugged her into her arms.

The two people gradually overlapped and became one person.

Le Yan, who was huddled in the corner, slowly stood up. She looked at the bowl at her feet, with a faint smile on her face, then turned around and walked outside the hall. The one in front looked very dark, and she could see everything not see.

But she knew that if she walked forward for a while, she would see the light.

So, don't look back, don't be afraid, keep going!

She walked to the entrance of the palace. This heavy palace door had been closed for a long time, and she never pushed it open once, because she was afraid that once she left here, she would not even hear news from her mother.

She raised her hand and pressed both hands on the door. With a creak, the palace door opened.

Outside, a bright light finally shone over and landed on her body.

"Le Yan'er..."

Someone called her.

She looked up.

It was Mother and Uncle Nine Emperors, standing side by side, looking at her with a smile, so warm and happy.

"Mother, Uncle Nine Emperors, are you here?" She raised her head and asked happily.

"Yes, Le Yan'er, we're here to pick you up." Mother and Uncle Nine Emperors stretched out their hands to her.

However, she hesitated for a moment, looked back at the cold palace, and said, "But, what should they do? Let's just forget it? They didn't pay any price."

"They will pay a heavy price." Lian Siyue said firmly.

"Yes, two people who have their own ghosts, always have to be suspicious and suspicious of each other, Feng Qianyue has never really loved Lian Shiya, he just found a substitute to do those dirty things for him, and so on Once these things are over, Lian Shiya's ending will not be better than your mother's. And Feng Qianyue, he won the throne, but lost all his love and trust. He is a lonely family after all. And your mother and I , we have each other, we still have you, we get more." Feng Yunzheng said.

"I understand, I understand everything." Le Yan felt relieved all of a sudden.

"Let's go, Le Yan..." Lian Siyue came over and took Le Yan's hand.

"Okay." Le Yan nodded, held hands with her mother, and left here with Uncle Nine Emperors.

From then on, everything here stays here.

It has nothing to do with her.



Le Yan stood in front of Feng Yunzheng, with a smile on her tear-dropped face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there, it's not important anymore, it's not important at all. I'll take the past and return to the present. I like the present."

"Le Yan' are welcome." Feng Yunzheng knew from her expression that she finally saved herself.

"Miss, miss..." Over there, Zhu Xian hurried over, seeing Feng Yunzheng, she hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Highness."

"Alright, Uncle Huang is leaving first." Feng Yunzheng said.

After Feng Yunzheng left, Zhu Xian told Le Yan that Young Master Qi had arrived and was at the gate of the palace, Le Yan paused, and told Zhu Xian, "I don't want to see you, go and tell her."

(End of this chapter)

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